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A LOT To Give Thanks For
Valfrey's first Thanksgiving, 2006

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Turkey Day at the Howells'.

Velveeta warning! Cheese here! The Val&Jeff Victory Wedding Tour continues for the holidays!

She didn't really want a hug, just the basketball. In your FACE, Codyman!

Cody knew it was a bad idea to order those chocolate earrings.

Raymond's brood gathers to "talk," but we all know they're waiting for the food.

Val and Cheryl guard drinks from the soda gnome thieves. It's a dangerous world, this holiday.

YOU WHO JUST GOT THE LAST DEVILED EGG, YOU WILL BURN IN THE ETERNAL FIRES OF ... oh, wait, here are some more. Uh, never mind.

Will and his fiancee Sara love that "Q. What did the turkey say before it was roasted? A. Boy! I'm stuffed!" joke.

*Note to self: Still too early in the marriage to yell "BRICK!" when your wife shoots.*

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