Love is the strongest tool

by: Shireen Lau
[email protected]

Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 04:58:25 PST

Authors notes: Hello all! This is my first time at writing fanfiction, well, I wrote a profiler one a while ago but it was crap so anywayz Let me offer advance apologies if this turns out to be really bad. My excuse is, Im 14 for gods sake! Im a young, innocent, na�ve little girl! *G* But feedback will be greatly appreciated, even if its negative (but be gentle!)
Right, Ill stop babbling now and get on w/ it THANX to all you ppl on the FF mailing list who gave me such encouraging words. Manuela, Jen, Robin, Michael, Monica and Jeann (slap me if Ive 4gotten you!) Right, Ill stop babbling now and get on w/ it!

Disclaimer: Earth 2 and all its characters belong to amblin entertainment or something like that. Im not gonna beg you to not sue me cos I don't't know why anyone in their right mind would wanna sue someone for this potentially crappy story and the fact that I have no money whatsoever doesnt really help. So HA!!
The characters of Captain Steven Croft, Private Jorja Cobb, Private Alan Chan and Dr. Coles are mine, if anyone wants to borrow them, you may do so but ask me first.
The song featured is called No One Else Comes Close by Joe. The lyrics I put in was the second verse and chorus to the song. The lyrics to this song was written by Joe Thomas, Gary Baker and Wayne Perry. It is the property of Jive Records and can be found on the album All That I Am on Jive Records and the compilation, Cool Grooves, by PolyGram TV, UK and Eire. These lyrics were used w/o permission and no infringement on the copyright intended. They are not mine and I was just borrowing them.

Love Is the Strongest Tool
By Shireen Lau

It's been little over two years since Eden Advance crashed on this planet. We've finally reached what looks to be the outskirts of New Pacifica. For everyone, including myself, it's a joyous occasion. Of course, we had more than our fair share of obstacles to overcome before we made it. The most worrying was Devons illness. Group morale was definitely at an all-time low at that point. But thankfully, with the help of Yale and the support of Alonzo (I don't know what I'd ever do without him), I managed to find a cure for her and once again, Eden Advance embarked on the journey of a lifetime, to save lives.

For me personally, finally getting this close to New Pacifica is frightening, as it is exciting. I'm shit scared to death that once that colony ship arrives, its gonna leave with Alonzo on it. He has been the reason why Ive remained sane these past two years. Hell, he was the one that came back for me when everyone abandon'ted me. And for that, I am eternally grateful. Our love has grown stronger as time has worn on, but is that enough to keep him here?

I don't know whats worse, that or the fact that theres a little voice inside my head that keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. It's the voice of Reilly/Eve. "You'll die running".
Dr. Julia Heller M.D

Julia was dreaming. Well, having a nightmare to be exact. She was in the same VR setting as she had been in all those times she had contacted Reilly. Just being there was enough to scare her. But the figure before her was even worse. In front of her was Reilly. "You'll die running Heller". He kept saying over and over again.
"NO!" Julia screamed. She turned to run and suddenly, the scene changed and she was on the beach at New Pacifica. Alonzo was there, facing her. Behind him was the colony ship. "Looks like Im going to break your heart after all Julia" he said, and with that, he turned and boarded the ship.
"NOOOOO!" Julia screamed again. "Don't leave me! I LOVE YOU ALONZO!!!!"
But he was gone. She sank to the ground.
"Don't leave me" she was repeating over and over again.
"Youll die running Heller".
"Im gonna break your heart afterall Julia".
"Youll die running"

"No Alonzo don't leave me!" Julia bolted upright in her tiny cot. Sweat and tears trickling down her face.
"Julia ?" Her screaming and movements had woken Alonzo, who had been sleeping peacefully next to her. Julia looked around her, taking in her surroundings. She looked at Alonzo.
"Alonzo !" she cried, throwing her arms round his neck. "You're here !"
"Well of course Im here !" exclaimed a now confused and slightly worried Alonzo. "Where else would I be ?"
Julia pulled out of the embrace and looked at him. Fresh tears started to well up in her eyes and she pulled him into another fierce hug. "Don't leave me, don't ever leave me". She sobbed into his neck.
"I have to leave Julia, I can't stay here can I ? You'll die running Heller. I'm breaking my promise and your heart now. Youll die running."
Julia quickly backed out of Alonzo's arms. But they weren't Alonzo's arms. They were Reillys. What was going on?
"NO! YOURE JUST A DAMN HOLOGRAM !! GET OUT OF MY LIFE !" Reillys face suddenly turned into Alonzo's. "I'm leaving Julia." He calmly stated. "NO! DON'T LEAVE! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD NEVER BREAK MY HEART! YOU PROMISED!" She started pounding his chest.
"Julia ?"
"No! You promised!"
"JULIA!" Alonzos yell and constant shaking brought her out of her nightmare. She snapped her eyes open to see Alonzos worried expression staring at her. His hands still held a firm grip on her arms. She struggled out of his hold but he was too strong for her.
"Let me go you son of a bitch. You promised you were never going to break my heart!" she cried.
"Julia, what are you talking about?"
"What? Julia, how am I going to break it?" Alonzo was by now, beginning to get a little frantic himself. What had gotten into her?

Julia finally managed to pull out of Alonzo's hands and had started to sob uncontrollably. That last remark had brought a look of shock onto Alonzos face. This was quickly replaced with one of worry and concern. He pulled Julia into his arms and started to gently rock her back and forth.
"No I'm not. It was just a nightmare, I'm never going to leave you. I love you." He whispered and softly kissed the top of her head. Julia lifted her head to show a tear-stained face.
"Youre not?" She croaked.
"Of course I'm not. It was just a bad dream." Alonzo pulled her back into his arms and started to rock her again as tears began to flow down her face again. She buried her head into Alonzos chest.
"Oh Alonzo, it was horrible." She said, in between sobs. One minute you were you, then you were Reilly.
"Whoa, hold it there, Reilly was in your dream?"
"Yeah, it was horrible."
"Did he say anything?" Julia felt fresh tears welling in her eyes and suddenly felt really tired.
"If its alright with you Alonzo, I really don'tt want to go into detail at the moment."
"Of course, its more than alright, Alonzo said softly. He carefully settled himself back down on the cot with Julia still in his arms. I'll wait."
But Julia didn't hear his last words for she had already dropped back into the deep sea of sleep.

The rest of the night was dreamless for Julia and she woke up with the sun's rays penetrating the thin roof of the tent. Alonzo's arms were still wrapped around her body. Last nights nightmare was still clear in her mind but Julia decided to push it aside for the time being. She tenderly kissed Alonzo on the lips and smiled as he stirred.
"Wakey Wakey fly-boy."
She said softly.
Alonzo creaked his left eye open and then slowly opened his right. His lips curved upwards in a small smile.
"Hey Querida."
He said as he returned Julias kiss with equal tenderness. How are you this morning? he asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Julia groaned. She was not particularly up for discussing her dream yet. Especially not first thing in the morning. "C'mon Julia, youve got to talk about it sometime."
"I know, but not now."
"Then when?"
"After Ive grabbed something to eat okay?"
Alonzo said, slightly disappointed. He was hoping she would tell him now but as he knew all too well, nightmares weren't exactly the nicest thing to talk about, especially first thing in the morning. He slowly got up to get changed but was stopped shortly by Julia's hand on his arm.
"Sorry 'bout calling you a son of a bitch last night. I was a bit disorientated." Alonzo grinned.
"Forgotten it already." Julia looked visibly relieved and she too, got dressed.

As soon as Julia stepped out of her tent, a worried looking Devon confronted her.
"Julia are you okay, I heard you screaming last night." Walman, who was standing close by snickered.
"Yeah, I bet she was a bit more than alright." His grin immediately faded when Alonzo shot him a murderous look.
"I'm fine Devon, I just had a bad dream."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Maybe later." Julia said distantly as memories of the previous night came flooding back. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and tried to shake the fear away. Alonzo gave her shoulders a light squeeze and guided her towards Bess and Denner, who were serving breakfast.

