Prejournal, continued:

The crew of the "Errant Venture" snapped to and took their positions with a precision that would have made their Captain swell with pride were it not for the scene that occupied him so completely. In the few short months that William had known the newest member of their patchwork band, he would freely admit that his feelings for the Vodacce swordswoman, Sabine, had been mixed at the best of times. He would have called her many things; Fiery, prideful, strong, and ultimately unfathomable.... But never until this fateful night had the image of "vulnerable" ever been even remotely associated with the woman. Despite that, the shattered figure before him was undeniably the same woman. As she looked up at him with her tear-streaked face, his heart skipped and he knew the word that even now she uttered with wrenching sorrow.

"Fellhand...", she sobbed.

Journal Entry Two

Far from the tumultuous scene on deck, the forgotten journal rested peacefully where it had last fallen. At first, the only sound in the empty cabin was the gentle lapping of seawater on the weathered wood of the hull drifting through the cracked porthole.

Slowly, an eldritch wind began to rustle its blood stained pages. The souls on deck had no idea just how powerful an effect that uttering such an accursed name could have. Especially when coupled with the Glamour Majik that permeated the very essence of the Triple Isles.

This was the magic of legends.

And a very powerful legend was in the works aboard the ship. It touched everyone and everything as it was drawn like a moth to flame towards the simple ledger that sat unguarded. The rustling grew louder and suddenly, unexpectedly, the pages moved...

Journal Entry Three

Return to Uncommon Valor



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