
Despite looking nothing like a human or elf, griffins have about the same level of intelligence. Griffins are capable of telepathic communication, although this can cause headaches and nosebleeds when talking to a non-griffin. Their native language is squawking and bird-like (spoken and telepathic) although many  somehow know the Standard tongues. Their beaks prevent them from actually saying anything other than their own language.

Griffins live in small colonies, usually in rocky or mountainous regions although coastal colonies have been spotted. They do not like to be bothered; they also don't bother anyone else. Not much is known about their social order, although some facts do exist: they are monogamous and mate for life; they have no designated leaders or rulers; and each colony is completely independent of all others.

Griffins are often plagued by poachers
(as seen here) or hunters. The New Order has outlawed the hunting of griffins and their eggs, but this has not completely stopped the practice. Other kingdoms, like in Sorell, have made similar laws. Supposedly, griffin feathers have magical properties and bring good luck.

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