// Get the value in the cookie with the name provided. function getCookieValue(cookieName) { var cookieValue = document.cookie; var cookieStartsAt = cookieValue.indexOf(' ' + cookieName + '='); if (cookieStartsAt == -1) { cookieStartsAt = cookieValue.indexOf(cookieName + '='); } if (cookieStartsAt == -1) { cookieValue = null; } else { cookieStartsAt = cookieValue.indexOf('=', cookieStartsAt) + 1; var cookieEndsAt = cookieValue.indexOf(';', cookieStartsAt); if (cookieEndsAt == -1) { cookieEndsAt = cookieValue.length; } cookieValue = unescape(cookieValue.substring(cookieStartsAt, cookieEndsAt)); } return cookieValue; } // Function: regularTraffic // Creates an image object to send a request to the traffic server. function regularTraffic(uuid, release, trafficSite) { // Configuration variables. //var trafficSite = '//localhost/SEMTrafficCollector'; //var version = 1; //var account = '{69ece8bf-5ad2-43a3-904c-0693c82fb8cb}'; var nhp = 'http:'; // Local variables. var query,rf,sr,request,i; rf=document.referrer; sr=document.location.search; if(top.document.location==document.referrer || (document.referrer == '' && top.document.location != '')) { rf=top.document.referrer;sr=top.document.location.search } if(location.href.substr(0,6).toLowerCase()=='https:') nhp='https:'; query='uuid='+uuid+ '&release='+release+ '&referer='+escape(rf); //alert(top.document.referrer); //alert(document.referrer); // Create a trafic url with the appropriate site and query string information. request = nhp+trafficSite+'/image.tfc?'+query; // Debug statement. //alert(request); //document.write(request); // Create an image object an set the source to be the custom url. i = new Image(); i.src = request; } // Check the cookie for the uid. (semws_uid) // If it doesn't exist, create it. // Create a traffic request and send it. // - if the cookie doesn't already exist, // - - Send all the information on the query string of the request. // - - (account, uid, referer, version, cookie support, browser version, color palette, // - - screen resolution, // - else // - - Send only the relevant information (account, uuid, referer, version) // Configuration variables. var trafficSite = '//www.websourcedtraffic.com'; var release = '2'; // var account = [accountGUID]; var cookieName = 'uuid.websourcedtraffic.com'; // Check to make sure that the uuid global variable is defined. if (typeof uuid == 'undefined') { if (!self.uuid) { uuid = ""; } } // If the uuid variable is empty, get it from the cookie. if (uuid == "") { uuid = getCookieValue(cookieName); } if (uuid == null) { // Call the initial traffic script which creates the cookie and creates the initial traffic tag. var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = "http://www.websourcedtraffic.com/semws_tfc_init.js"; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); } else { // Create a regular traffic request. regularTraffic(uuid, release, trafficSite); } 1
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