
Photo Gallery

Catching Up in the Bluff City

Pictures from my Memphis visit June 19-22,
including my 10 year high school reunion!

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Kickin' back at Sydney's crib, watching the game. True.

Joining Kristi's beau, Joe, and Steve in the manly art of moving bulky items to their new home. Note I didn't say "lifting," just joining.

Geometry, Shmeometry, just tell me how the blasted thing fits in the door!

Look at me, pitching in with the not-so-heavy items! Yep, a real helper, I am. You know, bad back and all. Right.

Crikey! Look at the size of that African Box Spring! The bugger leapt on Steven like a crazed pygmy!

It's been a hard day's night, Steve should be sleeping like a log.

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