
Mid-Level living creation

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Nin are one of the more unusual races that the Old Order has available. They have four sharp-tipped legs they scuttle around on and two axe-like arms. Their upper bodies lean forward and also have sharp "mini arms." They are about two and a half meters tall, not counting the extended arms.
Their legs and other sharp body parts are coated in a fire-hot oil they naturally excrete. This is the cause of their orange-red coloration. So besides from stabbing, slashing and crushing you,  they can also give you fifth-degree burns in the process.
Wherever they walk, nin general leave small fires in their wake. This applies for dirt or grass, although it is less common with stone or metal. If it does not light the surface on fire, it will at least superheat it. Water will evaporate if it comes in contact with a nin.
The two holes towards the middle of their body (behind the neck) are used for breathing, like nostrils, and are fairly vulnerable if you can get past their defenses. But, overall, nin are easy to injure as long as you don't burn yourself in the process.
If knocked over onto their sides or backs, it takes nin some time to get upright again and temporarily disorientates them. They are most vulnerable when like this.
Overall, a ranged attack against a nin is the best way of dealing with the monster.
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