"There are no limitations to what you can do, except the limitations of your own mind as to what you cannot do. Don't think you cannot; think you can".
Click to see 'Journey's End' Picture

Hope your visit to my site will bring you enlighten- ment as you need it!

The picture you see beside me is one of my favorites (click to see actual picture) and there's a caption that goes with it by Derek Hegsted. It's entitled "Journey's End".

The storm you weathered, faithfully stood. I was beside you all the way whisp'ring, you could!

Well done, my faithful servant, for me, you defended. You stayed your course. Your journey has ended



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The making of this website is attributed to Mr. Joel Sy, a former instructor at Systems Technology Institute in Espaņa, Manila. I learned by his expertise and this is the product of his diligent instruction.

I'm Daniel Abiva Arinduque, originally from the province of Zambales (The encircled area on the map below). I was born in the town of San Marcelino on the 29th of July, and raised in a community called Sto. Niņo, in the town of San Felipe. Our place is located not too far from the shore of South China Sea. To make a long description short, we live by the beach. When I want to spend time alone and just reflect, I go to our backyard and the scene would be stupendous! The breeze would be fresh and life would seem insouciant.

Living and growing up in a place like that makes me want to be young again and revert to that kind of living. This impression comes to me now that I'm staying in the city of Manila, which is the capital of the Philippines. I long for the tranquility of nature as experienced in our hometown. I yearn for the music of the ocean that served as a lullaby in putting this baby to sleep; and while growing, a hallmark of peace and God's comfort. I say this in relation to the ocean because through the years, storms with its unyielding winds had not the power to drive the currents to inflict upon the innocent lives of the people living there. Nothing treacherous happened in my lifetime as far as the ocean is concerned. That's why I look at it and am reminded of God's control over the elements. I find comfort in knowing that with God, there is no current so strong that He could not control; no storm so perilous He could not calm.

I grew up in a Latter-day Saint family. Growing up was fun and along the way my parents didn't fall short in teaching me correct principles. And through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I learned to govern myself accordingly. When I was old enough to understand and feel the truthfulness of what I had been taught, I had the desire in my heart to share it to other people who might still lack this knowledge.
Map of the Philippines

I went to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary in the Philippines Cebu Mission, from 1996-1998. I would like to share some moments with you about this experience, because it has brought so much joy in my life. To have a glimpse on this, please visit My Mission Page. It is impossible to share everything about my mission in this site. What I have here are but a few of what makes a mission worthwhile.

Prior to my mission, I was a Conservatory of Music student
at the University of Sto. Tomas, majoring in Piano.

I am not a sporty person but I have no idea why I like so much
the Utah Jazz. I'm an avid fan of this NBA Basketball Team!

My favorite arcade game. I owe my proficiency to this game
to my best friend, Jayson. The first time I tried,
I didn't like it and developed a disliking towards it because
of the difficulty of driving and the sensitivity of the steering
wheel. Eventually I learned to play well and came to love it.
It's the only game I play in mall arcades

Im also a Trekker. I love......

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