
Journal Nine

When we arrived on Castillian soil, a bit exhausted and completely sodden, we caught to the main road and a few wagons heading into the main city. The simple folk raised an eyebrow or two at our condition, but the river wasn't able to diminish the value of a few gold pieces. Despite the actions of the day, the Eisen was doing well, sleeping blissfully, however unimaginably. The road wasn't too poor, but the wagons were simple, and the ride, although appreciated, wasn't completely smooth.

I was tired.

The past few days had been stressful, and I was trying to be mindful of the situation. Everyone else, had a mind to question me on this and that. I kept the answers vague, but the Avalon, the one with the red hair, William, had an unwholesome look when he looked at me, nearly threatening.

Although the man had saved me from the river, I hardly felt that I should tell him anything that I wasn't really willing to tell the others. He spoke neither Eisen, Vodacce, or even my out of practice Castillian. But he used the Vodacce swordsman as a mouthpiece, who also was curious about me and my business, but was only pressing because the Avalon was doing so.

But it was clear that I could keep little of my business my own, and I finally gave way and showed him a bit of my talent with my hands.

I meant to surprise him, but in the end he surprised me.

I could think of few excuses why it happened�

Perhaps my hands were too cold, perhaps I wasn't concentrating�

But now I think that he was plain lucky�

And my own luck had abandoned me for the moment.

He had a good laugh at my dismay, and for the moment he was pleased with what he had gotten from me.

I suppose it was a bit of a relief to tell them, but as you'll find out later, it didn't help me later on.

We arrived in Vaticine City without incident. And my compatriots had business with the university, concerning a curious bundle that had been stowed away that I hadn't noticed before. They gave me a cursory glance before they went on with their business.

Seemingly recovered, Volker and the other Avalon, Patrik, went to find something about a ship. The Errant Adventure, or something along those lines. The others were going to join them there. I, too, I supposed, although I was leery of another damnable Castillian ship.

The Vodacce asked I had business in the city, and glancing at his sword, I realized I had an opportunity to try to answer a question of my past.

Was Andre de la Garza, my good teacher, dead from the events so long ago? Or had he survived somehow?

I had really didn't think him alive, but I had to try.

He had been a swordsman, like DeRicci and Sabine, so he had to check in with the swordsman guilds every once and awhile. Perhaps he had returned to his native Castille.

It didn't hurt to ask, and for a bit, a wild hope was set loose�

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