Breakfast was eaten in silence. Julia didn't really eat, just pushed her food around. Afterwards, Julia retreated back to the med-tent hoping on the extremely remote chance that Alonzo would forget about her dream. No such luck. She hadn't sat down for more than five seconds when Alonzo opened the tent flap. He took hold of Julia's hand and led her towards their cot. He lightly brushed away a lock of stray hair and placed his hand on her cheek.
"You ready to talk now?" Julia shook her head. "But you promised after breakfast so you are aren't you?" He said in a feeble attempt to lighten the mood. Julia drew a deep breath and began.
"It started with me in the same VR room that I used to contact Reilly...." And she went on to explain the whole dream. When she had finished, her face was already tear stained. Even though she knew that a large portion of it could never ever happen, she still couldnt shake the feeling of fear from Reilly/Eve. Alonzo pulled her into his arms and just held her there.
"I love you Julia."
"I Love you too 'Lonzo." Their moment of peace was suddenly disrupted by Danziger yelling at them to get off their arses and pack up their tent. "Adair wants us to try and get there today." He added and then muttered under his breath, "And everything her majesty says goes, doesnt it."
"I heard that Danziger!" Devon called out from behind her own tent.

(Voice of Julia) We managed to reach New Pacifica just before dusk. The journey took shorter than we had first thought. Probably because of the grit and determination from the group. The scene that greeted us when we got there was absolutely breathtaking. Words cannot even begin to describe it. Its so beautiful. But for some damn reason, I cant seem to shake this feeling of fear Ive been having since my dream. I don't know why, but the dream has convinced me that Alonzo will leave. No matter what he says.

Once camp had been set up, Bess and Magus set about to make dinner while everyone else either relaxed, or ran off to have a look around. Julia and Alonzo were walking slowly along the beach, hand in hand. "�This is nice."� Alonzo said after they had been walking for about five minutes in silence.
"�What ?"�
" Just this. You and me, walking along the beach. It�s�. Nice."
� "�Yeah."� Julia murmured.
Sensing the distraction in her voice, Alonzo stopped and turned to face Julia, taking both her hands into his. �"Julia, what�s wrong ?"�
"�Nothing.�" Julia quickly replied. Too quickly. Alonzo frowned.
"�Yeah right, I've heard that one before.�"
�"Really,�" Julia insisted, "�Nothing's wrong."�
She took her hand out of his and started walking towards the sea. Alonzo stopped her with both hands on her shoulders. He slowly slipped his arms around her waist and brought his face over her shoulder, his course stubble rubbing against her soft skin.
�"Why won't you tell me?"� He whispered. "Julia sighed deeply and turned to face him."
"�Remember the last night I had that dream about you leaving me ?"
� �"Yeah, and I've promised I won't."� Julia drew a deep breath and tried to focus her eyes on something other than his face.
�"Well, see, the thing is,"� another deep breath, �"I've been having this horrible feeling whirling round inside me."
� �"What sort of feeling ?"� By now, Julia had to fight to keep the tears from welling up in her deep, blue eyes. She had to try even harder to keep her eyes from meeting Alonzo's.
�"Fear."� Julia managed to croak. �"Fear that you're going to leave me".� After having said that, Julia immediately wished she hadn't. Even without looking at him, she could feel the hurt emitting from Alonzo's body as he took a step back. There was a long, awkward pause as Julia's words started to hit home. Suddenly, Alonzo threw his arms around Julia and kissed her deeply. After what seemed like an eternity, his mouth parted from hers and Alonzo pulled back as he framed Julia's face with his hands. Yet she still refused to meet his eyes with hers. �Julia look at me.� She bit her lower lip as tears started spilling from her eyes. "�What do I have to do to make you believe that I�m never, *ever* going to leave you?�" Alonzo said through tears of his own. The pain in his voice was clear. Just as Julia was about to answer, both their gears suddenly came to life.
"�Perfect timing."� Alonzo grumbled as he reached for his gear. "�What?"
� "�Um, I hope I�m not interrupting anything guys, but dinners ready.�" The nervous voice of Denner sounded over the com.
�"Got it. Solace out."� Alonzo clipped his gear back on his belt and took Julia by the hand. �"We'll talk about this later ok?"� he said softly and kissed her on the cheek as the young couple headed back towards camp in silence.

Neither Julia nor Alonzo ate much at dinner which was a pretty much a silent affair for the two. Each was lost in their own thoughts as they both replayed the earlier happenings at the beach. Alonzo looked up from his plate and glanced over at Julia. �Why doesn't she believe I'm going to stay?� He thought. �What do I have to do to convince her?� He went back to staring at his plate and pushing his food around as a plan started to form in his head.

Julia had expected Alonzo to give her a full confrontation about having to talk about what was going on through her head but much to her relief, he had seemingly let the matter drop. As she lay there in his arms that night, Julia started to think about their conversation (if you can call it that) on the beach. A single tear rolled down her face as she recalled the hurt she saw in Alonzo�s eyes when she told him her fear. �Why can't I believe him?� she thought. �I want to. But can't. Why can't I?� She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to get to sleep.
The days events had been more tiring than Julia thought and she almost immediately fell asleep. Suddenly, she found herself on some flat terrain that distanced off into some mountains. �"Where am I ?�" she asked no one in particular.
"�Hey Querida.�" Julia spun round and came face to face with Alonzo.
"�Alonzo, where are we?�" Alonzo grinned.
�"You know doc, for a doc, you�re not very good at listening to people describe stuff are you? "Julia eyed him curiously and took a look round. Then it dawned on her. Of course!
�"We're on the dreamplane?"�
�"Hey! So you do listen after all!"
� �"But �'Lonzo, how did *I* get here?"� Alonzo�s grin grew wider.
�"Easy, I brought you here."�
�"Yes, but *how*?"� Julia asked impatiently. �Ugh!� she thought, �he can be so, so�.
� �"Fly-boyish?�" Alonzo finished for her.
"Yeah. That's it, fly-bo� hang on! You can read my thoughts?"� The scientist in Julia had kicked in now.
�"Apparently so.�" Alonzo�s face grew more serious. �But that's not why I brought you here.
� �"Then why?�" Although Julia thought she might already know the answer.
�"Give me your hand.�" Alonzo said, reaching out with his. Julia took it cautiously. And suddenly, they were on another clearing. But this one was more familiar. Recognizing the time and place, Julia whispered, �"I've been here before."� She looked around her and saw herself crouched round with Devon, Yale and Danziger. "�Oh my god."� She breathed as she looked up and saw the dream apparition of Alonzo. "�Alonzo, why are we here?�" Julia asked frantically as memories of that day came flooding back. This was a day she was more than willing to bury into the back of her mind. She tightened her grip on Alonzo's hand as the events of that day started to unravel before her very eyes. Julia buried her head into Alonzo's shoulder and cried. �"Alonzo, I don't want to be here."
� �"Okay, hang on, I'll take it forward a bit."� He whispered as the scenery changed to the med-tent where Alonzo was lying on the cot with his right leg bandaged. His hand was placed lightly on Julia�s cheek who was standing at his bedside.
�"Alonzo,"� the *real* Julia said softly, �"why are we here?"� tears were streaming down her cheek as she remembered the fear that clutched at her heart that day when she thought she was going to lose Alonzo. Was this the same fear that she was feeling now? Sort of. Probably. Very likely. �"Can't you feel it?�" Alonzo said through his own tears and so lightly that Julia almost didn't hear him. Suddenly, it hit her.
"�Woah."� Julia breathed
"�This is why I�m never going to leave you. Actually, take this and times it by about a hundred and *that's* why I'm never going to leave you."� Alonzo took Julia by the shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes.
"�Believe me now?"� He whispered. Before Julia had a chance to answer, the scenery changed abruptly again. Again, the surroundings were familiar but this time, more chilling.

"�Oh god, not again."� Julia said through trembling lips. ��"'Lonzo, why are we here?�" She turned to face her lover but he was no where to be seen.
�"Alonzo?"� Julia cried out, already frantic, �"ALONZO!"� Still no answer. A loud banging behind her caught Julia's attention but the sight would be one that would probably haunt her forever.
Julia turned round and came face to face with Alonzo, who was behind what looked like glass that had been reinforced at least three times. He was banging on it as hard as he could. Julia couldn't make out what he was saying but it was something about waking up. �"How?�" She cried, running up to the glass and placing her hands onto it, trying to reach out to Alonzo. An evil sounding laugh from behind caused Julia to whirl round. She stopped cold. It was Reilly.

