Poppy's Profile
This is Poppy's profile. She's a charcter I made ages ago to go with the Farthign Wood creatures. Here for you to read.

Name: Poppy
Gender: Female
Side: Leader Of Blue Fox Rebelion
Best Friend: Bold
Parents: Dead, father was king of blues until killed
Siblings: one brother, dead
Mate: None
Crushes: she has one on Bold and Plucky

The vixen was very young when her father died and so her uncle Scarface took her job. He was the murderer of her father anyway. He decided to maek the war worse and killed her brother when eh tried to save her. Then she made the rebelion with her followers and elft to help Bold defeat scarface. She's a nice young gril but is like most Blue Foxes, a Warrior at heart. She doesn't like shwoing her feelings unless in a happy mood.
Main Area
War Zone
My Info:
Name: Clare
[email protected]
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