Elemental Giant

High-level living creation

These are the more advanced giants in the Old Orders' armies. Usually at least three meters  tall, they look like abnormally hairy giants. They are, however, superior to giants in all regards: strength, intelligence, verbal skills, senses, etc.
What makes these giants even more dangerous is their control over magic. There are four types of elemental giants: Fire (red), Water (blue), Earth (green/brown) and Air (white). Their powers are not as diversified or as strong as what New Order wizards have. Most elemental giants have one or two spells worth noting, usually being something like a fireball or airburst.
During the Dungeon Wars, magical objects such as gauntlets were worn by elemental giants to increase their powers. Since then, most of the giant-sized objects have either been destroyed or been converted for human use within the New Order.
There were several "famous" elemental giants that acted as warlords towards the end of the Dungeon Wars. This shows how dangerous these creatures are: even if their master wizard is killed, they will continue to think and use their rationality to lead their fellow monsters.
It also should be noted that it is unusually hard for a Death Wizard to "reap" the soul of an elemental giant. The reasons for this are unknown, however. Death Wizards will often use the aid of another Death Magic user or a hunter/killer Fol to take down an elemental giant.
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