�"Well, we meet again Citizen."� �"No, you can�t be, you�re just a holo."� Julia stammered. "He can't be on the dream plane! He�s just a hologram!" �"Oh but I can, it's your subconscious. Remember Heller, you are a traitor to the Council, you should�ve brought the boy to me. You'll die running. And without loverboy over there." Reilly gestured towards the window and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Alonzo plunged into a coughing fit and started grabbing his throat. Like he was choking. Julia's eyes widened in horror. "�WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?"� she shrieked as she started banging on the glass, hoping that it would somehow shatter. Julia�s head started to spin as Alonzo disappeared into the ground and then the whole room started shaking with Reilly's voice whispering into her ear, "�You�ll die running..."� Julia could feel her world going blank as Reilly's voice echoed in her ears.
�"Julia ? Julia ! Wake up !"
� �"Julia ?"
Reilly never called me by my first name before.� She thought. �"JULIA!�" Julia snapped her eyes open at the sound of Alonzo shouting in her ear. She stared up at Alonzo for a split second before throwing her arms round his neck and burrowed her face into his shoulder.
�"Did you see him?"� She said in a raspy whisper, "�He was there again! And he was hurting you! You were choking, then you went into the ground."
� Julia pulled back from Alonzo's arms and looked at him with eyes of concern and alarm. �
"Did you feel it? Are you hurt? Can you breathe properly?"�
She was firing questions at him left right and centre as both the professional side and personal side kicked in at the thought of Alonzo being hurt. Seeing the concern in her eyes, Alonzo brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and kissed her softly on the lips.
�"I'm fine."� He said, �"That wasn�t the *real* me there, somehow, your own subconscious got mixed in with the dreamplane." "As soon as the scene changed from the med-tent, I got thrown off. In fact, it was your punching that woke me up.�" Alonzo grinned slightly, trying to lighten the mood a bit, �"I hope you weren't hitting me."� Julia managed a faint smile but the dream was still vivid in her mind and was still scaring the hell out of her. Just then, a faint knock could be heard on the tent flap and Magus, who was on night watch, peeped in. �"Is everything ok in here?"� she asked, �"I heard shouting."
�"Yeah, we�re fine Magus."� Alonzo said in an unconvincing tone. Magus picked up on this but decided to let it go. �Lovers tiff.� She thought as she went back to her post.
As soon as Magus was gone, Alonzo turned back to face Julia.
"�What happened?�" He asked softly. Julia bit her lower lip as fresh tears started their descent down her face.
"�After the med-tent, we, no, *I* had managed to end up back in the VR meeting place I used to consult Reilly."� More tears. "�And you were there, in this room that had a window with a really thick piece of glass. And then Reilly was there, and said that I would die running." She continued while trying to choke back a sob. �"Then you started choking."� Julia broke off before she dug her face back into Alonzo's shoulder. �"Oh Alonzo, it was horrible, everything started spinning, and you were dying, and� oh my god."� Julia abruptly pulled back from Alonzo's embrace; her eyes filled with worry and fear. �"I know why Reilly's in my dreams."
� �Why?� Alonzo asked, his voice filled with concern. �They�re coming.� Alonzo stared at her, wide eyed. �Julia, what are you talking about? Who�re coming?� �The Council.� She whispered. �How do you know?� These dreams were making her paranoid. �I just do, I�ve got a feeling.� Seeing Alonzo didn�t believe her, Julia grabbed his hands. �Please �Lonzo, you�ve gotta believe me, they�re coming, I�ve never been so sure of anything.� Hearing the pleading tone in her voice, Alonzo once more drew Julia into his arms where she remained the rest of the night. He still did not believe Julia but all the same, he decided to discuss it with Devon the next morning. Julia awoke to find she wasn�t wrapped in the safe arms of Alonzo anymore. �Alonzo?� she asked tiredly. �Right here Querida.� Alonzo answered from his seat at the side of the cot. �I figured you needed some more rest and I didn�t have the heart to wake you.� He added with a small smile while brushing away a strand of hair away from Julia�s face. �How long have you been sitting there?� Julia asked with a small smile of her own. Alonzo shrugged. ��Bout twenty minutes. C�mon,� he said, taking Julia�s hand and pulling her up, �time to wake up. We�ve got to go see Devon.� �Alonzo, � Julia stopped him with her other hand on his arm, �Thank you.� �For what?� �For being there.� Alonzo smiled and lowered his head to kiss her. �Anytime doc.� He whispered as his lips brushed hers.

(Voice of Julia) // I don�t think Devon believed me when I told her about the Council but all the same, she has drawn up a roster for a round the clock watch. They might already be here. Nearly everyone has signed up for a shift. What did I ever do to deserve such good friends? I don�t think Alonzo is 100% convinced. But I *know* they�re coming. I think that�s why I think Alonzo�s leaving. Although my dream was of him leaving by the Colony ship, I�m scared to death that the Council are going to kill him. If that were the case, then maybe it would be best for him to leave when the ship arrives. I don�t want to watch him die. I don�t want to watch him die because of me. //

