William's Story: Remembrances

William slowly made his way up the narrow stairway, occasionally resorting to leaning on the rough, stained timbers of the wall to find his balance. Tonight, as they had every single night since arriving in the crowded streets of Frieburg; William and his companions had indulged a bit too much in the dark, bitter spirits of this strange country of Eisen. He chuckled wryly a bit at that thought. It struck him as profoundly ironic in a way that only an intoxicated man could truly comprehend. The alcohol of this land was mirrored by its inhabitants; dark and bitter. He thought of the countless throng that they had waded through upon their arrival in the outskirts of Frieburg. Faces beyond count staring back at him with only hunger and sadness in their lifeless eyes.

William shook his head sadly and thought of the isle that was his homeland. He longed to once again look out over its brilliant green hills. To stand quietly and gaze far off into the horizon, where the blue of the sky melted slowly and imperceptibly into the blue-green of the ocean. To listen carefully for the joyous laughter of the village children as it cut through the roar of the crashing waves and the shrill cries of the seabirds. To run his fingers through the tall grass and feel the raw power of the enchanted isles as it thrummed, like an ancient heartbeat, throughout every living thing in the Marches.

So perfect was the illusion that William conjured up for himself as he stood there, alone in the inn’s cramped corridor, he could literally taste the salt of the sea air upon his lips and feel the gentle trade wind as it caressed his weather beaten face. In that single moment all the hardships and trials of the past year, all of the victories and the defeats, vanished like so much smoke in a summer storm. He could see her there, crystal clear in his nostalgic reverie. Her long red tresses bouncing and waving in the clear spring air as they ran, breathlessly down the winding trails that snaked along the mighty white cliffs of his home. It was a simpler time then. It was a happier time than any he had ever known. She smiled her mischevious smile at him. It was nothing but simple turn of her lips and a knowing look that flashed playfully in her emerald eyes. The smile spoke neither of love, nor of desire. And yet, it spoke of something far deeper than friendship. It was their smile of sharing.

William whispered, “I am coming home, sweet Molly…. I am co….”

Shocked out of his reverie by the memory of his love, long lost to him by the cruel whims of fate and the bitter hubris of man, he stumbled the rest of the way to his room in silence. Closing the door quietly behind him, he could hear one of the others making the same long trek up the darkened stairway. He blew out the lone candle that provided light to the dingy room, plunging himself into inky darkness. As William lay back and closed his eyes, he could hear the hallway’s gnarled floorboards groan in protest as the lone traveler made his way slowly to his own destination. William could not help but wonder what dark thoughts swirled around in their head.

It burned him to his very soul to admit Molly was gone, forever. And no matter how much he wished, no matter what power he prayed to, he knew that he could never truly go home again. Not as the man he had been. Not as Eric Donavon.

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