William's Letter to du Chevalier

Captain Charles du Chevalier,

I feel it is my duty as a gentleman to inform you of a slight change in our merry chase. There is a new player in both of our midst. Last night as we sought to rescue our friends from your very capable grasp, we had the misfortune to stumble across a madman in the dungeons.

The man, whom my Vodacce friend refers to simple as Fellhand, ripped through the Eisen guardsmen, killing them without apparent effort or remorse. I do not claim to be much of a churchman, Captain, but I saw Legion in his eyes; I swear it!

He killed one of my countrymen that night as well and I have sworn to destroy him. I write you to warn you of this monster. He seems tied to Reynaldo, the Vodacce, somehow and is willing to slay anyone who interferes with his plot; your men or my friends. Watch yourself.

From what Enrique has told me, you know a part of our mission. You must realize that the lives of 100,000 of your countrymen, many of them heroes, are forfeit if we do not succeed in reaching Montegue in Ussura.

You serve your emperor and we server justice. Both sides are willing to die to see this through, that much I have gathered from my short time in your hospitality. I pray, however, that no one else be hurt for our pride.

Good luck Captain. (In a manner of speaking of course…)

William McCormick

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