From: Robert Gonzalez (a.k.a. Valliere)

William McCormick: "Life on the Lamb" (he IS a High Marches man, after all…)

Since Freeman won't work on his Journal I guess the rest of us have to take up the slack for him. (YET AGAIN!) Here is the first installment. Everyone feel free to participate. These go on the web page as is unless Dan actually decides to write his own.

(TO BE FAIR: Freeman has written several entries now but this is just too funny not to include it on these pages...

Landlubbers, My name is McCormick (a.k.a. Salty Spice) and this is me story. I have decided to right down every gory detail lest after my deathunfounded tales of my heroism run rampant.

I lived a coddled youth, pampered and protected like the best of Montaigne nobility that we all admire so but then circumstances intervened and I walked away from all that. Okay, okay, the peasants caught me with the sheep again and my embarrassed father had to send me away.

There are you happy?

I served some time aboard a ship. But then I managed to get my entire crew killed by some Montaigne. (not that I would ever admit that of course) and so I fled and found myself alone and penniless upon a Montaigne shore. Ah if anyone could help I knew that it would be the noble and generous Montaigne people.

As I was walking along the street I was approached by some sea men who tried to offer me a job. But I'd had enough of the sea and besides would probably only manage to get another ship full of crew mates killed. So I kindly declined their offer. I admit I have a foul mouth and I guess they took offense at the words I used in declining and so they began to beat me for it. I deserved it I know. They were only trying to give me work and help me get back on my feet and instead I was rude to them.

Anyway they probably would have left me bruised and battered were it not for that an innocent Vodacce gentleman happened to be walking by. Not knowing what the scuffle was about but only seeing that i was the underdog he came to my aid. Poor unfortunate soul. Had he known then what he knows know he would have left me to my fate. But no, he is Vodacce and an honorable sort. Only slightly less so than the Montaigne and so came to my aid. He fended off some by stabbing them in the foot and I knocked a few others cold. The rest ran off.

Well, mama didn't raise no fool. Here I saw a chance to start my life over. No more working for me. I was good with my fists and all I had to do was knock people over like this and I could take their money. I had forgotten the Vodacce helped a bit for in my greed all I saw was plunder.

Egads, but the fellow must have been in a state of shock when he realized he'd helped the wrong side. But no sooner had I begun my new life of crime when the ever efficient Montaigne guards rounded the corner and caught me looting the pockets.

"Stop Thief" they cried! I must admit I rather liked the sound of that. but this was no time for reverie this was a time to run. Poor Vodacce, he was innocent and trusting and before we could even speak a handful of words to each other I had already doomed him to the life of chaos and fear that is my lot.

More to come...

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