You might want to see these again
Mission Pictures
MTC Batch Pictures
Play Pictures
Bayview Hotel
In Bay View Hotel

Jojit's place

At Jojit's place


Si Dennis kumuha neto!!! Big Time!

During STI Espa�a's Acquaintance Party

At Enchanted Kingdom during STI's Anniversary

At Enchanted Kingdom

Anchors Away at Enchanted Kingdom


After Enchanted Kingdom, stop by Liezl's place

 Star Section

Taken after our play for our English subject, performed at STI Recto.

To view pictures of the Play, click on the picture above.


Among the friends I have, there's the BEST among them....

zar, c-z-a-r

Czar was my batchmate at the MTC, meaning we've been friends since 1996. After our missions, we became roommates and eventually became best of friends, like brothers.


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