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Thunder Over Louisville

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Some pictures from our day at Thunder Over Louisville, part of the Kentucky Derby festival, April 2006.

Stacy's desk at the call center where she works, the place dreams die for callers wishing that Sears would extend that warranty on their 25-year-old fridge that just melted your ice cream.

The back of my Aztek became Tailgating Central, a place to keep the kids from getting baked like Ruffles in the heat.

See Nate. See Nate run. See Nate pick up speed and leave you in his dust because you didn't realize a 16-month-old could be so fast. See his mommy yell to stop because she can't catch him.

Who's really behind bars, Gabriel, or me on the outside, unable to bounce? *sigh*

Stephanie's new rules for being an adult in the inflatable bouncy thingy: "Jump. Repeat ad infinitum until your legs give out when you realize you're not six-years-old anymore."

The first flyover of the day looks it ate the Blue Angels.

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