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Male Bonding in Ohio


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Some pictures from my visit to Loudonville, Ohio, August 2003, first stopping in Louisville.

Nothing as refreshing during a long drive as grilling the carcasses of dead animals in Joe, Stacy and Gabriel's backyard, with Stephanie and Bill graciously partaking in the devouring of cute fuzzy wuzzy animals. Yum!

The Diet Coke comes in real handy to offset the wings and chips with rotel dip.

Stacy ponders the big questions, such as "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

Newton's Law of Motion: Objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Newton's Law, subset A, paragraph IV: Um, when it comes to 3 1/2 year-olds, never mind. They are in perpetual motion.

Hole No. 3 of the Edwards mini-golf course is a monster, featuring a slide, a ride on the swing, and through the windmill. What? There's no windmill? Daggumit, people, we need a windmill!

Silly Aunt Stephanie tries to get a smile of poor widdle biddy sick Gabriel, but that pouty look is frozen in carbonite until tickle-fight time.

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