DvD Translations

Welcome to the DvD Translations web site!


Geocities is closing forever on October 26, 2009.
We needed a place to move and we were given several offers.
I, DvD, appreciate all those who offered their services.
I have accepted an offer and have already moved the entire site there. Click the link above to get there.
In the meantime, I will not remove the site from Geocities so it can go down in flames with Geocites.

Site Last Updated: September 5, 2009

Who We Are

Generally these are the things we choose do with our free time...

Completed Projects

Games that we have finished translating and utilites that have been released to the public.
Click on any picture to go to the page. Newest ones are at the top...


(17) NES
Valkyrie's Adventure - Legend of the Time Key Title Screen
Valkyrie's Adventure - Legend of the Time Key

(16) NES
King Kong Lives Title Screen
King Kong Lives - Megaton Punch of Rage
(11) NES
Romanica Title Screen
Dragon Slayer Jr. - Romancia
(7) Utility
Table Dumper Pro
Table Dumper Pro
(10) NES
Gorby Title Screen
Gorby's Pipeline
(6) NES
Portopia Title Screen
The PORTOPIA Serial Murder Case (Rev A)
(5) NES
Antarctic Adventure Title Screen
Antarctic Adventure
(4) NES
Door Door Title Screen
Door Door
(3) NES
Kart Fighter Title Screen
Kart Fighter
(2) NES
3-D Worldrunner - Part II Title Screen
JJ Jump Out! - The Epic War - Part II
(1) NES
Dragons of Flame Title Screen
AD&D DragonLance 2 - Dragons of Flame

Current Projects

Games that we are still working on...

(15) FDS

A Dragon Quest parody

DvD is intersted in doing an FDS game for something a little different.

Accomplished: Items and Equipment Translated, Script Located, Japanese Fonts Compared, English Font Order Defined

Currently: Dumping Script
(14) NES
Pocket Zaurus Title Screen
Pocket Zaurus

harmony7 would like to see this platformer done. He used to play it as a kid.

Accomplished: Script Located

Currently: Dumping Script

(13) NES

An RPG that was originally a straight Dragon Quest clone, but changed before it was released, first in the series, none of which were released in the U.S. but some have been translated...

Someone needs to do this game, but were too busy working on other games right now

Accomplished: Nothing really

Currently: Working on other projects

(12) NES

An traditional RPG but with action battles; third in the series...

Finding the pointer tables for this was extremely difficult, but DvD finally found the pointer to the first NPC!

Accomplished: Title Screen Hacked, Script Located, Pointer to first NPC finally found

Currently: Working on getting the entire pointer table
(8) SNES
Battle Racers Title Screen
Battle Racers

A pretty fun cart racer for the SNES that uses the same DSP chip as Super Mario Kart. It might be the only SNES cart racer not released in the US. DvD is not really ready to learn the SNES at this time, "I finally got good at the NES!"

Accomplished: Uncompressed Graphics Translated/Hacked

Currently: Searching for Compressed Graphics

(6) NES
Portopia Title Screen
The Portopia Serial Murder Case (Rev B)

We did the best with the translated script we had, but we got some things wrong. After releasing the game harmony7 joined the team so he could improve the script of this game which he's had since he was a child.

Accomplished: 100% of script revised by harmony7, changed to more comonly emulated mapper chip, improved Shinkaichi graphics, menus revised

Currently: DvD is going through harmony7's script, 28% complete

Canceled Projects

Games that someone else translated completely before we got far enough to matter...

(9) NES
Esper Dream 2 Title Screen
Esper Dream 2

Translation Links

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Questions or comments? Feel free to contact DvD at: dvdtranslations at yahoo dot com
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