
Journal Nineteen

Thank Theus I'm better than I think I am.

Not that I haven't been pursued before, because I had, but this was a rare time that I was being pursued by others with the same talent that I have. I needed a friend, and I needed one fast. Whether bought or not, I needed one.

There were several times that I thought that it was over just to slip away from them.

The question of the compasses burned in my mind for some reason. I should have just forgotten about those and the rest of them. For all the good that they had done me so far.

I found a friend, however, a short term arrangement, I was hoping, whether I would leave treacherous Vodacce or possibly rejoin my peers, I needed him for the moment.

Finding him was difficult, and resulted in much of the close calls that I mentioned before.

My friend was a former thief of the guild, but long removed from it. His ambitions were to have another guild under his leadership replace the current one. His name was Renauld, or that was the name that he gave me, and for the moment he was going to help me. Just for spite's sake as far as I could imagine.

He helped me find out that it was one of the Calagari's that had stolen the compasses from Enrique's pack, exactly as I thought, just as they were leaving the university.

The dinner I imagine, was just to clean us up. To make sure that there was nobody else that knew about the compasses, and if they did, removed them. An efficient set up. Had Villanova not intervened, we all would have been dead.

Again, saved by villains, how lucky can they be?

I have no idea what made me go back to them. Did I have something to prove?

That must have been it.

I knew that they were leaving in the morning so I went to the inn, discovering that I had just missed them. Or most of them.

Lia remained behind, an Explorer helping her with her things.

I asked her where they were and why she was staying behind.

She told me that they were just getting a few supplies and that they would be leaving Dionna shortly.

As for why she was staying behind.

The answer sort of shocked me.

They had carried out Villanova's request. They murdered the men sent to accost them. As the others watched, Volker and Reynaldo executed those men.

They were given no time to explain or identify themselves.

They were dead. My heart was heavy then, I hadn't found heroes, I had found men.

Part of me didn't care, the part that had survived on the streets for so long. So they had murdered three men, they weren't given much choice were they?

They didn't have a choice.

They didn't�

Did they?

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