
The ah-san were the Old Order's standard low-level minions during the early Dungeon Wars. They have sharp teeth, long retractable claws and are very quick and nimble. Their senses are keen, particularly their eyesight. When the barghests were introduced, the weaker ah-san were essentially considered obsolete. From then on, ah-san mainly served as scouts or sentries.

The ah-san were given the ability to reproduce and designed to mature quickly and decompose unnaturally fast upon death. By allowing the ah-san to breed in captivity, this let the Old Order wizards focus their time and energy on making more important and powerful creatures. Why waste elementals on such weak things?

The ah-san found their way to the Old Order forces that resided in Croppell. When those forces retreated as well, many ah-san were left behind. The fledgling Kingdom of Croppell found the perfect use for these beasts: target practice.

One of the many moral concerns of Death Magic is that it is hard to train and practice without killing something. Humans are obviously off-limits, but ah-san are fair game. Ah-san are bred and raised for this purpose -- to be killed in training exercises.

Ah-san as a whole are rare and can only be found in Croppell. Xavbens in the past kept ah-san as pets, although this has not happened in recent generations.
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