William's Story: William Steps Out

“You have that wistful look on your face again.”

William looked up from the rocking chair where he was rocking slowly to and fro, a small bundle held lovingly in his large arms.

“I’m sorry my love?” he asked, eyes moving from the fire to Miriam and finally to the small sleeping form of his daughter.

“You heard me well enough William. You had that wistful look in your eyes again. And don’t tell me that you are just thinking lovingly of us and our daughter. That is all well and good and I know you love us but that look is a different look. Don’t try to hide the glances that you steal towards that sword of yours propped in the corner.”

Miriam came around behind her husband and placed her hands on his shoulders. She stopped his tell-tale rocking and rubbed his shoulders lightly as she spoke.

“This tower of ours is comfortable enough thanks to your hard work and some help from my friends. The sheep are all fat and healthy. The land is in good order. Your daughter and myself and as well and content as we can be. Why don’t you take a trip down to Carleon to see how the boys are making out?”

William looked up, craning his neck to see his wife better. “Now why would I want to do that? If they are having troubles they will contact me. Otherwise I am content to stay here and do my husbandly duties. Or are you tired of me already?” He smirked up at her and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Unnaturally beautiful. It seemed that he would never get used to that. He face shined in the firelight like a lake at sunrise. Clear and awe-inspiring.

She smacked him lightly on the head and moved over to the fire, stoking it with an old iron poker they had found in the fireplace when they took possession of the place.

“William. Do not try to fool me. Sometimes you forget whom you are married to, I think. You have done your duties for awhile. Go find your friends and see what kind of trouble they have gotten themselves into. Me and little Billie there will be fine. The ‘servants’ will do a good enough job of helping me take care of the little bairn. And they will see to your precious sheep as well.”

The babe in his arms moved slightly, snuggling in; she made a small sound and snuggled in closer and fell back into a deep slumber. Her small breathing sounds were occasionally punctuated but a small pop or crackle from the fire. William looked down at her lovingly and couldn’t help but move the coverlet aside slightly so that he could gaze at her small face in its entirety.

“She is the most beautiful child…”

“William… Please stop doing this to yourself… and to us. Go to see your friends. Send them my love. This isn’t a request, it is a lovingly given command.” She stood before him now, between him and the fire. She seemed to tower above him. Though her body was eclipsed by the fire, he could still see her eyes. They were lit by a fire of their own. Not blazing as bright as he had seen before but he knew that she was having ‘none of it’.

“Well I suppose I could go away for a couple of days... Once I get things organized around here. I suspect that I could leave in a week or two.”

“You leave tomorrow. I have your things packed already.” Miriam gently took Billie from his arms and they exchanged places, he standing before the fire and she taking the rocking chair.

He leaned over and kissed her on the head, one hand placed gently on the side of his daughter’s tiny head. “I will do as you command my Queen.” He stood up and bowed deeply.

Miriam laughed. “Always the charmer! I see that hanging around Queen Elaine’s court has refined your manners to a satisfactory degree.” She took his hand lightly as she rocked back and forth.

William sighed deeply. “I trust you to see that everything is handled well in the house. Your servants do a good job of that. But as far as the outlying lands and the sheep that graze it I would feel better if you would call Ned up from the village. He knows these lands better than I and the sheep need a more gentle hand than these goblins of yours. The sheep are nervous around them…”

“They would do well enough and you know it. Probably better than Old Ned who is half blind and arthritic. But it will be as you wish. In fact it already is. I sent word to the village yesterday; Ned will be here before you are even up in the morning, I am sure.”

William looked at his wife with a wonder he never seemed to get over. “You constantly amaze me, my wife.”

She smiled and then cocked her head as if listening to something that he couldn’t hear. “William?”

“Yes my Queen?”

“I have told you before. Don’t call them “goblins”… They don’t particularly like that term…” Her face was serious as she looked at him. “And just because you are an old married man doesn’t mean that you should go unarmed. Be sure to take your sword. You may find use for it. I have a feeling…”

“Yes dear; I will take my sword. And I won’t call the servants goblins.” He looked around nervously and shuddered remembering the last time he had made that mistake. “Any other advice for your adventurous husband?” he asked, swaggering slightly and placing his thumbs in his belt.

Her serious look turned back into a slight smile. “In fact I do. Visit my sister the Queen and give her my love. But stay away from the Queen’s Ladies, you hear me? No matter what Reynaldo and Enrique may be up to… Remember that you are a married man now!” She gave him a stern look but humor showed just underneath that expression. She wasn’t worried about his loyalty to her.

“I will do what I can milady… However, if I am attacked and overcome, what can I do?” He leapt out of the way of the kick she directed to him.


Having said his goodbyes, William set off early in the foggy morning. He had a long journey ahead of him and much on his mind. He was worried about leaving his family behind but knew that Miriam could take care of herself and their child.

The sun broke through the fog and shined on the muddy track before him. Suddenly his spirits lifted at the thought of seeing his friends and he quickened his pace. Having jogged part of the way, he broke into a carefree run, just to stretch his muscles. Soon he was sprinting down the path as if Legion himself was chasing him.

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