Napoleonic  Art  Crystal
Crystal prism �obelisk� Gift from Napoleon to Marie-Louise in 1811.

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Acquired at auction in Lake Geneva (Lac Le Mans) in 1897.

Original gift presented to Marie-Louise at Compiegne for the Salon du Roi de Rome. It remained there and became a favorite of the Empress Eugeine.

Given as a gift by Kaiser Willhelm to Mrs. Ada M. Reitz prior to W.W.I. The Crystal remained in her possession until her death in 1959. It has been in my possession since. Part of the original provenance is still legible on the base.

For acquisition information Contact: [email protected]
Earl Beecher 847-885-3545
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Historic Napoleonic Gift Napoleonic Gift View #2
Lac Le Mans Auction c. 1897 Additional Offerings
Napoleonic Prisim
View of the underside.
Transcript from original Historical Account on the Base of Prisim