In the summer of 1991, it had came to pass that school friends Daz and Elmo were at a crossroads in their young lives. They were at a point where they had to choose their path in life. A wide variety of choices lay in front of them. Unsure of what path to choose, they decided to visit the 'mad' professor, known as "Gerry" to help them decide. It was a decision that was to change their lives forever.

Gerry resided in a place which was known to locals only as Stipius. People often wondered what marvels lay inside, and Daz and Elmo were soon to find out. Upon entering the old building, they were met by a hideous looking security guard, whom the boys later learned was known as Gerbil. Gerbil informed the boys that Gerry could be found in room 13, at the end of the corridor. Hesitantly, the boys made their way, following the route that Gerbil had advised. The corridor was old and creepy, with a long winding marble staircase at one end. There was an eerie silence that just didn't seem right, which made the boys all the more nervous, however they had come this far, and were determined to persevere.

The door to room 13 opened slowly, making a loud creaking noise. This was the moment that they had been waiting for. Not many people knew what exactly lay beyond the walls of Stipius, never mind room 13, and here at last, the boys were. Hesitantly, they entered. Looking around the room, they were amazed at what they saw. The lab was unlike anything that they'd ever seen before. Books were scattered haphazardly around the room, and all manner of strange instruments cluttered the benches. There were old sinks with old taps, test tubes and flasks, and, as if in an old clich�, the room was dusty beyond belief. And there at the far end of the room was Gerry. Gerry was 6ft tall and skinny. His sunken face was furnished by a pair of old spectacles, and he wore an old jacket that looked like it had belonged to a suit once long ago. In truth, he looked just like a part of the furniture. If he had left the room, it would not have looked right. An extension of his persona, in a sense, room 13 was as much part of Gerry as he was of it.

They hadn't even had time to find a seat when Gerry had spoken to them for the first time. "Get the Books out QUINKLY!" Gerry was demanding. He spoke with authority, his deep boom the voice of a man who had seen it all in his years. You were here to do what Gerry wanted, or you could leave. It was as simple as that. Hurridly, Elmo decided upon a seat in the middle of the room. Daz followed, stopping only to draw breath from carrying around his enormous holdall. Once settled, the boys began to notice all the other faces in the room, who had come to study under the wisdom of Gerry. Each was a unique misfit, and in time, they would play a huge role in what was to happen.

"Cassidy!, be quiet" came the call from behind Gerry's desk. One of the others had dared to speak out of turn. "Oh, but Sir, I...". Before Cassidy could continue, Gerry stepped in, and cut him off with cruel ferocity. "Silence Cassidy, or you'll end up just like your brother..." Gerry was laying down the law. A few of the other's at Cassidy's desk began to laugh. "Heany, you can be quiet too. I've had enough of you", he roared, as Beach, a friend of both Cassidy and Heany, looked on in hysterics.

At that moment, two others entered the room. Hairy and his friend Mark were late. "Quickly! boy!" snapped Gerry. He was a man of little patience. " Get the books out QUICKLY! ", came the now familiar call, as Gerry left the room in a rush. "Get the cocks out QUICKLY!", mocked Daz, who, like the rest of us felt secure enough to talk without Gerry's presence. Elmo, burst out laughing. It wasn't just that it amused him, but more of a nervous release. Suddenly though, Gerry returned. Elmo and Daz were not prepared for such a brief interlude, and were caught unaware. elmo continued to laugh out loud, followed by Daz, who was now also in hysterics.... Gerry stopped. For a moment there was complete silence. Then, laughter erupted once more. Elmo and Daz had been captured, as if by some strange effect that gripped the room itself. They were now powerless. Laughter had gripped the pair of them. It had been said that room 13 effected people in strange ways. People were said to have never been the same after entering room 13. And now Elmo and Daz had discovered the horrifying effect that it was to have on them. From now on, they would do nothing but laugh every time that they entered room 13.

To Be Continued.....

Humour & Nostalgia Eamon's World


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