Valliere, Journal Entry 7

Aboard War Eagle:

Curse the luck! I boarded a ship in Manche headed for Ussura and who else should board but the captain of the Musketeers, du Chevalier! He and over 30 musketeers and men at arms!

I arrived in Manche to the hustle and bustle of a busy dock. More so than usual it seemed. It did not take to long to discover that my friends were not able to delay their leaving and slipped out even though a sailing ban had been placed on the port. The sailing ban was now lifted and so all the ships were busy trying to make up for lost time.

This was when I booked passage on the War Eagle to follow. By now I was tired of a servant's life and so booked a cabin for Laurent and myself.

We hoped to get underway soon but it was then that Du Chevalier and his men commandeered the ship. Curses! I have decided that to avoid suspicion I will fall back upon my roots and make myself out to be the fop I was trained to be.

Last night I dined at the Captain's table Du Chevalier was also a guest. He spoke of unsavory characters that he was chasing. He has taken this beyond a simple mission. It is now his quest. It has become personal for him and that is a dangerous thing. He makes war now. Though I am sure it I will regret what I am about to do for years to come I cannot allow him to use this ships powerful weaponry on my friends. I have no doubt that he will if given the chance. I am convinced that he wants my friends (and me for that matter) not just captured but dead. When that becomes the case the situation becomes war and if Du Chevalier wants war then Valliere will give him war.

I have procured a small amount of gunpowder with which I have constructed a small bomb. When the time is right I will drop it down the hole which connects the ships wheel to the rudder. This will be in a small room that should be right behind the powder store. At the least this should disable their ability to control the ship. At the most, well...again it is behind the powder store!

Journal Entry 8

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