�When the colony ship arrives, I think you should leave.� It was after dinner that same day and Julia had dragged Alonzo along for a walk on the beach. They had been walking for at least fifteen minutes before Julia could muster up the courage to tell Alonzo what she had been trying to tell him all day but never really wanted to. �What?� Alonzo asked, clear shock and disbelief in his voice. �I think it would be a lot safer if you leave this planet.� Julia replied with a shaky voice. �Safer? How?� �When the Council get to me, they�re probably going to kill you to do that.� Tears started to well up in Julia�s eyes as she took his hands into hers. �I cannot, *will not* stand by and watch you die because of me.� Alonzo took one hand and tilted Julia�s chin up so her eyes met his. �Listen to me Julia,� he said, �I am *not* going to leave you, no matter what. I�d rather die than do that. And I will *never,* *ever* let the Council take you. If it means I have to give up my life, then so be it. I promise�� Alonzo was cut short by a sickening dull thud from the back of his head as he fell to the ground, unconscious. Before Julia could register what had happened, she felt the hiss of a sediderm to her neck as sleep overtook her. The Council soldier picked Julia up and flung her over her soldier as her partner activated his gear. �We�ve got Heller sir.� He said, looking down on Alonzo. �Was she with anybody?� Came the voice on the other end. �Yeah, her pilot boyfriend. I knocked him out. What shall we do with him?� �Leave him there, no, take him with you. He might come in handy later.� �Acknowledged. Chan out.� Private Alan Chan picked Alonzo up and, with hardly any effort, flung him over his soldier. He joined his colleague, Private Jorja Cobb as the two walked back to their Transrover. Chan strapped Alonzo in the front while Cobb did the same with Julia in the back. �Y�know, � Cobb said on the way back to their camp, �you could have just sedated him.� Chan snorted. �Look, why waste that stuff when you can just knock �em out the old fashioned way?� he said like there was no other choice. �Women.� He added under his breath. Cobb heard him, but chose not to answer. She couldn�t be bothered to get into another debate with him about how women are exactly the same as men. Next to her, Julia started to stir. The sediderm that had been administered was quite mild. �Alonzo?� she asked, groggily. She turned and saw Cobb looking at her. �Wha� Who are you? Where are we going?� Julia asked in alarm. �Hey relax. We�re just going to take you to camp for some questioning.� Cobb replied. Her voice was cool and crisp. �Your Council.� Julia said, more to herself than to Cobb. �Yeah, same as you.� �No,� Julia said firmly, �I am no longer a Patriot to the Council.� �Yeah that�s right, you�re a traitor.� Chan replied from the front. �I�m not a traitor.� Julia said through gritted teeth, �I realised that the Council are wrong. Don�t you see? They�re just playing with your lives. You are nothing but pawns to them.� She said, hoping that by some miracle, these two soldiers would see the light. Then she reminded herself, miracles don�t happen all that often. �No, you�re wrong,� Cobb said, somewhat angrily, �The Council made us, we owe everything to them. Without the Council, we are nothing.� �You�re chromo-tilts too?� Julia asked, her voice was barely a whisper. She said it so quietly, that Cobb didn�t even hear her and was staring at the sea. Julia turned her attention to Alonzo, who was sitting in front of her. His head had rolled to one side, like he was sleeping. �What have you done to �Lonzo?� she asked. �Don�t worry, he�ll be fine, he just needs time to come round.� Chan replied and added with a sneer, �Which is more than I can say for you.� Julia trembled at the thought of what they might do to her, now that she was thought of as a traitor. Back on the stations, she�d probably be dead by now or close to death anyway. The rest of the journey was made in silence as Alonzo remained unconscious. Julia was worried he might have concussion, judging from the build of Chan, he could have been hit with the force of at least three men. Chan was, afterall, a chromo-tilt. Who knows what additional attributes were included? Meanwhile, back at camp, Devon Adair was frantically trying to establish contact with Alonzo or Julia. Every time she tried to raise them by gear, all she got was static. �Where could they be Yale?� She asked her friend as once again, she tried to reach the couple. �I�m not sure Devon, but it looks like their frequency�s have been deliberately scrambled.� He replied with more than a hint of worry in his voice. Just then, Danziger entered the tent. �Any luck?� He asked. �Nothing.� Devon answered, then added, �Yale thinks that someone might be blocking the frequency.� �Who�d do a thing like that?� �I have no idea.� Devon replied thoughtfully. �But Julia did say something about� No, it was just her own paranoia wasn�t it? She couldn�t be right.� She continued, more to herself to herself than anyone else. �What Devon? What did Julia say?� Danziger asked, a little impatiently. Just as Devon was about to answer, a shout could be heard coming from her tent. �MUM!!� Uly yelled as he went barrelling into the communications tent. He went straight to his mother and almost knocked her over as he threw his arms around her neck. �What is it Uly?� Devon asked in a panic. �It�s Julia and Alonzo, they�re in trouble!� he blurted out. �What? How do you know?� All three adults asked almost simultaneously. Uly took a moment to catch his breath before he continued. �The terrians told me. They were taken to some camp about an hour away.� �Who? Who took them Uly?� Devon asked her son. �I don�t know, they wouldn�t tell me. But they�re real bad people.� �Okay Champ, why don�t you go back to bed and I�ll be there to tuck you in?� Devon said as he ruffled his hair. �I don�t what to, I want to do something to help save Julia and Alonzo.� Uly looked Devon with pleading eyes. �Okay, why don�t you and True round everyone up for me?� Uly quickly sped out of the tent, eager to help. Even if it did mean having to work with True. Devon watched her son run out of the tent with great love and affection in her eyes. �He�s so full of life now.� She thought before turning back to the task in hand. She turned to Yale and John. �Who do you think have captured Julia and Alonzo?� Yale asked. �Woah hang on sec here.� Danziger said, �This is assuming that the diggers are telling the truth.� �Danziger,� Devon said in an annoyed tone, �Have the terrians ever lied to us?� John slowly shook his head. �But�� he began. �But nothing.� Devon said in a no nonsense voice. �Besides, you can�t lie on the dreamplane anyway.� Danziger remained silent but all the while glaring at Devon. He hated it when she was right! Ignoring his glare, Devon turned back to Yale. �What about what Julia said about the Council?� Yale suggested. �That�s just her being paranoid isn�t it?� Devon asked, having a hard time trying to believe it herself. �But if what she said was true, that means� oh my god, ULY!!� She yelled as she bolted out of the tent with Danziger hot on her heels. At the Council camp, Private Jorja Cobb had just finished reporting to her Commanding Officer, Captain Steven Croft about their progress. �The frequency�s on their gears have been successfully scrambled.� Croft nodded at this with little interest. He hated gears. Much preferred phones. �We have Dr. Heller locked up in cell one. Shall I tell Private Goodman to prep for her interrogation?� �No, not yet, let her sleep then begin first thing in the morning.� Croft said, shaking his head, then asked, �What about Solace?� �He�s in the medical lab sir. Dr. Coles is trying to bring him round as we speak.� Croft�s eyes narrowed. �What do you mean, �bring him round�?� he demanded. �Well, er, he�s still, um, unconscious sir.� Cobb stammered, shuffling with her feet. �Why is he unconscious?� Croft asked quietly. �Well, um, as Chan had said when he reported back on the beach, he had knocked Solace out.� Cobb suddenly felt very claustrophobic in all her combat gear. �WHAT?!?� Croft roared. Cobb flinched. �When you were briefed on this mission, what did I stress?� It was more of a rhetorical question. Before Cobb had a chance to answer, Croft carried on. �I had specifically said that casualty�s should be kept to a minimum didn�t I? And did I not also say that violence should only be when absolutely necessary?� Jorja nodded her head. �PARDON?� �Yes sir.� Her voice was barely a whisper. �Send Chan in. PRONTO!� Croft bellowed as Cobb quickly scurried out the room. As soon as the door was shut, Croft fell back into his chair and started rubbing his temples. After over twenty years serving the Council in the military, he had come to despise violence. It was definitely not the answer. Better pump them full of chemicals. His thoughts were interrupted by a firm knock on the door. �Enter.� He said, standing up. Private Alan Chan marched in and saluted. �At ease Private.� Croft said before sitting down. He poured himself a glass of water and took a sip before setting the glass down again. He pressed his fingers together and looked up to face Chan. �I am troubled.� He said after a while. �As you know, Private Cobb has just been in here reporting your progress.� Chan nodded, not quite sure where this was going. �And she also happened to mention that the pilot, Solace had been knocked unconscious by your hands.� Croft looked at his soldier with steely eyes. �What did I say at the mission briefing Private?� Chan squirmed and tried to tear his eyes away from his superior�s but couldn�t. �Well?� the Captain asked expectantly. �Well, err,� Chan suddenly couldn�t speak properly, �you said that em,� �Speak properly Private, and hurry up, I haven�t got all night.� Croft said sternly. �You said that, um, we weren�t to use violence unless absolutely necessary.� Croft nodded in agreement, still staring at Chan. �Are you a forgetful soldier, Private?� �No Sir.� �Then why the *hell* did you feel the need to strike Solace?� Gone was the coldness in his eyes. It was now replaced with anger. �I understand that your genes were enhanced?� Croft carried on with more anger in his voice. �Yes Sir.� �Then you understand that you are by far the strongest soldier in this unit?� �Yes Sir.� �Then, in knowing your strength, why did you feel the need to strike a man *in the head*?� Chan mumbled something incoherently about wasting sediderm. �What?� Croft barked. Just as Chan was about to answer again, the phone rang. Croft picked it up all the time with his eyes watching Chan. �Croft.� He said into the receiver. He nodded a few times as he listened to the person on the other end of the line. �Okay, thank you for informing me Doctor. I�ll be down in a minute.� Croft put the phone back on the receiver. �That was Dr. Coles on the phone. It seems that Solace has finally managed to regain consciousness. I am due down there to see him now. You and I will continue our, �meeting� tomorrow after you have got the Adair boy.� �Yes Sir.� Chan said quietly as he saluted Croft. �And Chan,� Croft added as Alan walked towards the door, �if anyone else is injured tomorrow unnecessarily, believe me, there *will* be more trouble than you can ever imagine.� �Yes Sir.� Chan mumbled as he hurried out the door, secretly fuming. �Everyone�s turning into women.� He thought as he made his way to his quarters. �How can he approve of the use of chemicals but not physical violence?� Alonzo slowly creaked his eyes open to find himself face to face with someone he had never seen before. The lights shining above him made him shut his eyes again as his head started to pound. Alonzo tried to move his arms but found that they were strapped down with restraints. They weren�t loose either. �Dim the lights.� He groaned to the man. �Okay Mr. Solace, you can open your eyes now.� Alonzo opened his eyes and once again saw the man who he immediately didn�t trust. �Who are you? And why have you tied me up?� He demanded. �I�m Dr. Coles. I have been ordered to tie you up.� He replied. �It�s really for your own safety. Wouldn�t want to be shot down now, would you?� Coles added with a sneer. �Where am I?� Alonzo asked, a bit more alert now. �You�re in the Council medical facility. What was the last thing you remember Mr. Solace?� Coles asked, shining a small light into Alonzo�s eyes. Alonzo squinted at the light before answering. �I was on the beach with Julia� oh my god, what have you done with Julia?� Alonzo asked, frantic. If anything happened to her� �That information is irrelevant to you at the moment but since you asked, she is currently in her cell.� The doctor answered while putting some sort of drug in a hypospray. �If you do anything to her, I swear I�ll, I�ll�� �You�ll what?� Coles asked smugly, �Face it fly-boy, you�re powerless to stop what that traitor has coming to her.� Alonzo was stopped from saying anything further by a knock on the door. The soldier guarding the door opened it and saluted as Captain Croft walked in. He saluted the soldier and walked over to Alonzo. He nodded a greeting at Dr. Coles and turned to look at Alonzo. �Hello Mr. Solace. My name is Captain Steven Croft.� He said quietly. Alonzo glared at him but said nothing. �How are you feeling?� Croft asked with a hint of true sympathy in his voice. �Oh I�m just great y�know, cos there�s nothing I love more, than a big blow to the head to send me to sleep. Oh and did I mention that the good doctor here feels threatened that I might try to escape so he felt like cutting off the circulation to my hands and feet with these restraints?� Alonzo spat. Croft tried to a reassuring hand on Alonzo�s shoulder but he shrugged it off harshly. �*Don�t* *touch* *me*.� He said quietly and through gritted teeth. Croft frowned. He had hoped it wouldn�t come to this. �I�m sorry for Private Chan�s actions Solace, I really am. But I see that you�re not going to be very co-operative so I�m afraid you�re going have to be our first guinea pig.� He said as he motioned for Coles to administer the drug in the hypospray. Alonzo tried to put up a struggle but because of the restraints, couldn�t do much as the he felt the cool, metallic device against his neck. �What have you given to me?� He demanded weakly. �Just an experimental tranquilizer that will hopefully put you into deep sleep. Hopefully.� Croft added with a small chuckle. All sympathy in his voice had vanished. �And don�t worry Solace, your girlfriend will get just what she deserves. Nothing less.� Alonzo tried to say something, but he couldn�t as the drug set to work and sleep overtook him. Croft turned to the doctor. �Loosen those restraints, he shouldn�t be a problem now. Keep me updated.� �Yes Sir.