DvD Translations presents:

Gorby's Pipeline

Great Military Operation

Patch Released: January 22, 2007


Patch | ReadMe


Here are scans of the front and back of the box, cart, and manual!

Famicom Box, Cart, and Manual Front: Famicom Box, Cart, and Manual Front

Famicom Box and Cart Back: Famicom Box and Cart Back

Famicom Cart: Famicom Cart

I was pretty tired when I released this and forgot to spell-check the ReadMe. The patch now contains the spell-checked ReadMe. I didn't change the Rev level, just noted it in the ReadMe's timeline. Anyone who downloaded the original patch to post on their site should download the new one.
I translated this game over New Years eve & day but did not have time to make up a web page and ReadMe until now. I wanted to work on a quick project. harmony7 recently suggested the current tranlsation of the subtitle about a week ago.

Here are some screen shots:
Credits Before Credits After
Title Before Title After Corrections Title After
Selecting Your Level Stage 5 Completed Rocket Stage 5 Completed Map
Notice how PaIPuLaIN was messed up in the original ROM's title screen (Left). To make my translation look good I to had to fix up the original title screen (Middle) before I could change it into English (Right).
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