------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRSJ-Walkthrough.txt This file should be viewed using a mono-spaced font like "Courier". Use a font size where 79 columns are visible. If you wish to play this game in English, check out the DvD Translations website listed below. The manual located at the site gives many hints that are not repeated here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTOPIA Renzoku Satsujin Jiken Suspense Adventure Game aka The PORTOPIA Serial Murder Case Walkthrough Version: 1.0 Written: 6- 9-05 Last Modified: 7- 6-06 For Patch Rev: A by DvD DvD Translations www.geocities.com/dvdtranslations ----------------------------------- Contentts ---------------------------------- Sections: (1) Part 1: Komiya and Fumie found Kouzou (2) Part 2: (spoiler) (3) Part 3: (spoiler) (4) Part 4: (spoiler) (5) Optional Items That Add To The Story (6) Optional Useless Items Sections 1 through 4 list all of the REQUIRED actions that must be performed to pass the game. For each section of the of the walkthrough, only actions necessary to complete that section of the game are listed. In this way, you won't be given a hint to do something until it must be done to advance the game. Most likely you will do a lot of other actions to figure out these actions that you must do. Many actions needed to complete later sections can be done earlier. And remember, nothing can be done that will prevent you from passing the game. Actions that must be performed in a certain order are listed right after each other without spaces. Some optional actions that I felt were important or interesting are also listed in these sections, but any actions that are not required are noted as optional. Sections 5 & 6 list actions that must be performed to gain optional items - those that are not necessary to obtain to pass the game. Beyond this, there are tons of other actions not listed here that can be performed to receive additional hints or to cause humorous responses to occur. Unfortunately, telling you the name of any of the sections, besides the first one would give away all of the mystery and ruin the game. To use this walkthrough when you are stuck, you'll simply have to look at all the actions from the top down to see the first one that you haven't done. Lastly, it is possible to cheat. You can skip some sections of the game entirely by calling phone numbers that you haven't been told about in the game. This walkthrough assumes that you do not know any of these phone numbers and thus doesn't cheat. Key: (Location) Menu -> Menu Selection (-> 2nd Menu Selection OR Position to Select) What happens. IMPORTANT: Before reading the walkthrough, be sure you have read the manual section of the ReadMe which can be viewed at the site listed above. All FAQ type information is clearly listed in the Manual sections of the ReadMe. (1)--------------------- Komiya and Fumie found Kouzou ------------------------ (anywhere) Dial Phone -> 000 000 0000 [Optional but fun] Toshi is the criminal. (anywhere) Dial Phone -> 110 [Optional but funny] The emergency operator yells at you! (Study) Investigate Thing -> Dead Body Establishes TOD of Kouzou (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Kouzou -> Job Learn about: Toshi (Harbor) Question Someone Someone saw Toshi at the harbor on the 17th after 9 (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Toshi -> Job Can go to: Toshi's Place (Toshi's Place) Take An Item -> Memo Evidence: Memo (Toshi's Place) Investigate Thing -> Memo [Technically optional] The note is referring to a phone number you must call. (Toshi's Place) Dial Phone -> *15 Man At Harbor (Harbor) anything Evidence: Package (Harbor) Investigate Thing -> Package [Optional but explains why] (Harbor) Arrest Someone [Optional but fun] (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Toshi (Police H.Q.) Show An Item -> Memo (Police H.Q.) Show An Item -> Package (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> Alibi (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> Alibi Yasu confronts him and says he's lying. (Police H.Q.) Tap On or Hit -> Toshi He confesses to selling drugs. (Police H.Q.) Arrest Someone (2)----------------------- Toshi's just a drug dealer ------------------------- (anywhere) Dial Phone -> 000 000 0000 [Optional but fun] Hirata is the criminal. (Hanakuma) Question