William Story 1

The crisp sea air blended with the metallic tang of blood and sweat as the battered prisoners were thrust out of the dank hold and onto the frigate's freshly scrubbed deck. The naval vessel, one of countless that now buzzed in and around the Montaigne port, bore the scars of a battle the likes of which a simple deck swabbing couldn't erase. As William McCormick was shoved into line along with the other bruised and beaten Sea Dogs, he cracked a pained smile at the carnage that his out numbered and outgunned crew had caused in their final stand. The "Emerald Daughter" had given as good as she had got with this ponderous warship. In the end, all that was left of her was the unbroken pride of her remaining crew. Even that was in doubt as William began to overhear the barking orders of the Montaigne captain.

"By the order of the Sun King, his most benevolent Emperor of Glorious Montaigne, all those that would prey upon the lawful merchants of Le' Emperor's Royal Navy will be put to death. Let this be a lesson to those that would defy his Grace's Will." the Captain paused for the briefest instant to roll his gaze across the assembled Avalon privateers, "May Theus have pity on your souls, gentlemen..."

William grinned the grin of a man who knew he was about to die. He chuckled quietly to himself as he thought of the Captain's last statement. Theus would not likely have anything to do with a soul like his. His faraway stare hardened and his lips turned into an offbeat smirk. The other Sea Dogs had seen that look many times in William's last few years of service on the open sea. They knew what was about to happen, and to the man they tensed in anticipation. One last scrap for the memory of the "Emerald Daughter". One last fight for their beloved Queen....

With a deafening roar, William leapt forward at the assembled Montaigne marines. As one, the crew of the "Emerald Daughter" followed him. The soldiers fell back in confusion, foolishly waiting a split second longer for the order that would wipe the Sea Dogs off of the ship. Avalonian blood tasted salty air as the startled officer finally collected himself enough to stammer, "FIRE!" A dozen Sea Dogs fell as lead fire swept through their depleted numbers. As if guided by divine force, William lumbered through the smoke and shot to come face to face with the unfortunate officer. In a single motion, the officer's two pistols were ripped from his belt and one was discharged into the man's belly. At this deadly range, the ball caught another soldier in the gut as it exploded out the officer's back in a shower of red mist and gore.

Their muskets spent, most of the Montaigne soldiers fell back as far as the cramped deck would allow. The others... were not as lucky. In seconds, the handful of remaining Sea Dogs stood shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the frigate's main deck. All around them the wary Montaigne marines circled in an ever-shrinking grasp of drawn steel. Armed with the fallen men's weapons, the crew of the "Emerald Daughter" made ready for their final stand. For a brief instant through the haze of smoke, William made out the Montaigne captain and decided on his last target. The strange smirk lit itself across his face as William bellowed, "For the Queen and Avalon!" He rushed the line as one soldier was foolish enough to step forward and meet the crazed Highmarchman. The second pistol discharged its deadly gift into the poor man's face, jerking him roughly off his feet. As the soldier's lifeless fingers released their grip on his sword, William snatched it deftly out of the air. Without pausing he buried it to the hilt in the belly of another marine. Twisting the blade at the last moment, it snapped off close to the hilt. He tore the jagged metal across the throat of a third marine as it slipped from his hands, now wet with blood.

Like a man possessed, William stalked across the carnage towards the captain. Any marine foolish enough to cross his path paid in blood as the Sea Dog danced death down the deck. McCormick did not go without paying a price as well, as the stinging pain of a dozen or more saber slashes covered the man from head to toe. One such sword now rested in William's steely grasp and a pistol was tucked snugly in his belt.

As he stood before the deathly calm Montaigne Captain, William had a brief moment to survey his surroundings. The fighting had stopped. The only movement was that of the score of Montaigne marines left standing, as even now they began to hastily reload their muskets. This was how it ended then, mused William. Either at the hands of a man either foolish enough.... No, confidant enough, to face me or at the hands of the hastily forming line of muskets.

Not today, whispered some small voice in the back of his mind. In a sudden flurry of motion, the battered, bloody Sea Dog turned and sprinted for the railing. He leapt as a half dozen of the soldiers let loose with hastily aimed fire. Not today

Well folks, that was William McCormick's not so illustrious beginning in our wee campaign. After I limped my way out of the water and slept off the weariness born of fighting for one's life, I had a run in with an uncooperative press gang. I met my soon to be good friend Reynaldo as we worked things out with the overly persistent gentleman, and the rest.... Well, that's another story he..he… -Dan Freeman

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