June 28, 2004

Hello Everyone!
    Welcome to my upgraded website now called ~drum role please~... A World's Revolution! I'm not completely done with the revisions, but I'm working as fast as I possibly can... There are so many pages to delete and revise and add.. I can't wait for it to be done!! Just to give you an idea of what's to come:

Deleted: I'm slight sad to see these go...no not really...
Cafe Luna, Life's Lessons, Quotes

Revised: Index (of course!), Main, Updates, Webmistress, Friends, (It will be severely expanded! I'm kind of scared, but it'll hopefully turn out awesome.) Sailor Moon, Pictures (The ones taken from middle school will be moved and changed.. New ones will be added and take main stage! Yay!)

New: Labyrinth (Galleries will be included!!), Moulin Rouge, and Sweet November. It won't be anything fancy, but I hope it'll do justice to my favorite movies!


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