Oregon Vortex: 
must be seen to be believed

http://www.oregonvortex.com The House of Mystery http://robbecher.www4.50megs.com/Oregonvortex.html On a hillside in southwest Oregon, there is a circular area of about 165 feet diameter in which strange phenomena occur. For example, at certain locations within this "vortex," compasses and light meters behave erratically and people standing in a relaxed position will stand at an angle or sway back and forth at 22 second intervals. The most noticeable effect is that of apparent changes in size of objects and people. In some areas of the vortex, when two people are placed opposite each other on level ground and along a north/south axis, each person will be measurably smaller on the left side than when positioned on the right side. This effect is noticed by the people themselves as well as by any observer. Scientists have studied this area, which Native Americans called "the forbidden ground," and have given a variety of explanations. One recurring proposition is that the anomalies are related to a dense ore deposit in the ground. Some theorize that the apparent change in size is only an optical or light effect. Others, however, consider the change to be physical, and note that blind persons can sense the changes in size by touch and hear the other person's voice coming from an elevated or lowered position. Despite all the measurements and calculations no one has yet succeeded in fully explaining the phenomena in accordance with accepted scientific models. http://www.oregon-coastdirectory.com/cities/goldhill/vortex/vortex.htm Scottish scientist John Lister visited the VORTEX area in 1913. After performing more than 14,000 experiments, Lister concluded the VORTEX acts like a giant refracting lens, bending the light in a circular, or vortical motion. He thought of the effect was an optical illusion. The VORTEX staff disagrees. Use your camera. You can prove it's no illusion. Albert Einstein developed the second theory about the VORTEX. He thought the phenomenon was more than just optical, that it was something we could also feel. Because the VORTEX actually expands and contracts as much as 19 inches several times daily, Einstein thought a person�s molecular structure also expands or contracts as they walk through the area, keeping the same proportions as before. http://users.pandora.be/wouterhagens/biogeometry/oregonuk.html The Oregon Vortex, goes way back to the time of the Native Americans. Their horses would not come into the affected area, so they wouldn't. The Native Americans called the area the "Forbidden Ground", a place to be shunned. Many years before The House of Mystery was built, it was noted that unusual conditions existed there. But it was not until well into the 20th century that any effort was made toward a scientific analysis of the disturbance. http://www.redding.com/news/national/past/20031006nat023.shtml "John Lister's definition was it's an anti-gravitational electromagnetic field," of which there are many around the world, Cooper explained. "This is a repelling one. The Bermuda Triangle is an attracting one." http://www.timstouse.com/EarthChanges/shiftoftheages.htm If it were truly possible that the Earth's magnetic field could produce such spirals of energy, then we should expect there to be places where it would be very evidential that something anomalous was occurring. Certainly Sanderson's work on the "vile vortices" like the Bermuda Triangle satisfies this, as does Munck's mention of the anomalies surrounding Rock Lake in Wisconsin. There is another area that also obviously falls under this effect, and that is the area known as the Oregon Vortex. http://www.travelbyroad.net/forums/thrd/58148/1 Posted by: Karen Fish This is NOT a scam. The Oregon Vortex is the most baffling phenomenon I have ever encountered personally. I'm a very level-headed, scientifically inclined person, and the fact that no one (e.g., a physicist) has not been able to discover the CAUSE of the obvious alterations in gravity and/or molecular spacing in objects within the vortex's boundaries is very frustrating to me. Something unusual is clearly going on there. http://www.ontheroadwithdavid.com/On%20The%20Road%20With%20David%20October%202002_files/page0001.htm As objects move toward magnetic north, they appear to get shorter, and as they move toward magnetic south, they appear to get taller. You can actually see this phenomenon in action as two individuals on a level platform seem to change in height as they switch places. Several explanations for this occurrence have been suggested. Perhaps the magnetic anomaly is warping the light and thus what we see. Or perhaps the anomaly is actually causing mass to compress as it moves toward magnetic north. Whatever the reason (and no one has actually been able to prove any one theory), it is an astounding and baffling phenomenon to witness! http://www.randi.org/jr/101003.html -- Skeptical A bit of science: �The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below the ground. The word "vortex" simply means a whirpool [sic] of force, like a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, such as a whirlpool or a whirling mass of air, especially one in the form of a visible column or spiral, such as a tornado. A vortex, essentially a whirlpool of force, is the basic form of our universe. From our galaxy, whose vortex form we see as the countless suns of the Milky Way�" There's no mystery, no magic, no vortex... [in Oregon]. http://www.o4r.org/vortex/ -- Skeptic�s corner People don't just stumble on the Oregon Vortex, they've already heard of it. They're watching for the signs along Interstate 5. They want to believe. http://www.m3ntalcontraband.com/journal/archives/000154.html CREEPY OREGON -- pictures http://www.tangledforest.com/states2/oregonx.html Gold Hill, Oregon Vortex People have felt there was something not quite right about this hill for hundreds of years. Indians called it the "Forbidden Ground", and white settlers in 1864 talked of "something wrong" here. The unease felt by people on the hill may have made them receptive to paranormal experiences. John Litster, a Scottish physicist, for instance, came to the site in 1914, and spent the rest of his life studying what he considered to be "aberrations in the light field and gravity." The site became a tourist attraction in 1930, and thousands of people have experiences both entertaining illusions, and the authentic effects of the Oregon Vortex. The House of Mystery on the site was used as an assay office for gold mining company until it collapsed sideways in a thunderstorm. The strongest vortex concentration is said to be directly behind the building. The whirling energy is believed to distort photographs taken there. http://www.cow-net.com/toons/nl/a-z/guestn.html Nick Nelson is a Renaissance Man of the American West. He's a prospector, scientist, inventor, artist, writer, speaker, storyteller, and one of the world's leading experts on vortexes. His book, The Golden Vortex, solves many mysteries concerning The Oregon Vortex, the Bermuda Triangle, the Pyramids, portals, magnets, and maps of the Western United States with clear reference to the most advanced superstring mathematics and quantum physics of our time. He has described a motor magnet, discovered the Nelson Coordinates, and invented Henri, the world's first portable vortex. Nick lives in Gold Hill, Oregon, where he was the interpretive guide at The Oregon Vortex the past two years. http://www.keelynet.com/temp/vortex/vortex1.htm The discoveries described in 'The Golden Vortex' are based on extensive research and direct observation of the Oregon Vortex and other 'mystery spots' where unexplained anomalies occur. The author has found a direct correlation between the Vortex phenomena and magnetic fields which I think will change science in a fundamental way...
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