Exit Poll Response Optimization



1250 Precincts Categorized by Partisanship Groupings


Edison-Mitofsky summarized the exit poll data for 1250 precincts separated into five partisanship groupings, from strong Bush to strong Kerry. The optimization model used the Excel “Solver” algorithm to determine a feasible solution: Kerry won the 2-party vote by 52.15-47.85%. The model used the final recorded 2-party vote, within precinct error (WPE) and response rates as constraints.


The resulting vote shares exactly matched the 12:22am National Exit Poll “Voted 2000” shares.


Kerry Exit Poll vs. Actual Vote by Precinct category

Effect of Incremental Aggregate Alpha on Precinct Category Alpha

Alpha (Kerry/Bush response) by Precinct Category

WPE by Precinct Category

Exit Poll Response by Precinct Category

Sensitivity of Kerry Vote Pct and WPE to Aggregate Alpha (K/B)

Bush Percentage of Refusers by Precinct Category Required for Recorded Vote




1- Recorded 2-party vote (Bush 51.24- Kerry 48.76%)

2- Partisanship precinct exit poll response                                        

3- Partisanship "Within Precinct Error" (WPE)                                      



Kerry’s true vote - aggregate and by partisanship category

Kerry 52.15-Bush 47.85%

Assume Census 125.74m total votes cast                                             



        Vote%    Vote   

Kerry   48.76%   60.70                        

Bush    51.24%   63.78                        

Total   100%    124.48               


Optimizer results:


                Kerry   Bush                          

Vote            64.91   59.57m

2-party        52.15%   47.85%

Deviation      -3.39%    3.39%

Vote Deviation -5.89     2.47

Dev /2-pty     -6.50%    7.09%


Vote share     51.62%   47.37%


PROBABILITY of the 3.39% discrepancy between exit poll and vote:

1 in 67 billion                      


PARTISAN ALPHA                                      

Kerry strongholds: 1.052                                    

Other precincts:   1.203                                    


WEIGHTED AVERAGE (AGGREGATE)                                        

Response:    53.59%                                 

K/B (alpha): 1.165                                  


SHARE OF EXIT POLL REFUSERS                                         

Kerry   44.87%                               

Bush    55.13%                               


PARTISANSHIP CONSTRAINTS (1250 PRECINCTS)                                             

        Strong Bush  Even  Strong Kerry                      

Precincts 40   415   540    165   90      


KERRY SHARE                                                 

Min      0%    20%   40%   60%   80%     

Max      20%   40%   60%   80%   100%    



Min      56%   55%   52%   55%   53%     

Max      56%   55%   52%   55%   53%     


ALPHA (K/B)                                                 

Min      0.5   0.5    0.5   0.5   0.5    

Max      2.0   2.0    2.0   2.0   2.0    



Min     10.0%  6.1%  8.5%  5.9%  0.3%

Max     10.0%  6.1%  8.5%  5.9%  0.3%



E-M     10.0%  6.1%  8.5%  5.9%  0.3%    



                 OPTIMIZER OUTPUT SUMMARY                           


         Poll     Count    Diff     Poll     Count   Diff

Kerry    52.15%   48.76%   -3.39%   64.91    60.70   -4.22

Bush     47.85%   51.24%    3.39%   59.57    63.79    4.22

Diff      4.29%   -2.48%   -6.77%   5.346    -3.09   -8.43


Pship    StrongB  Bush     Even    Kerry    StrongK  Total

Prcts    40       415      540      165      90      1250

Votes    3.98     41.33    53.78    16.43    8.96    124.48

Pct      3.2%     33.2%    43.2%    13.2%    7.2%    100.0%


Resp     56.0%    55.0%    52.0%    55.0%    53.0%   53.59%



K/B      1.50     1.17     1.19     1.08     0.10    1.17

K/ 50B   75.1     58.7     59.3     54.1     49.8    58.2



Kerry    0.79     14.51    24.58    11.87    8.95    60.70

Pct      19.9%    35.1%    45.7%    72.2%    99.8%   48.76%


Bush     3.19     26.82    29.20    4.56     0.02    63.79

Pct      80.1%    64.9%    54.3%    27.8%    0.2%    51.24%



Kerry    0.99     15.77    26.86    12.35    8.93    64.91

Pct      24.9%    38.2%    50.0%    75.2%    99.7%   52.15%


Bush     2.99     25.55    26.91    4.08     0.03    59.57

Pct      75.1%    61.8%    50.0%    24.8%    0.3%    47.85%



Kerry    13.5%    31.4%    41.1%    68.6%    100%    44.87%

Bush     86.5%    68.6%    58.9%    31.4%    0.0%    55.13%


VOTE DEVIATION                                              

Kerry    0.20     1.26     2.29    0.48     0.01     4.22

Pct      20.1%    8.0%     8.5%    3.9%     0.20%    6.50%



Calc     10.0%    6.1%     8.5%     5.9%    -0.30%   6.77%

E-M      10.0%    6.1%     8.5%     5.9%    -0.30%   6.77%



Sensitivity Analysis:

Probability of Kerry vote discrepancy as a function of Kerry/Bush response (alpha)                                                                                                                                                

K/B      Kerry    WPE    Prob: 1 in            

1.00     48.77%   0.01%   2               

1.02     49.19%   0.85%   5               

1.04     49.62%   1.70%   21              

1.06     50.04%   2.55%   160             

1.08     50.47%   3.40%   2,334           

1.10     50.90%   4.25%   65,300          

1.12     51.32%   5.11%   3,555,747                

1.14     51.78%   6.02%   559,644,344              

1.15     51.99%   6.45%   7,521,468,533            


1.155    52.15%   6.77%   62,893,081,761           


1.16     52.21%   -6.87%   119,593,696,538          

1.17     52.42%   -7.29%   2,250,674,476,447





Location-size Exit Poll Optimization


The Location Response Optimizer categorized the states into five groupings by size. The input constraints were location WPE and response (completion) rates provided by Edison-Mitofsky. Kerry won the 2-party vote by 52.15-47.85%, exactly the same margin as the 1250 precinct optimization.



