Okay, so I know that I haven't updated this thing seriously in forever and a day. I mean it still says that I'm in high school when I'm about to finish my second year of college. Well, I don't know when I'll be able to really get into it again...at least for a long time. It's going to take some serious work to get it back up and running normally. I'd have to do some serious work on the table to keep it from stretching when I view it on my laptop. And I think Cool Pics just needs to be scrapped considering I never really properly credited the images and half the websites have died. The whole thing needs a facelift and I need to update all the pages with current information. Maybe this summer I can take the time to do that.
me at [email protected] and I will get back to you. I love you all.

This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!
This is Jasmine, she hatched on April 5.

Ooh, this hatched on May 1, I wonder what it is...

Have you ever seen an elephant fly?

Last Updated: September 11, 2006.

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