Ways to Build a Character
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You want to create a really detailed character with tons of features. How are you going to do that? It seems impossible to do so! Take a deep breath. You don't have to draw the final version right away. Start small and basic. Everything starts there (haven't I already said that?).

There are a few ways I know of to make the basic "frame" of a character that are commonly used. When I say "frame," I mean the basic shape. Easy to remember, huh?
The ancient drawing is still in style!
Okay, so the first and best-known frame to use is...
The Stick Figure!

Believe it or not, the stick figure is used commonly to build off of for a drawing. It makes it easier to draw your ideas.
It's not the best looking shape person, but you get the idea
The next common method used is to use simple geometric shapes to make an even more specific frame for your drawings. It is useful when trying to get exact proportions before you get into high detail.

Below are some basic shapes.
various geometric shapes
This is a stick person with circles... YAY!
Yet another simple way to build a basic frame is like the one to the left. Unlike the stick person version, this one has circles that pinpoint the joints of a character. It's the simpler version of the shape person. I usually use this form.
Eat my skills!
Whichever style fits you best, it should help you in creating some good-looking characters.

The girl to the left is one I decided to use as an example from the frames I showed. She comes from a fanfiction I created.

(You'll notice the file extenison says her name is Lunar. I did not realize her name is closely related to Luna from Sailor Moon. I've never watched past 5 minutes of an episode of Sailor Moon, and I don't care. I didn't intend her name to be so close. I just named Lunar this way at random, and just have the ability to make parodies without knowing it.)
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