Miriam response to Valliere letter

A note (in flowing, delicate script) left on the nightstand in Valliere's room:

My dearest gentleman of Montaigne,

I would like to once again welcome you to my humble house and thank you for your kind words regarding my establishment and myself.

As my excellent servants are a reclusive lot and do not receive outside help willingly, I must regretfully decline your offer of Jacque's assistance in my establishment. I shall address your request, however, in the following manner: I shall transfer yourself and the worthy Jacque to a suite on the third floor. You will find that the Lofty Nobleman will be to your liking and shall fulfill your needs wonderfully.

I shall instruct the household servants to avoid your rooms and allow your manservant to clean them, launder your clothes, serve any meals you may take in your rooms, and perform all the various and sundry duties that his to perform. While he is out and about within the house, I shall be sure to drop him a kind bit of advice as well as any little task I can safely assign him without attracting the attention and ire of the household help. As a man of your standing no doubt knows, an angry house staff finds its own ways to even the score with the master of the house...

As to his sup, I shall personally see that he fills his plate and his stomach until he is nigh on to bursting. This shall be the simplest task to perform as he does this well enough of his own accord! This I shall do at no extra cost to you as I delight in anyone who enjoys our food so immensely (and noisily I might add). Besides, he is no more than a boy and boys need food, and lots of it, to ensure a healthy and happy attitude and work ethic. A man with a full stomach is a happy, productive man as the saying goes, I believe.

In closing, I am delighted that you made this request of me in spite of the fact that I could not grant it to the fullest. I am sure you understand my reasons and beg your forgiveness in this matter. I hope that you and your friends continue to enjoy my hospitality. On the melancholy day of your departure, I hope you shall all leave with the knowledge that you will always have a place at my hearth.

Your humble servant and friend,

Miriam Keendren

Proprietress, The Fey Queen's Rest

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