� Coles said as he loosened the restraints. Croft nodded and started towards the door. Just as he stepped out, he stopped and turned around. �And doctor, good work.� With that, he walked away, leaving Coles to set up the various tests and drugs that have been planned for Julia, should she refuse to co-operate. Devon found Uly outside Magus�s tent telling her, Walman and Baines to go to his mum�s tent. As soon as she was near enough, Devon threw her arms around Uly and hugged the life out of him. �Mum!� Uly managed to gasp. �Thank God you�re okay!� Devon sighed. She released her grip on him and looked at him squarely in the eyes. �Uly, from now on, I don�t want you going off on your own, or go anywhere with True without an adult, do you understand?� �Muuuum!!� Uly groaned extravagantly. This was gonna be like when they first got here! But Devon made no movement, apart from tightening the grip she had with her hands on his shoulders. �Uly,� She said slowly, �Please, this is important, don�t go anywhere without an adult. Understood?� She asked again. �Okaaaay.� Uly scowled. Devon stood up and took Uly�s hand as she turned to Walman, Magus and Baines. �C�mon, � she said, �Come to my tent.� When they got there, everyone else had already arrived. The quiet murmur stopped as everyone got into a comfortable position. Devon sat on her cot with Uly in her arms. �Okay, I think we may have a lead on where Julia and Alonzo are held.� She said in an authoritative tone. �Held?!� Morgan exclaimed. �What do you mean, �held�, who�s holding them?� Devon took a deep breath. �We have good reason to believe it�s the Council.� She said quietly. Excited chatter started to engulf the tent as Morgan broke into a cold sweat. �Oh my God!� he said in a panicked voice, grabbing Bess�s arm, �Oh my God, they�re coming to get us, one by one, they�re going to get us and kill us!� �Hey, HEY!� Danziger bellowed, �Everybody, just calm down.� �Calm down? Calm DOWN?� Morgan asked incredulously, �How the hell do you expect us to just calm down when they�ve probably got us surrounded already, oh my God, do you think they�re outside?!?� Danziger stalked over to Morgan and grabbed him by the shoulders. �*Shut it* Martin!� He growled through gritted teeth and pushed Morgan back. Danziger turned towards Devon and motioned for her to carry on. She shot a look of thanks toward him before continuing. �The terrian�s have gotten in contact with Uly and according to them, Julia and Alonzo are being held in some camp. We�re not a hundred percent sure yet, but from what Julia said this morning, I think it�s a safe bet that it is the work of the Council.� �So what�re we going to do?� Walman piped up. Devon frowned. �To be honest, I�m not sure. We have no idea where they are or anything. Anyone got any suggestions?� �Who was the last to see them?� Yale asked. This time, it was True�s turn to speak. �I saw them down by those set of caves after dinner. Julia seemed pretty upset.� Devon threw a grateful smile in True�s direction and her father gave her a gentle squeeze of the hand. �Right, it�s too late now, but at first light, I want a Walman and Baines to go look for any clues.� Devon said, new hope creeping into her voice. �Excuse me, um, Devon,� Cameron said quietly, �but I was out there before dinner, and it seemed like it was going to get pretty windy. Wouldn�t it be better if we sent a team there now, before any tracks are blown away?� A few of the group murmured their agreement while Devon remained unconvinced. �I doubt they�ll be back Devon.� Yale said quietly in her ear. Devon seemed to contemplate this for the moment before nodding her agreement. �Fine.� She said, �Baines, Walman and Cameron go and guys, take some weapons and stay on gear at all times.� The three men nodded and walked out of the tent. Devon turned back to the rest of the group. �There will be an extra person on night watch, just like we planned, and *no-one*, is to leave Uly or True alone. At any time.� She stated firmly and slowly. After about another half-hour conferring, the group decided that nothing could be achieved if none of them got enough sleep so they all went to bed apart from Danziger, Yale and Magus, who were on first watch. The camp was awakened after about an hour of silence by the return of the scout team with exciting news. �We�ve found some tire tracks leading off to the West, it�s too far away for us to follow now, but the path is pretty much straight and there is no way through greenery that thick.� Baines said excitedly. Huge grins broke out among the camp as everyone started to chatter with more enthusiasm. Devon held up a hand for silence as a smile of her own lit up her face. �Okay, I know you�re all excited, I am too, but we have to get some sleep if anything is to be achieved tomorrow, so lets all go get some rest.� She was met by a few groans but everyone filed out of the tent and retired to their own as they waited impatiently for the morning to arrive. Alonzo was dreaming. He watched from afar as his dream apparition stood with Julia at New Pacifica. It was their wedding day. Julia was wearing a simple but gorgeous white dress, and Alonzo was in a handsome tuxedo. They were taking their vows. It was a happy day. Suddenly, the scene changed to a hospital room. Julia was in a bed, with the dream Alonzo by her side. They both had massive grins on their faces. In Julia�s arms was a beautiful baby girl. Alonzo, who was standing by the window, caught sight of his �daughter� and he felt his heart filled up with joy. He saw the other him kiss Julia�s hair as he smiled down at his baby. Suddenly, a terrian erupted from the ground. Alonzo looked up in shock as it started trilling. �This is your destiny, you must save it.� It said. �Save it? How?� Alonzo asked, confused. �The time will come when you will know.� The terrian answered cryptically, and with that, went back into the ground. Alonzo woke up, shocked. What the hell was all that about? He thought. The Eden Advance group had all woken up early. None of them had got much sleep and they were all working on pure adrenaline. Everyone was excited at the prospect of getting Julia and Alonzo back. Walman, Baines and Magus had gone on ahead in the ATV to make sure there weren�t any obstacles in the way of their path. �Right,� Devon said. Everyone was gathered in the center of camp, waiting for Devon to give them the full plan of action. �We go down to those caves where Julia and Alonzo last where, and wait for Baines to come back. He�ll guide us to the spot where we will take our positions. Any questions?� �I have a couple.� Morgan spoke up. �Yes Morgan?� Devon asked, thinking it was probably going to regard his own safety. �If they�re Council, they�ll probably have sensors on their perimeter. How are we meant to get past them? And what if Walman and them lot have already penetrated them?� Morgan�s questions were met by silence. No one had ever thought about that before! Danziger flipped on his gear as he tried to establish contact with Magus. �Magus here.� She answered almost immediately. �It�s Danziger. Listen, how far away from their camp are you?� Danziger asked worriedly. He heard muffled voices as Magus repeated the question to Walman. �Are sensors show that we should probably be there in about ten minutes. Why?� �Magus, stop now.� �Huh?� Came the confused reply. �We�re not sure about the range of their sensors, and to be honest, we�d rather not find out the hard way, if you catch my drift.� Magus grinned so broadly, that it was almost possible for Danziger to hear it over the gear. �Our genius Baines here has already figured that out.� Now it was Danziger�s turn to be confused. �What are you talking about?� He asked, almost impatiently. �Well, Baines has managed to fix up a coupla nifty transponders that can deflect the sensor signals. We�re invisible!� Magus clarified, with a small chuckle. Danziger breathed a visible sigh of relief. �You tell that Baines he�s something, you hear that?� He said with a grin. His face turned more serious. �Okay, be careful alright, and stick to the plan. Danziger out.� He clipped his gear back to his belt and clapped his hands together. �Right Adair, shall we get moving?� Devon nodded her head in agreement and everyone grabbed their weapons and started their new journey, to save two of their family. Alonzo looked around him. There didn�t seem to be anybody in sight. He tried to lift his arms but for some reason, he couldn�t move them. He lifted his head slightly to look at the restraints. They were loosened. �Why can�t I move?� he thought. He tried to move his legs but they were no use. �I�m afraid you�re going to be our first guinea pig.� Croft�s words flashed into his mind. �Oh my god, what have they done to me?� he frantically cried out loud. Again, Alonzo tried to move his limbs but failed as a muscle spasm took over. Pain took over his body as his muscles cramped up. He tried desperately to try and shake it away, but it was like trying to shift an elephant. Above all the pain, Alonzo heard someone walk in and rush over to him. He saw the face of Dr. Coles looking at him in fascination. �Well,� he said thoughtfully, �it looks like the drug has a few side affects. Here, this will make the pain subside.� The Doctor finished as he pressed a muscle relaxant to Alonzo�s neck. Almost immediately, the spasms stopped. Alonzo closed his eyes as the pain went away. He didn�t try to move anything, for fear of another spasm. �Why can�t I move my arms and legs?� he asked quietly. Coles�s face seemed to light up with excitement. He rushed over to a table to get something. �This is most interesting,� he muttered, �The sediderm hasn�t seemed to take full affect, I wonder why, by God!� Coles�s head snapped up and rushed back over to Alonzo with one of those hammer things (I don�t know what they�re called!). He started tapping Alonzo on the leg with it. �Do you feel anything?� Coles asked Alonzo. He shook his head. �What did you give me?� He demanded through gritted teeth. Coles didn�t seem to hear him as he carried on muttering to himself. He didn�t even acknowledge the firm knocks on the door. Croft walked in and approached the Doctor, who was in a world of his own. �Report please Doctor.� Croft ordered. Coles seemed to just notice the Captain was there as he started to explain while continuing his tests. �It seems the brain can only take a certain amount of the sediderm and has pushed all the excess drug to send the muscles to sleep. This is most fascinating. Mr. Solace here can�t seem to move any of his limbs, and they don�t react to any contact, but a minute ago, Mr. Solace suffered a very nasty muscle spasm. �What the HELL did you give me?!?� Alonzo yelled. Croft frowned at him. �I don�t appreciate your language Solace.� He said in an authoritative tone. �Go to hell.� Alonzo spat back. Croft frowned again and nodded toward the Doctor. �Why don�t you sleep on it son.� Croft snickered as he walked out of the room. Alonzo heard the hiss of the hypospray against his neck as once again, sleep overtook him. Meanwhile, Julia was just waking up on the cold, hard floor of her cell. They had given her another sediderm when she was dragged into the cell so she felt really groggy. She rubbed at her eyes as she tried to take in her surroundings. She leaned against the wall as memories of the night before came flooding back. �Oh god, Alonzo�.� She gasped, as she buried her face into her hands and started to cry. Eden Advance had been walking for little over an hour through the greenery and there was still no sign of the Council camp. �How much longer Baines?� Morgan Martin asked, voicing the question on everyone�s tired minds. �It shouldn�t be long now.� Baines answered, tired himself. �I guess it takes a little longer without any vehicles.� He added apologetically. It was decided it would be safer if they didn�t take any vehicles, in case there were any guards prowling about. The group were stopped short when they heard the snap of a twig. Baines and Danziger clutched onto their magpro�s as they looked around. �Who goes there?� Danziger bellowed. There was a shuffling sound coming from a nearby bush and the tousled form of Magus came out. �Hey, don�t shoot.� She joked weakly. Both men lowered their weapons. �We were wondering when you would turn up, come on.� She lead them to where Walman was lying on the ground. Looking through a pair of jumpers. �They change guards every two hours. For every shift, there�s two. Overall, there are ten guards.� He reported, never moving from his position. �They each patrol half the camp and never cross over each others side. When one is on one side, the other is on the opposite. Therefore, there are always two sides of camp unattended to. Pretty �un-council�, don�t ya think, leaving such an amount of space alone?� �They probably think with their long range sensors, they�d be able to pick up on anything suspicious before they become a threat.� Danziger said thoughtfully. �What do you think Adair?� He turned to Devon. �I think Danziger�s right,� She answered, addressing the whole group, �Right, me and Magus will go and take care of the guards�� �Woah, what do you mean, �take care of the guards�?� Danziger interrupted. �I mean, they�re not going to know we�re there so we�ll knock them out with a couple of sediderms.� Devon replied, slightly annoyed that Danziger interrupted her. She continued, �Yale and Morgan will stay here with the kids and look out for any dangers while the rest of you will go in. Any questions?� No one had any. �Right, lets move then.� Baines tossed Devon and Magus two highly concentrated sediderms as they sneaked toward the main compound while the rest of the group, apart from Yale and Morgan shuffled to different positions, ready to penetrate. Sneaking up on the guards was much easier than Devon had expected. �They probably don�t expect any trouble at all.� Devon thought to herself. She motioned for the rest of the group to move as the guards both slumped to the ground. �Now comes the difficult part.