Someone Learn about: Hirata (Hanakuma) Question Someone [Optional but interesting] (Police H.Q.) Move Learn about: Yukiko Can go to: Kyoto Station (Outside Mansion) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> bottom right of door Can take: Ring (Outside Mansion) Take An Item -> Ring Evidence: Ring (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Toshi (Police H.Q.) Show An Item -> Ring He says he gave it Yukiko. (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Komiya (Police H.Q.) Tap On or Hit -> Komiya He confesses to going out. (Reception Room) Take An Item -> Picture Frame Show button (Reception Room) Tap On or Hit -> button opens hole (Reception Room) Move -> Another Room You see Maze entrance. (anywhere) Move -> Police H.Q. Yukiko says the number 177-2493 was in Hirata's jacket. (anywhere a phone exists) -> Dial Phone -> 104 Kyoto area code is 075. (anywhere a phone exists) -> Dial Phone -> 0751772493 Can go to: Amitahba Ridge OR (Kyoto) -> Dial Phone -> 1772493 Can go to: Amitahba Ridge (Kyoto) -> Move -> Amitahba Ridge Dead Hirata found (3)----------------------------- Hirata is dead ------------------------------- (anywhere) Dial Phone -> 000 000 0000 [Optional but fun] Kawamura is the criminal. (anywhere) Move -> Police H.Q. Hirata died at 1pm on the 17th. OR (anywhere) Stop The Inquiry Get insulted by the chief. Hirata died at 1pm on the 17th. (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Yukiko (Police H.Q.) Show An Item -> Ring [Optional but interesting] Yukiko says Toshi never gave it to her. (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> Alibi Yukiko says she was at home. (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> Alibi [Optional but interesting] (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Yukiko -> Alibi People saw her go out that night. (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> Alibi She lent "the old man" some money. (Study) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> [Technically optional] ashtray on table Can take: Matches (Study) Take An Item -> Matches [Optional] Evidence: Matches (Study) Investigate Thing -> Matches [Technically optional] Snack Pal's Phone Number is 117-3149 (anywhere a phone exists but Kyoto) Dial Phone -> 1173149 OR (anywhere a phone exists) Dial Phone -> 0781173149 |must immediately perform this action next| Question Someone -> Location OfStore Can go to: Shinkaichi (Shinkaichi) Question Someone Can go to: Bar (Study) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> right of drawer Evidence: Kouzou's Photo (Bar) Show An Item -> Photo -> Kouzou Learn About: Kawamura (Bar) Show An Item -> Photo -> Kouzou [Optional but interesting] OR (Reception Room) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> bottom right of table Can take: Lighter (Reception Room) Take An Item -> Lighter Evidence: Lighter (Bar) Show An Item -> Lighter Learn About: Kawamura (Bar) Show An Item -> Lighter [Optional but interesting] (Shinkaichi) Investigate Thing -> Sign [Optional but interesting] Learn about: Okoi (Shinkaichi) Question Someone Okoi was a friend of Kawamura. [Learn about: Okoi] Can call out: Okoi (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Okoi (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> About Kouzou (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> About Kawamura [Optional but interesting] (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Kawamura -> Job [Optional but interesting] (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Kawamura -> Personal History [Optional but interesting] (Police H.Q.) Move -> any |If you want to get every item see Optional Item 5 in section (5).| (anywhere) Move -> Police H.Q. Can go to: Sumire Condos (anywhere) Move -> Sumire Condos Dead Kawamura found (Sumire Condos) Dial Phone -> 110 [Optional but funny] The emergency operator leaves you hanging... (4)---------------------------- Kawamura is dead ------------------------------ (anywhere) Dial Phone -> 000 000 0000 [Optional but fun] Rika is off playing. (anywhere) Stop The Inquiry [Optional but interesting] Get insulted by the chief. Kawamura couldn't have committed suicide. (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Okoi (Police H.Q.) Question Someone -> About Kawamura Learn that the Sawaki club was Kawamura's biggest fraud and