Liquid Golem

High-level non-living creation

Other Names:
Liquid Golems have numerous names depending on what they are made of: Swamp Golem, Water Golem, Acid Golem, Blood Golem, etc.

These beings are notoriously hard to stop or kill. Short of evaporation, it is hard to destroy these creatures. They can be frozen, as many Water Wizards will readily do. But unless a Water Wizard with ice-based powers is around, these golems are very, very annoying.

Liquid Golems seem largely safe from Water Magic, having enough powers of their own to cancel these attacks out. As previously stated, being frozen is the only thing these creatures cannot counter.

Liquid Golems, besides being hard to defeat, are not particularly powerful. Thicker ones, like "Swamp Golems," can smother enemies. Acid Golems are the most dangerous and for obvious reasons. Water Golems are mostly used to prevent progress through streams or rivers, using stealth and then causing whirlpools or forcing their prey underwater to drown.

Like with regular golems, it is best to just avoid these creatures if at all possible. If a "freezer" Water Wizard is on your team, however, then just make sure he goes to the front of the line.
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