
Journal Twenty

But the other part of me, the smaller part, knew that they had done a great wrong. And I know what part it was, the decent part still secreted away from the rest of me. Inspired by the lessons of my tutor so many years ago. The part that still cringes at the thought of what I've had to become to survive.

I wished Lia well, comforted that the Explorers were taking care of her.

Of course there was the inevitable thought of how they could be so high and mighty with me the same night when they themselves had committed an equal if not greater wrong than I.

But what other choice did they have?

If they hadn't done as Villanova had said, a lot of innocent people would have died. What could they have done? Taken on Villanova himself, for the fate of three men, far from innocent? I think not. They would have been dead if they would have tried it. But I can't help but think that those men were given no choice but to die, if their judgement had been as swift as mine had been. And I'm sure it was�

And the hardest part about it, I imagined, was that for a simple twist of fate, that could have been any three of my associates.

There is no true justice in Theah, I've said it before.

Let Theus judge them, I haven't the ability.

I just wish they knew that they didn't either.

I also I wished that they could have believed me, but�

Why should they?

Why should they have believed a thief?

At any rate, I would tell them what I had found out the night before. But I couldn't help but wonder why they would believe me anymore than they had before�

Still I felt I had to at least tell them what I knew.

I got them as they were about to leave.

And I indeed told them.

For a reason beyond me, they believed me and took me once again into their confidence.

But there was no apology for the night before.

All I could do was remember it. As far as it went.

They told me that they were looking for an Explorer, the man that they had originally got the compasses from. One Reginald Colesun.

He was lost in Vodacce swamplands, and they were going to try to find him and his party of Explorers.

Given what I had told them about the compasses, they thought that this Colesun had run afoul of one of the Vodacce princes.

They were given directions as to his last location, and we immediately set off.

Seemingly everything forgiven, but not forgotten.

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