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(Chinchilla laniger)

Article By Huggable Pets Farm Chinchillas

Chinchillas are a type of rodent. They are originally from the Andes Mountains in South America. Chinchillas were originally bred by ranchers for their incredibly soft and thick fur. Now they are widely bred for pets. They can easily live ten years or more if cared for properly.

Chinchillas make great pets. They are odorless, and because of their dense fur can not get pests such as fleas. They are social animals, so if kept alone they will need some attention every day. They are nocturnal, sleeping most of the day, but they will adapt quickly to their human's schedule.

About 90% of all chinchillas are standard gray but they can come in many different colors. All other colors are called mutations. Some color examples include Wilson White, Ebony, Beige, Violet, and Sapphire. Color mutations range in price depending on the rarity of the color.

The Cage:
Chinchillas are very energetic and love to climb and jump so the larger the cage size the better. Wire cages are preferred. The spaces between wires should be no bigger than 1inch x 1/2inch. (Aquariums should never be used because the chinchilla can easily over heat in them) If the cage has a wire floor, the spaces should be 1/2inch x 1/2inch so that their feet can not fall through the wire. I prefer wooden shelves because they give the chinchillas a great chew toy. Wire shelves can be used as long as they are the same size wire as the floor. Pine shavings can be used to line the cage or pan. CEDAR CAN NOT BE USED.

Care should be taken when choosing where to place the cage. Chinchillas have such thick fur that overheating is a danger. They need to stay between 60 and 80 degrees. They must also stay out of drafts. Also, because they are awake at night, your bedroom may not be the best area.

Chinchillas need a glass water bottle. Plastic can be used, but if the chinchilla can reach it, he will most likely chew a hole in it. Food bowls are best hooked to the side of the cage. A bowl on the floor is fine, but it will need to be washed out daily, as the chinchilla will most likely sit in it. Because chinchillas are rodents, their teeth are constantly growing. For this reason chew toys, such as wooden blocks, are needed for grinding down their teeth. Large wheels can also be purchased and placed in the cage.

Chinchillas need a constant supply of hay. This can be bought from most pet stores loose in the bag, or compressed in blocks. They also need chinchilla pellets and fresh water daily. Chinchillas also love an occasional treat such as a raisin or small piece of apple. Their digestive system is very delicate, so a change in diet should be done gradually over a week or two. Sudden food changes can cause sickness and even death.

Chinchillas have a lot of lanolin in their fur and need a dust bath regularly. Chinchilla dust can also be purchased in most pet stores and is very inexpensive. A container is filled with an inch of dust and placed in the cage about 3 times a week. The chinchilla will jump in and roll all around until it is covered with dust.

Choosing Your Pet:
Before you buy a chinchilla you should check with your local vets to make sure that they will see chinchillas. If you can not find a breeder or a pet store in your area that sells chinchillas then check your local laws. Chinchillas are not legal everywhere.

When you go to buy, there are a few health problems to watch for. The easiest thing to check is its current care. If the animal is kept on cedar bedding or is outside on a breezy day, you should choose another pet source. Next you need to check the animal. The front teeth should meet in a straight line( and should be bright yellow/orange on older chins) and the nose should be clean with no crust. Their eyes should be bright and clear. If any of those are amiss you should avoid the animal.

Remember that your chinchilla will live just as long as a dog, so please take just as much care to pick out the right one. Try to handle the chinchilla, or have the seller pick it up and handle it. Take notice of any bad habits such biting, etc.

Once you get your new pet home give it a day or two to get use to its surroundings. You can then start developing a relationship with your chinchilla. With patience and a lot of love you will soon have a new bestfriend!


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