Fumie Sawaki was HIS private secretary too (Sumoto) Question Someone Learn that Fumie had an Older Brother with a butterfly-shaped mark on his shoulder and that their parents committed suicide after the club went bust. (anywhere) Look For Someone -> Fumie's Brother (anywhere) Move -> Police H.Q. Evidence: Map (Reception Room) Tap On or Hit -> button (Reception Room) Move -> Another Room (Study) Move -> Descend (Maze) Move Up 3 Times, Left Up 8 Times, Left Up 4 Times, Right Up 5 Times, Left Up 2 Times, Right Up 2 Times OR Tap On or Hit -> wall Up 3 Times (Grey Room) Call Out Can Take: Diary (Grey Room) Investigate Thing -> Diary Read Kouzou's Diary (Grey Room) Take An Item -> Diary [Optional] Evidence: Diary (Grey Room) Move (Maze) Move Right Up 2 Times, Right Up 2 Times, Right Up 6 Times, Left Up 1 Time , Right Up 1 Time , Left Up 10 Times, Left Up 8 Times (Maze) Shall we go up? -> Yes (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Clothes (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Clothes (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Clothes You see Yasu's butterfly birthmark. Yasu and Fumie confess. THE END (5)------------------ Optional Items That Add To The Story -------------------- This sections shows how to obtain these items and how you should use them. Optional Item 1: (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Toshi (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Photo Evidence: Toshi's Photo (anywhere) Investigate Someone -> Kouzou -> Job (Harbor) Question Someone -> Nearby People (Harbor) Show An Item -> Photo -> Toshi Optional Item 2: (Study) Take An Item -> Murder Weapon Evidence: Knife (Hanakuma) Show An Item -> Knife (Kyoto Station) Show An Item -> Knife (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Fumie (Police H.Q.) Show An Item -> Knife Optional Item 3: (Reception Room) Tap On or Hit -> button (Reception Room) Move -> Another Room (Study) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> right of lower bookshelf with books Evidence: Key Note: The key is the only non-photo piece of evidence that can't be investigated in Police H.Q. Weird. (Study) Move -> Descend (Maze) Move Up 3 Times, Left Up 8 Times, Left Up 4 Times, Right Up 5 Times, Right Up 1 Time , Left Up 5 Times, Right Up 2 Times, Left Up 2 Times, Right Up 2 Times, Left Up 8 Times, Left Up 1 Time , Right Up 1 Time , Left Up 2 Times, Left Up 8 Times, Right Up 9 Times, Right Up 8 Times, Right Up 7 Times, Right Up 6 Times, Right Up 5 Times, Right Up 4 Times, Right Up 3 Times, Right Up 2 Times, Right (Maze) Investigate Thing -> Safe (Maze) Investigate Thing -> I.O.U. Hirata owed a lot and had been paying Kawamura. (Maze) Take An Item -> I.O.U. Evidence: I.O.U. Optional Item 4: (Amitahba Ridge) Investigate Thing -> Magnify Glass -> below where Hirata is/was Can Take: Note (Amitahba Ridge) Investigate Thing -> Note (Amitahba Ridge) Take An Item -> Note Evidence: Note Optional Item 5: [You must do this before Kawamura is found dead!] (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Fumie (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Photo Evidence: Fumie's Photo (Sumoto) Show An Item -> Photo -> Fumie |Progress through a lot of the game...| [As shown in section (4).] (Sumoto) Question Someone (Sumoto) Show An Item -> Photo -> Fumie (Harbor) Question Someone -> Nearby People (Harbor) Show An Item -> Photo -> Fumie (6)------------------------- Optional Useless Items --------------------------- Optional Item 6: (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Yukiko (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Photo Evidence: Yukiko's Photo (Hanakuma) Show An Item -> Photo -> Yukiko 25% of the time it says that she is Hirata's daughter. Optional Item 7: (Police H.Q.) Call Out -> Komiya (Police H.Q.) Take An Item -> Photo Evidence: Komiya's Photo Useless! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2006 by Dave V. DiGiorgio (DvD) This FAQ/Walkthrough may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site except GameFAQs or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All information presented in the walkthrough was obtained by myself, none of the content was obtained from any other sources. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 987654321098765432109876543210987654321 123456789012345678901234567890123456789