<BGSOUND SRC="fftdortertrade.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dragonball Z Clan News
January 29, 2004

Hallelujah!! Good News!! "What?" You say.  We are back (finally) after almost 5 months.  I have decided to continue on with this site but with some pretty drastic changes coming within the next week or so.  For one, I added a midi page, which has about 50 midi songs from various artists right now, more coming later.  So if you want to check it out, go ahead and try a few (Plays with Media Player).  Anyway, looking forward to putting this site on the map soon.
Adios,  -- The Leader, Piccolo
Want to Join Us?
Clan Alliances
Clan Enemies
DBZ Chars & Info
DBZ Pictures
DBGT Chars & Info
DBGT Pictures
August 8, 2003

Added some things to the site... a clock, some backround music, and I'm going to try to put a guestbook up so I can see if people actually go here.  Also, I posted us on geocities or whatever, to try and attract visitors.  That is all to report for now.

August 7, 2003

Some news from the Piccolo,  Vegeta and I have decided that this site will become more of a fan site than a clan site because we have not been playing that much D2 lately, especially with school right around the corner.  However, the clan is not closed, it is still very well open, just originally this was designed to be more of a clan site than a fan site, now we are switching that around.  Along with switching the site to a more fan-oriented site we will have to add more things related to Dragonball Z/GT, which I will do soon.  Also remember, just because there is a lack of updates doesn't mean that we have given up on the site, it just means there is nothing to report.  Until Next time...

The leader,  -- Piccolo

p.s. I have deleted some of the news from this page to make up space, so if it seems like there is something missing, there probably is.
June 26, 2003

I have news, for the first time in almost 2 months, and it is good news:  The co-leader, Vegeta, and I have decided that we will likely re-open the
Dragonball Z Diablo II clan sometime in the near future.. Hopefully this time we can keep our computers virus-free and enjoy playing Diablo again.  I will put a notice up when we return to the realm.  Until then..

The Leader, --Piccolo
March 5, 2003

Two days later now, and we got one person, two others possibly joining, thanks to the efforts of our co-leader Vegeta.  I also would like to personally thank  DBZ_TeenGohan, our first clan recruit for joining our clan, hopefully he will not be disappointed by his decision.  Also, I will be updating this site regurally to ensure that is it all up to date information and I will get the actual DBZ chars and info done soon.

The Leader,  --Piccolo
March 3, 2003

The Dragonball Z clan, long in devolopment and thoughts is finally made into reality! I announced it's opening today!!  I hope for a very fun, enjoying, and interesting future for this clan and everybody that happens to join it! 

The leader,  --Piccolo
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