� She thought. Oh my God! What have I done?! I knew it was a bad idea, I just *knew* it. Should have just left. No. That would have been selfish. That�s the cowards approach. They all deserve better than that. Especially Alonzo. Much better. But look at what I�ve done to him! He�s probably lying somewhere, near de� NO! C�mon Heller, pull yourself together. You can�t think like this. He�s probably escaped and gone for help. But what about his head?! It was in *really* bad shape. Oh God, I hope he�s okay. If anything happens to him�. No. Nothing�s happened to him. �Lonzo�s stronger than that. Oh God, WHY did they have to take him too?! Those sons of�. I can�t lose him. Not now. Not after all we�ve been through. He�s the first to *ever* believe in me. Truly believe. I love him so much. I need to help him. Get him out of here. The Council can do what they want to me. Just leave him alone�. I�ve got to find a way out of this cell. C�mon, focus. Where�s the door? There. Bet someone�s outside. Great, how can I get past them? This is hopeless! Hang on, what�s this? The bricks�they�re loose! No, wait, they probably planned this, making me think I can escape. But what if they�re not? Can they be really that careless? Only one way to find out� Maybe I should wait first. I�m still really groggy. Wouldn�t want them to catch me� So what Heller, you just sit here, waiting for them to come get you, while Alonzo is god knows where�. They�re probably on their way now. Yup. Best move now. �Lonzo needs me. Think of Alonzo. Think of our love. Alonzo makes me strong�.. These aren�t even that heavy, I hope I�m right about this� Hang on Fly Boy, I�m coming. It�s my turn to save you now. Ooh man!! I�m getting the funniest feeling of d�j� vu�. Crap!! I�m still here! Wasn�t a dream then, was it �Lonz? Where�s that Doc?! Good, he�s not here. Git, pumping me full of drugs. I hope Julia�s alright. She better be. I don�t know what I�d do without her�. What did she mean, I had to go back with the Colony ship?! Can�t she see how much she means to me?! C�mon Solace, no time to think about that now, Julia needs you. I�ve gotta go find her before they get to her. Restraints are lose I think. Argh!! My muscles are killing me! I can hardly move! There�s gotta be a pain block around here somewhere. If I can just, get to the table. Damn this hurts!! C�mon man, just think of Julia. Think how much she needs you now. Okay, damn! These all look the same! Aren�t they colour coded? Yeah! They are, remember when Julia were telling them to ya? How did she remember them again? Blue for�..bed? Bed! Sediderm. Oh, no! Don�t wanna touch that again! Purple for�pain! Ha! Yes! This is it! I hope. What if it�s wrong? No time for second guesses now. Can�t be worse of than you are now. Here goes�. Kay, I�m still awake, and I�m all numb. Way to go Solace, you�ve just sent your muscles to sleep. I need a stimulant. Man, this can�t be good, having all these chemicals in me. Uh oh, voices, quick! Back in bed. But I can�t move! Duck! What, you think they�ll miss you lying on the floor?! Oh shut up brain!!! Phew! Just passing. I�ve gotta hurry up before someone really does come in. Stimulant, adrenaline, what colour begins with those?! Well, auto is black on those Word programs, so black! There it is. This better work. Woah! What a rush! Gotta get Julia. Lets go. Go. Stop! Check if anyone�s out there first, fool! Man, these people must think I�m next to death or something, they haven�t even got a guard. �Kay Querida, here I come� Gotta get to Julia, gotta get to Julia, gotta get to Julia�� The door creaked at an uncomfortable pitch as Danziger opened it to lead the way. They were met with a long stretch of corridor and several rooms on either side. Surprisingly, there was no one in sight. �Looks deserted.� Danziger muttered as he motioned for everyone else to enter. Baines and Walman scooted up to the top of the corridor to make sure the coast was clear. They gave the thumbs up and moved on. Next, was Cameron and Magus. They crept up as Walman and Baines disappeared off into opposite directions. Danziger and Devon were the last to go, checking in the rooms as they went. Suddenly, there was a shout followed by some gunfire and several thuds. Danziger sprinted up to the top and turned left, toward the direction of the sounds. He was greeted by the sight of Baines and Cameron standing over two soldiers. They each had a mag pro in their arms. �So much for deserted.� Baines said while Cameron looked to be in shock. He�d never killed anyone before. He didn�t really want to do it again anytime soon. �Hey, you okay man?� Cameron�s thoughts were interrupted by Baines, who had a concerned look etched on his face. Cameron looked at him blankly, then managed a weak smile. �Yeah, just feels a little weird that�s all.� Baines gave him a reassuring pat on the back. �I know.� Their focus switched to the task at hand when they heard a loud klaxon go off followed by several raised voices. �Damn! We better move, NOW!� Danziger yelled as he burst through the swinging doors, followed by Cameron, Baines, Denner and Devon. They were in yet another corridor, this time with no rooms. But an awful lot of soldiers. Alan Chan was one of them. Danziger and the others didn�t hesitate in firing, although some of the shooting was off target. �FIRE AT WILL!!� Chan yelled to his people as they returned fire. But it had little impact as one of the Advancer�s shots had ricocheted onto the hanging lights, causing them to come crashing down onto most of the soldiers, knocking them unconscious. Those still conscious were hit by a flurry of bullets. �C�mon!� Danziger said, leaping over the pile of bodies. They turned left and saw two or three holding cells. �This must be where they�ve been kept.� Baines said as he looked into one of them. �Look! There�s a pile of bricks in this one!� He exclaimed. �The others are empty, stand back.� Danziger told everyone as he fired at the lock on the door. It swung open easily. He rushed in and peered through the hole in the wall. He couldn�t see a lot because it was so dark. �Is anyone there?� He bellowed. There was no answer. Just as Danziger was going to repeat himself, he heard a quiet voice calling his name. �Danziger?� Julia had only gotten through a few feet before she heard the gunshots. �Julia?� He questioned. �Help me out.� She said as she crawled back toward the hole. She held out a hand and let Danziger pull her out. She propped herself up against the wall and looked around her. �I don�t think I�ve ever been so glad to see you guys.� She said. �What�s going on? Where�s Alonzo?� �We don�t know, we�re going to look for him now.� Devon answered reassuringly. �I�m coming with you.� Julia said, as she struggled to get up. �Woah, you�re staying right here where it�s safe Doc.� Danziger said firmly. �Cameron will look after you. You are in no shape to move about, especially out there, and you know it.� Julia opened her mouth to protest but Danziger held up his hand. �He�s right Julia,� Devon put in, �You�ll be no use to Alonzo, unable to defend yourself will you?� Seeing that she was outnumbered, Julia sat back down. She was just going to have to get out another way. She watched the others apart from Cameron file out, listening to the shouts and gunshots outside. Meanwhile, the others were busy trying to fend off an onslaught of Council soldiers. Captain Croft, who had been trying to catch up on some lost sleep had walked out in the middle of the �battle field� and been caught up in the cross fire. He barely had time to take in what was going on before he fell. Miraculously, the four colonists, Walman, Magus, Matzatl and Bess had managed to overpower their enemies. ��Kay, we�d better try make contact with the others.� Walman said, as he reached for his gear. �Danziger? Danziger, this is Walman, do you copy?� There was a crackling of static before he got an answer. �Walman, Danziger here. We�ve found Julia. How�s it going over there? Any sign of Solace?� �No, we�re looking for him now. I don�t think we need to worry about any more Council.� Walman replied, looking down on the bodies littered across the corridor. �I wouldn�t be too sure about that sir.� Walman and everyone else spun round to come face to face with one Dr. Coles. He had his arm around the front of Alonzo�s neck and was holding a pistol to his temple. �Drop your weapons.� �You first.� Now it was the Doctor�s turn to turn around. Julia was behind him, carrying Cameron�s mag pro. �Aaah. If it isn�t the traitor.� Julia didn�t flinch. �Let him go.� She ordered slowly. �Why? What would you do if I didn�t?� Coles snickered. �Shoot me?� He backed up against the wall and pulled Alonzo in front of him. �Oh I don�t think so.� This caused Julia to react. She lowered the mag pro slightly. That was all he needed. In one swift movement, Dr. Coles spun Alonzo out the way and aimed his gun at Julia, squeezing the trigger. A shot rang out and Julia fell to the ground. Actually, pushed is a better word for it. Cameron had chosen that moment to come barrelling in, flinging himself at Julia and shooting at Dr. Coles. None of his shots were on target but Walman had reacted quickly and pumped Coles�s back with his mag pro. Silence followed the commotion as everyone surveyed the damage. Cameron was lying on top of Julia, who looked to be unconscious. Coles was on the ground, presumably dead and Alonzo was lying next to him having passed out. Just then, Danziger and the others came charging in, weapons at the ready. �What the hell happened here?� Devon demanded, looking around her. There was a groan from somewhere on the floor. Everyone looked to Cameron who was then unceremoniously shoved over by a rather dazed looking Julia. She glanced at Cameron, puzzled. �How�d you get here so quickly?� She muttered. She then shifted her gaze over to Alonzo who was still unconscious. �Oh my God, Alonzo..� Julia gasped as she shuffled over to his side, cradling his head in her arms. �I�m so sorry, I�m so sorry..� She mumbled over and over again. �Okay, will someone *please* tell me what went on here?� Devon demanded again. She pointed at Julia, �And how did you get past Cameron?� Julia didn�t answer, but kept mumbling to herself, oblivious to who was around her. ��Cos she�s got one heck of a right hook.� Cameron replied for her, clutching his arm. �I think my arms dead.� He said, looking at where blood was pouring out. �Okay, we better get you and Alonzo back to camp..� Danziger began. �No!� Everyone turned to Julia, �Their medical facilities are much better here, we�re best off working here. Besides, I need to know what they gave Alonzo. He looks pretty drugged up.� She tried to pick Alonzo up without much success. Walman went over to help her. �Anyone know where it is?� �Yeah, it�s just round there, we passed it on the way here.� Danziger replied, helping Cameron up. �C�mon, lets go.� They all picked themselves or someone else up and followed Danziger, who was establishing contact with Yale and Morgan. �Yale? It�s Danziger, we need you in here, I think Julia will need your assistance. Bring the kids as well, it�s all clear.� He swung open the door. Walman and Julia gently placed Alonzo on the bed and Cameron went to sit on another one in the far corner. Just then, Yale, Morgan and the children walked in. Yale had with him Julia�s diaglove and handed it to her. She smiled her thanks. �I need you to take a look at Cameron. He�s lost some blood. See if you can find something to apply pressure. That�ll stop the bleeding. Oh, and see if you can find another diaglove you can use.� She instructed as she started to pass her glove over Alonzo. �Oh my God, what have they done to you?� She whispered, wiping away tears that were forming in her eyes. �Julia?� Julia turned towards Devon and the rest of the group, all their faces were masked with concern. �Is there anything we can do to help?� �I need to know what they gave him. Those bastards gave him what looks like a highly experimental drug that contains a dangerous amount of wha�.� She was cut off as she saw Alonzo�s eyes flutter open. �Am I in heaven?� He whispered. Julia smiled. �No fly-boy, you�re in the medical facility, we�re trying to figure out what they gave you.� She replied as she felt tears forming in her eyes again. �Said I was their guinea pig�. It kills.� He croaked. Julia lifted her free hand to his forehead. �Try to save your energy okay?� She said in a barely audible whisper. Alonzo smiled. �I�ll be fine now you�re here.� He coughed slightly. �Love you.� �Love you too.� Julia whispered, lightly brushing her lips with his, once again completely oblivious to their audience. The couple were brought out of their moment by the yell of Morgan. �Found it!� He said, holding up a small vial containing a clear liquid. Julia�s eyes widened in horror. �Oh no, no�.� She whispered. She turned to Alonzo, �How many doses did they give you?� �I�m not sure, about two I think.� �What is it Julia?� Devon asked softly. �It�s what the Council have been working on for God knows how many years. It�s supposed to try and send the subject into a deep coma, hence the heavy amount of what we use in sediderms. But the side effects were horrendous, some even fatal.� �How do you know that?� Danziger asked. �It was my mothers idea. My sister was head of the research project. I was still in University when it started, then this project came along and I was appointed to that. Samantha was always telling me how the project was going horribly wrong and how they were losing subjects. The project was finally scrapped but I suppose they had tried to enhance it.� Julia replied, all the while staring at the vial. �So now what do we do?� Danziger asked. �I need to analyze the drug first.� �Can�t you just pump his stomach with that charcoal stuff?� Walman asked. �I can�t because it�s in the bloodstream. Pumping him only empties out his stomach contents.� �Hey Julia, what�s this?� Uly asked, holding up a vial of black liquid. Julia walked over to Uly and took it in her hand. �I�m not sure, I�ve never seen it before.� She replied, closely inspecting the small container. �Lets see..� She walked over to the side and placed a bit of the contents onto a slide. She slid it onto a microscope and peered into the lens. Her eyebrows were knitted together in concentration. �Hang on a sec� Where�s that drug�?� Morgan walked over and gave it to her. She placed that on a second slide and looked at it through the microscope. Her eyes suddenly lit up in excitement. �Oh my god, it�s the exact opposite!� She rushed over to Alonzo, putting the rest of the black substance into a hypospray. �You think you should put that stuff in me Doc? I�ve had a lot of stuff put against my neck these past two days.� Alonzo asked with a hint of worry. �This�ll neutralize that drug they gave you, you�re gonna be fine.� Julia said, her face glowing with happiness. She pressed the spray against Alonzo�s neck and passed her diaglove over him once again. Her eyes lit up again and a grin broke over her face. �It�s already working!� She said. She gave Alonzo a quick kiss and went to help Yale with Cameron. �How are you doing Cameron?� She asked, looking at his wound. �I�ll be fine, but I ain�t never gonna get on the wrong side of you Doc!� He replied with a grin. Julia smiled sheepishly. �Yeah, sorry about that, it was the only way I could get out.� She motioned for him to lie down. �I�m just going to take the bullet now, you won�t feel a thing. Oh and Cameron,� Cameron looked at her, �Thanks for saving my life.� He smiled again. �Anytime.�

