by Nathan Coppedge                                                              page
Individual-Material: Private-Public                                |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Part I. 
Effective-Meaning: Objective-Time
�1.a Iteration 4                                                 page 3

Here are some observations I have concerning our options:

P1. For a two-axis unity we must align the Judgment axis with the SoulGod-TimeWorld axis (based on previous arguments).
P2. To align those two pairs of axes and form a unity we must choose one of the four options above, representing the Effective-Meaning of Subjective-Perception.
P3. Death always means some Change, and Change always means some Death.
P4. All Subjective-Perception involves Change or Immortality in relation to Objective-Perception. ~4

To have the quality of absolute Death always means that one has changed, for the following reasons:

1. Something is alive insofar as it does not have the quality of absolute death (that is, insofar as it is perceived).
2. Not to change is a kind of death,~5  and Death is a quality that living things only find by change.
3. In relation to absolute Death, one can only change by ceasing to exist.
4. In relation to absolute Death, the only change is when something ceases to exist.

Conclusion: Unless Time is Alive, it must be Immortal in order to Change a Soul. Because Time must be Alive or Immortal in order to change the Soul, and the Soul must Change in order to be alive, our two first options are the only ones conceivable if we are to be alive or perceive. Therefore, only the world in which Objective-Perception is alive, or in which Objective-Perception changes are appropriate for the Effective-Meaning of any given Subjective-Perception.


Because insofar as someone perceives objectively he ceases to perceive subjectively; �Ceasing� is a form of Death and Change. The only exception is when (absolute) Objective-Perception is also Subjective, in the sense that the truth is shared, or the objectivity belongs to only one absolute standpoint, as with God.
Death is defined as the absence of any quality of Life. Since to be perceived is to engage in thought, is to have a quality of life, the only absolute death is what is not perceived. Therefore insofar as things that do not change have a quality of death, they have a quality of not being perceived, of not existing or having meaning. If absolute Immortality is absolutely the quality of not Changing, it must have no quality of death if it is to exist or have meaning. Because Immortality is defined as that which has no quality of death, this confirms our understanding that Immortality opposes Change in relation to Life and Death. It seems then that Immortality is the Death of death; it is the case in which death is not absolute.




Part 1a.
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 4

Part 1b.
Iteration 5
Iteration 6





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