Useful Links

Welcome to our links page. We have found some sites on the internet that are very useful for the people who care about our Mother Earth and we have organized them by categories. We hope you visit some of this pages in order to acquire more knowledge regarding the different environmental issues, such as Green Consuming, Recycling, Composting, Organic Gardening, Wildlife and Biodiversity. We also provide some links about Ecopsychology and Genetically Modified Food too. Thanks to all the people who has contributed to Women for Mother Earth!

Environment - Green Consumers - Wildlife - GMF
Green Companies - Recycling - Ecopsychology


Earth Day '99 Online
Earthday 2000, coming Saturday, April 22nd!
Sacramento Community Environmental Links!
Simple Living Network
Environment Links at
Greenpeace International Home Page
Greenpeace Canada
Friends of the Earth UK
Friends of the Earth International
Friends of the Earth Canada
EnviroLink Network
Planet Peace
Earthday Network Home
Environmental Organization WebDirectory!
Native Web - an Internet Community
Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain
US Environmental Protection Agency
EPA -- Concerned Citizens
CNIE's Population/Environment Linkages Service
Keep America Beautiful, Inc.
Earth's 911
Environmental Education
Kids Care ! Earth Center
Island Press -- Internet Guide to Environmental Information
Green Canada
Sierra Club of Canada
Environmental Defence Fund Worldwide
National Audobon Society
National Geographic
NRDC Homepage
The Wilderness Society
EarthWatch Institute
National Environmental Trust
Union of Concerned Scientists
Rainforest Conservation
Alaskan Rainforest Campaign

Green Consumers
Organic Gardening Links (From the Organic Gardening Section)
Green Seal--Homepage
Buy Green
GREEN-LINK - An Environmental Starting Point
FTC - Green Marketing
Project Green
Everyday Ways You Can Help Clean Up the Earth... When Shopping
The Puzzle - Ethics In Action Awards 1999
Have Green Christmas

Terra Main Page (good for kids)
Defenders of Wildlife
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WWF Global Network
National Wildlife Federation
Canadian Nature Federation
The Nature Conservancy
English Nature
Fedup Pandas

Genetically Modified Foods
Friends of the Earth UK -- Food & Biotechnology Campaign
English Nature -- Position Statement on GEF
GMO Test Sites in the UK
New Scientist -- GM Food Section
Petition for Mandatory Labelling of GM Foods (US)
Monsanto UK - a food biotechnology company
Guide on how to avoid GM Foods
Organics Direct -- GM-Free fruit, vegetables and groceries (UK)
Which? Online -- GM Foods
GM Food -- General Assembly of the Church of Scotland Report

Green Companies
3M Innovation Network - Our Environment
AESOP: The Leather Alternative
Aspen Trading Post
Bloomin' Flower Cards Fun idea!
Blue Canoe Organically Grown Cotton & Hemp/Cotton BodyWear
Brookside Soap Company
Grande Prarie Envirostore
NIMBY - The environmentally safe product that repels animals
The Otter Side - Fine Gifts Featuring Birds
Planet Ink t-Shirts
Portal Market
Real Goods Trading Corporation
Rustic Designs - Traditional and Contemporary Twig Furniture
Touchstone Natural Products
US Postal Service WWW Homepage
Yves Rocher
Mountain Green - Environmentally Responsible Household Cleaning Products
Tom's of Maine
CCIC List of companies not testing on animals (cosmetics & householdproducts)

Make money recycling paper
Recycling fund raiser
Buy Recycled and save
Greenwaves (in German)
Planet Ark
Links to Recycling Publications
Global Recycling Network
N S D A : Recycling and the Soft Drink Industry
GPNY Recycled Paper and Printing
America Recycles Day
Global Recycling Network�
Recycle City
Recycler's World
Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
Roscoe's Recycle Room
Earth's 911
Kidz Care
Facts about Recycling
Starwood Environmental Hints

Eco Psychology
Ecopsychology Online
Ecopsychology Principles
Ecopsychology Web
Ecopsychology connecting our mental health to our environmental behaviour
Learn and teach ecopsychology

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