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Ringtail Possum
(Pseudocheirus peregrinus)

Interview with Donna Overton

Positives of Ringtail Possums as pets?
They're friendly, cute, handliable and great to interact with.

Negatives of Ringtail Possums as pets?
They can bite and scratch (if they don't get their way) which will draw blood, and if they love you (like mine do) they want to scent-mark you as part of their family group!

Anecdotes/stories about your Ringtail Possum pet?
I had a female with young in pouch, which was getting bigger and heavier to the point she was almost dragging it under her. I waited and waited thinking the young must surely be big enough to come out of the pouch by themselves, but no sign. Finally I couldn't resist and had to have a look for myself, and low and behold - there were 3 - (triplets). What a surprise, poor Mum. What a weight to carry around. 2 boys and a girl.

Do they have scent glands or an offensive smell?
Yes, scent gland used for marking territory in both female and male located close to the anus.

What is their average lifespan?
Known to live up to 6 years.

Do they enjoy interaction?
Yes, very much so. Mine love to come a sit on my shoulder or arms and feed. Don't mind being patted, although they feel unsecure if they haven't got their feet on something secure.

What is their general personality, disposition, and attitude?
Friendly, warm, furry, always happy to see you at feed-time (dusk) and have a little cuddle.

How destructive are they for an average household?
I wouldn't recommend having them inside - because of the scent-marking. I have heard they can be toilet-trained, but don't know. Mine are in specially built avaries outside. They need the space to run and climb.

Do they climb or tear up furniture?
They love to climb - need to infact.

Are there any problems associated with their claws?
Yes, and teeth. Although a fairly small animal (just under 1 kilo) they can inflict a nasty scratch/bite if they get annoyed.

How messy are their droppings?
There's usually alot of them, like rabbits, sheep or goats, because they're herbavours.

Can they be litter box trained?
Not sure.

Can they be trained?
Yes, to a certain degree. Mine come when called - but its usually because they know its feed time. And I can check pouches without too much of a fuss.

How are they with other pets, larger and smaller?
Because they're naturally nocturnal, mine don't get a chance to interact with much. I did try a Sugar Glider and Ringtail Possum together once - a disaster. They Sugar Glider won.

What size cage do they need?
A minimum of 10 sq m per pair, height at least 3 m fully enclosed and additional 5 sq m per extra animal. Enclosure should be similar to a bird aviary, only weld mesh used instead of bird wire. With on end enclosed to protect from the weather.

What do you feed them?
chopped fruit, broccoli, corn cob, berries, grapes, sweet potato, parsley, rolled oats, sultanas, sunflower seeds, dates, almond, rice cracker, grain bread.

What vaccinations/vet care do they require?
Watch for phenomea, make sure their nest boxes are dry with hay/dried leaves for warmth and comfort. I have also had problems with infected anal glands - much to my vets delight!

At what age would it be best to get one?
Independance is reach at around 6 months, so once they're on solid foods would be best. Although there are formulas available for younger possums, nothing bets Mum's milk for making healthy adults.

Other Consideration for owners of Ringtail Possums?
I have found it fairly easy to bred Ringtails. So you need to consider what you will do with the offspring (they normally have 2 per year), as Males are fairly territorial, the young ones will need to be removed by 10-12 months of age. As well as the females otherwise inter-breeding will occur.

What kind of person should own these animals?
A fairly active person - I go out 2-3 times a week in search of fresh Eucalypt leaves for them. Also clean out their enclosures once a month - replacing the hay I have on the floor (helps soak up everything). Mine all have numerous dead tree branches and rope to run along a climb. Although Ringtails will occasionaly come downto ground level, its not a natural place for them to be.

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