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Jeff's Review of:
The X-Files
June 19, 1998

1998, 2 hrs 1 min., Rated PG-13 for some intense violence and gore. Dir: Rob Bowman. Writer: Chris Carter. Cast: David Duchovny (Fox Mulder), Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), William B. Davis (Cigarette-Smoking Man), Martin Landau (Kirtzweil), Mitch Pileggi (Director Skinner), John Neville (Well-Manicured Man).

If you've watched The X-Files more than three times, especially a conspiracy one, you'll have some semblance of knowledge when viewing the big-screen episode. This movie is not for those who've never seen the show, because after five seasons, it's too late.

But the next movie, I'm guessing, will be based on a random x file instead of the long-running conspiracies, in order to appeal to a wider-ranging audience. There will be some splashes of conspiracy in order to appease us X-Philes, or loyal followers. But we'll go see it even if it's two hours of Duchovny and Anderson playing cards.

The film proceeds through several points of cover-up including dead bodies infected by an alien virus and subsequent destruction of a Dallas building that houses some FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) offices. Basically, nothing is really solved, and we end up with the same threatening conspiracies we had at the beginning.

The aliens in the film are nasty fellas, waiting around thousands of years for world domination. Hey, if they wanted to, they could've had an easy time of it 10,000 years ago. We wouldn't have been able to put up much of a fight. And I want to see how creator Chris Carter brings together the different aliens we've seen on the show. And if there's an impeding invasion of these parasitic, oily aliens, then what do the others have to say about it?

There has been quite a bit of talk about the Mulder-Scully "kiss." I am proud to note that I figured out what would happen a looong time before it did. It was the most obvious foreshadowing I've seen in the series.

The Lone Gunmen had such a small and meaningless part it was silly. They were only on the screen for a minute, trying to appease X-philes I'm sure. If you haven't seen the show, then those three guys in the hospital with Mulder and Skinner are the Lone Gunmen. It's a long story, not to be told here, on their roles in this show.

The cigarette-smoking man also had a cruddy role in the movie. We just didn't see the sinister, evil guy we love to see on tv. Come on! I want to see him oversee an evil act and light up!

There are still a lot of questions I'd like answers, so swipe below for possible spoilers:

What was the deal with the bees? Did the conspirators know what would happen, because the ambulance guys arrived awful fast after Mulder's 911 call....So the aliens wait thousands of years for us to be hosts. Then whose spaceship is that?....Why are Mulder and Scully blamed for the blast? They frickin saved hundreds of people! Why blame them? Blame the dead guy who didn't diffuse the bomb? Is that the Richard Jewell (Olympic bombing suspect) syndrome?...How do Mulder and Scully so easily enter these secret installations?

This was basically a two hour episode, of which there have been better. But it incorporated all the elements we x-philes enjoy, so I have no huge complaints. Did anyone expect any true answers or revelations? Of course not.

The verdict: -- 'Cause it's The X-Files silly!.

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