
China Name: China Yano Yano China
Age: 15
Birthday: March 27
Personality: Wild, crazy, fun
Family Members: A father, a mother
Grade: 10
Hobbies: Shopping, hanging out with Amiko
Favorite Color: Red, orange, yellow
Favorite Food: Pocky (Rikku: XD)
Most Dislike Food: Veggies
Favorite Subject: P.E., Drama
Most Dislike Subject: Anything else other than her favorite subjects

Jumpy, wild and fun girl with a positive attitude towards everything. She can be very dramatic and can go on talking forever. She has been best friends with Amiko ever since grade 4. The things that she does rarely have a meaning to them or is just too hard to reach what she's expressing through the insane actions. China is the kind of perfect friend that you can confide anythiny to.

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