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Practicing Tips
Stringed Instruments
"I hear and I forget.  I see and I remember.  I do and I understand."  Confucius
Class Schedule
Find a good place to "set up shop."  Your practice area should be well lit and quiet.  Use a music stand and a comfortable but firm chair.  Practice standing up occasionally.  (This does not work well for cellists.) 
Famous Composers
How you hold your body effects your muscle control, your coordination, and your stamina.  To develop good seated playing posture, make a habit of following these steps: 
     First, sit with your back comfortably straight (not rigid.)
     Second, position your feet firmly on the floor.
     Third, lean naturally into your playing position.
     Last, as you get ready to play, relax without slouching.
When you stand up to play, place your feet slightly apart with your left foot a bit ahead of your right.  This position will give you comfort and balance for long periods of time.
Music Links
Concert Information
Set a specific time for daily practice.
Van Zant School
Pay constant attention to the quality of the tone you are producing.
Music is exacting and must be played accurately.  To improve your accuracy, be your own critic.  As you play, listen with an objective ear.  If you don't like what you hear, practice the passage until it sounds right to you. 
Beeler School
"Every problem has a gift for you in it's hands." Richard Bach
Start with small fragments.  Repeat them enough so that you can build speed if facility is part of the challenge.  Add to the fragments as you feel secure with each.
Rice School
Review for a certain period daily.  Try to develop your interpretive powers with the review pieces.
Save a period for performance practice. Play straight through the piece, without stopping.  Make rapid adjustments as necessary.  Perform for your parents and friends.
Patience is the secret of all real progress.  You should learn how to practice very slowly, and reach the greatest difficulties by a process of natural progression.
Remember to have fun!
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