A Volker Story

He stands alone at dusk. Not a huge man. But with a stature of a warrior. His face worn beyond it's years by greif and hardship. For once in a very long while he wears no armor. Carries no sword. His left hand pale from the countless hours it has spent in his Panzerhand. He holds the ring tied on the leather band around his neck. And he ponders the events that have transpired.

'So. This is it. This is the place where destiny comes to us. Well except Reynaldo. He seems to have several. He and William no fight to elude an army of Shea. While Enrique, Talon, Sabine, and Patrick, as beat up as he is, and I stay to kill a giant. Maybe at last I can make up for my misdeeds. Bring honor back to the Rienhoff family name. Even if I am the last. Bah! The children of Eisen will know our tales! Helen, father I know I am a disapointment. A failure. But I swear now upon your graves, I will have my honor back. Be damned if u haunt me tonight! On the morow I take what nobility flows through our blood, and I go to battle.

He pulls the ring from around his neck. Holding it up in a clenched fist at arms length. He pounds his fist off of his chest, lets out a quick bellow. He retires to his makeshift bunk. Lays down and quickly falls into a deep dreamless sleep. Something he feared he'd never enjoy again.

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