Mysthalith Demon

High-level non-living creation
Demonic creature

Other names:
"Black Demon" (common name)
"Big Black" (as SeiRei called it)

Between seventeen and twenty feet tall, these winged demons are the last thing anyone wants to see swooping down at them. The most powerful creature the Old Order could summon during the Dungeon Wars was the Black Demon.
These creatures are even now rarely seen in battle, as it takes an expert wizard to control one. It takes the full concentration of an Eighth Tier wizard to keep a Black Demon in line, although it is easier for Ninth Tiers and they may control a handful of lesser creatures as well.
They are made from magically solidified lava, and their "skin" is black, rocky, and charred looking. During battle, a red tint or highlight is commonly seen on the skin.
Black Demons are capable of spewing liquid fireballs, which is their main means of killing their opponents. They are also amazingly strong, but they prefer to attack from a little distance if at all possible.
Black Demons are vulnerable to magical attacks involving ice, which is not necessarily fatal but can damage their wings and leave them disorientated and stunned.
The most, and arguably the only, vulnerable parts of a Black Demon are its eyes, ears and mouth. They  have an organ that functions similarly to a brain, although it is hard to puncture their skin that deeply.
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