Volker Journal, Entry Three

The nightmares that plague me do not seem to affect me as much. I think I may be going mad.

I do not give pretence of knowing what they mean or why I have them. All I know is that night after night I wake up in a cold sweat, or near screaming. Always the same thing happens. Helen and father are there to berate me. I may not know their origin, but what I do know is that I will someday be rid of them. I will discover why the two people who in life loved me without condition plague me.

The men and women I travel with now, for the most part, are good people. Finally the damned Castillian peacock swordsmaster is gone. He was taken to Avalon as a captured spy. Although I did not care for this Sir Winters, I disliked the Castillian immensely. I was polite to him for only two reasons: Enrique respected him (maybe even liked him), and he was a swordsmaster. I was not raised to be a fool.

Now we travel to Vodacce, the homeland of Reynaldo and Sabine. Sabine, do I lop your head off like I did that Montaigne madman on the Isle de Bete? Or would a dagger to your throat in your sleep be better suited? A child with too much money can be a dangerous thing.

Who in their right mind sent this girl to an academy? And why is it that I tolerate her so? She needs to be bent over a knee and disciplined. Her tongue is quick as her sword. It is a pity that her wits aren't. But I loose my thoughts. We are traveling to Vodacce to find a map.

This map will supposedly lead us to Coleson. He is definitely a friend, and by Theus we will find him alive or legions ranks will be filled by the men I slay to avenge his demise.

Volker Reinhoff

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