The Coshatt Surname


Many researchers of the surname Cashatt/Coshatt/Cushatt think that the name was probably Cochet. Records show that Andre Cochet, a French Huguenot, came from England to the Manakintown settlement in Virginia in 1700. As happened with many names, it was Americanized either by people misspelling it, mispronouncing it, etc. While many researchers believe the name Cochet became Cashatt, to my knowledge, no records have yet been found that actually confirm and connect Andre Cochet with the name Cashatt. The Cashatt surname first appeared in Fairfax County, Virginia when an inventory and administration was filed for John Cashat in 1748. Records show that Andre Cochet died in North Carolina about 1728. It is not known when the Cashatt surname first appeared in North Carolina, but Quaker Monthly Meeting records show them listed as living there in 1774.


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