(voice of Julia) // It�s been a week since our encounter with the Council. By some miracle, we had managed to defeat them. Danziger and Walman had blown up the compound with one of their own devices. The soldiers were still inside. I battled ferociously to stop them but I was outnumbered. I still feel bad about it. I always feel bad when someone dies. So many questions entered my head when I heard the explosion. Could I have helped them anyway? Is this murder? Could I have tried harder to stop them? But then again, as Danziger reminded me, these were the people who had caused the crash in the first place. Who had killed all those others aboard the Advance ship. But, if that hadn�t happened, where would I be, where would we all be right now? �Lonzo would have been on his way back to the stations, and I would never had got to know him� But it still doesn�t make blowing them up right, does it? There has been signs of remorse throughout the group. We haven�t talked about it though. Danziger�s excuse is, what�s there to talk about? What�s happened has happened. As a doctor, my ethical battle with this has been horrible. But the personal side of me? Well, I�m just glad it�s all over. I think what�s happened has brought Alonzo, who�s more or less fully recovered, and I closer together. The Colony ship should be arriving in about a months time and we�re all very excited about the arrival. I�m not sure what�s going to happen with me and �Lonzo when they do arrive. We haven�t so much as uttered a word of it since last week. He�s been disappearing a lot this past week. I�m not sure why, and haven�t asked him about it. I�m afraid of what his answer might be.//

