this is the sword of a dragon-man mercenary destend to be a leader...mabie a king or something
the blade is a bit crooked, but the pic is zoomed in big time...anyways, this is the ultimate sword of power type thing from my book
this is a possible ultimate swod of darkness type sword
main page
these are all i've been      able to draw since my     dry speel started... in      like december...
this is designed so it can be used in fenceing style combat or normal combat.....
this is "the storm seeker"
sword of ledgend...
this one's just fucked up
a flameing eye i did when i was bored, it's like there haveing a prophecy or awakeening their inner power...
the sketch below is a recent attempt at a     sketch of the main character of the book     i'm wrighting. i don't think i'll be finishing    it since i cant seem to get anymore             drawn... i've been on a major dry spell        lately....but still, the sword is awesome, if only i could finish the pic...
this is a pic from before my dry spell, it's from a lengend i made up fo my book, i think it turned out well, especally the sword and cape, the shadeing on the cape is awesome ^_^
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