It was a few hours before dusk and Alonzo had yet again, gone off on his own. Julia was trying to raise him on gear but wasn�t really expecting any response, as she never got any. She was just about to give up and get on with some experiments when she heard Alonzo calling her above some static. �Julia?� �Alonzo? That you?� �Yeah, can you pick up my gear signal? I want to show you something.� �Where are you?� Julia asked, puzzled. �Why don�t you bring it back?� �Just follow my signal. Hurry up, before it gets dark!� He replied with a hint of secrecy in his voice. ��Kay, I�ll be there in about� ten minutes.� Julia replied, snapping off her gear. What could he want to show her that was so important? �Alonzo? Alonzo, where are you?� Julia called out. She had been walking for about ten minutes and had come to a clearing. But there was no sign of Alonzo. �Right behind you.� Alonzo�s voice made her jump. She spun round and came face to face with a grinning Alonzo. She smiled. �Okay, fly-boy, what is it you want to show me?� He grabbed her hand. �C�mon, it�s up here.� He pulled her up a small hill to the top where it was looking over the sea. Julia gasped. �Oh my God. It�s beautiful.� She breathed. Alonzo smiled and took a deep breath. �Put on your gear.� He instructed. Julia looked confused. �Why?� ��Cos I want to do this properly, and have it perfect. Can�t well do that without VR.� Julia eyed him suspiciously as she put her gear on. She was met with the familiar whoosh one gets when entering VR and suddenly she was in a restaurant with music playing in the background and a single table with two plates of food that were separated by a single candle in the middle. �You like it?� Alonzo whispered behind her. Julia turned round to look at Alonzo and gasped. He was wearing a tuxedo and looked *absolutely* gorgeous (not that he needs help looking like that ). �You�re not looking to bad yourself Doc.� He murmured as he brought her hand to his lips. Julia looked at herself and let out another gasp. She was wearing a black strappy type dress thing and her hair, instead of being held back in a simple pony tail, fell on her shoulders. Julia looked up at Alonzo and grinned. �This is what you�ve been doing all this time?� Alonzo�s reply was to kiss her tenderly on the lips. �Impressed?� He asked, lips centimeters from hers. �Very.� Julia replied as she kissed him again. �I�ve asked Devon and she said it was okay for us to just eat here tonight.� He grinned and held out a hand. �May I have this dance?� He said, in his poshest voice. Julia smiled and let herself be led toward the dance floor. Her ears perked up at the music. And when I wake up to, the touch of your head on my shoulder, You�re my dream come true, yeah For girl, you know I�ll always treasure, Every kiss, and every day, I love you girl in every way, And I always will cos in my eyes, Julia looked up at Alonzo, who was holding her close. �This is one of my favourite songs.� He whispered. �It�s an old Earth R n B song. It expresses how I feel about you.� Julia smiled and leaned her head against his chest. No one else comes close to you, No one makes me feel the way you do, You�re so special girl, to me, And you�ll always be, eternally, Everytime I hold, you near, You always say the words I love to hear, Girl with just a touch, you can do so much, No one else comes close. The song ended and Alonzo pulled away and looked deeply into Julia�s eyes. He caressed her cheek with his hand. �You�re so beautiful.� He murmured, causing Julia to blush. Alonzo continued to stare into her eyes. �He looks scared.� Julia thought. ��Lonzo, what�s wrong?� She asked, her voice was full of concern. Alonzo took a deep breath. �I�ve been doing a lot of thinking this past week and�.� �And�?� Julia urged him on, trying to keep the feeling of dread inside her from rising. �And I was wondering if, um, I mean if you�. I guess what I�m trying to say is umm. I love you so much and would you�� �Alonzo, *what is it* ?� Alonzo took another deep breath. �Okay, um, I was wondering if you wanna get married.� Julia blinked. �What?� Alonzo took her hand into his. �Dr. Julia Heller, would you do me the honour of being my wife?� There! He�d said it. Yet there was no reaction. Julia just stared at him. Suddenly, a huge grin engulfed her face and tears started rolling down her face. She cupped Alonzo�s face with her hand and kissed him tenderly. �Yes.� She whispered. Now it was Alonzo�s turn to blink. �Huh?� �Yes I will marry you fly-boy.� �You will?� Julia nodded. �You will!� Alonzo yelled and gave her a big hug and kissed her deeply. �I was afraid you�d say no for a minute there� He said after she was sufficiently dazed. He kissed her again, this time, ripping both their gears off in the process so they were back to reality again. �Just one question.� Julia asked, pressing her forehead against his. �Why did you choose here?� Alonzo grinned. �I figured we could build our house here. It�s got the best view. What do you think?� Julia smiled and kissed him again. �I think it�s perfect. Just perfect.�

(voice of Julia) // Today is the one year anniversary of our wedding. We�re also expecting the birth of our baby daughter, Destiny Solace very soon. It was Alonzo who came up with her name. He said we were destined to be together and it was all down to fate. Personally, I think it�s all down to love. After all, love is the strongest tool.// Oh MAN!! That last line is REALLY tacky, don�t you think?! Anyway, so, what do you think? Tell me! Now! Please!

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