1- Recorded vote: Bush 50.73- Kerry 48.27%                                         

  (2 party: Bush 51.24%- Kerry 48.76%)                                             

2- Location exit poll response                                      

3- Location "Within Precinct Error" (WPE)                                                                  



True 2-party Vote share (aggregate and by location)

Kerry 52.15-Bush 47.85%

Assume Census 125.74m total votes cast                      


                           WPE    WPE            

Size      Weight  Votes    Mean   Median  Prct Response

Big City   13%    16.35    7.9    5.9    105   0.52

Small City 18%    22.63    8.5    7.7    236   0.54

Suburbs    45%    56.58    8.1    7.9    487   0.53

Small Town 8%     10.06    4.9    5.0    126   0.57

Rural      16%    20.12    3.6    3.6    296   0.55


Total            125.74   7.17    6.68   1250  0.54


EXIT POLL (2-party)

                 Kerry    Bush                              

Vote              64.91   59.58                             

Vote share       52.15%   47.85%                            

% Deviation      -3.39%   3.39%                             

Vote Dev          -5.88   2.47                              

Dev/2-pty        -6.50%   7.08%                             


True Vote        51.62%   47.37%                            

%Deviation        9.06%   -4.15%      ;                      



WEIGHTED AVERAGE (AGGREGATE) RESPONSE: 53.98%                              



Kerry   44.83%                               

Bush    55.17%                              


         Rural    Town     Suburb   City     Big City

Prcts    296      126      487      236      105     

         23.7%    10.1%    39.0%    18.9%    8.4%    

Votes    20.12    10.06    56.58    22.63    16.35   

         16%      8%       45%      18%      13%     


Kerry NEP share

12:22am  43%      52%      50%      53%      64%     

Final    40%      48%      47%      49%      61%     

TRUE     40%      50%      49%      59%      73%     


RANGE CONSTRAINTS                                           


KERRY WIN%                                                  

Min      35%      45%      45%      45%      60%     

Max      55%      55%      55%      60%      100%    



Min      55%      57%      53%      54%      52%     

Max      55%      57%      53%      54%      52%     


ALPHA (K/B)                                                 

Min      0.50     0.50     0.50     0.50     0.50    

Max      3.00     3.00     3.00     3.00     3.00    



Min      3.6%     4.9%     8.1%     8.5%     7.9%   

Max      3.6%     4.9%     8.1%     8.5%     7.9%   

E-M      3.6%     4.9%     8.1%     8.5%     7.9%   



                 OPTIMIZER OUTPUT SUMMARY                           


......   Poll    Count    Diff     Poll     Count    Diff

Kerry    52.15%   48.76%   -3.39%   64.91    60.70    -4.21

Bush     47.85%   51.24%   3.39%    59.57    63.78    4.21

Diff     4.29%    -2.48%   -6.77%   5.34     -3.09    -8.43


.....    Rural    Town     Suburb   City     Big City Total

Prcts    296      126      487      236      105      1250

2-pty    29.48    12.55    48.50    23.50    10.46    124.48

Pct      23.7%    10.1%    39.0%    18.9%    8.4%     100.0%


Response 55.0%    57.0%    53.0%    54.0%    52.0%    53.98%



K/B      0.792    0.800    0.840    0.835    0.800    0.82

K/ 50B   39.6     40.0     42.0     41.8     40.0     41.0



Kerry    12.69    6.10     21.82    11.75    8.34     60.69

Pct      43.0%    48.6%    45.0%    50.0%    79.7%    48.76%


Bush     16.79    6.45     26.67    11.75    2.12     63.78

Pct      57.0%    51.4%    55.0%    50.0%    20.3%    51.24%



Kerry    13.22    6.41     23.79    12.75    8.75     64.91

Pct      44.8%    51.1%    49.1%    54.3%    83.7%    52.15%


Bush     16.26    6.14     24.71    10.75    1.71     59.57

Pct      55.2%    48.9%    51.0%    45.8%    16.3%    47.85%



Kerry    40.8%    45.4%    40.4%    45.0%    75.4%    44.83%

Bush     59.2%    54.6%    59.6%    55.0%    24.6%    55.17%


VOTE DEVIATION                                              

Kerry    0.53     0.31     1.96     1.00     0.41     4.21

Pct      4.0%     4.8%     8.3%     7.8%     4.7%     6.49%



Calc      3.6%     4.9%    8.1%     8.5%     7.9%     6.77%

E-M       3.6%     4.9%    8.1%     8.5%     7.9%     6.77%

Diff      0.0%     0.0%    0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%





State Exit Poll Response Optimizer


The State Exit Poll Response Optimizer categorized the states into five (High Bush to High Kerry) groupings and used state exit poll response rates provided by Edison-Mitofsky. State vote discrepancies were analogous to WPE.  Kerry was the winner: 51.8-47.2%. The model confirmed the Precinct Response Optimizer: non-response rates were higher in strong Kerry states, again contradicting the non-response (rBr) hypothesis. 


A Regression analysis  of Kerry state poll share and recorded vote vs. the state exit poll completion rate confirmed the optimizer.


Given: Recorded vote

        2-Party   Total

Kerry    48.76%   48.27%

Bush     51.24%   50.72%


2- State exit poll average response rate   

3- State exit poll average WPE                                                                 


Calculate: TRUE VOTE

        2-Party   Total                                                         

Kerry   52.30%   51.77%

Bush    47.70%   47.21%                                                      

WPE     6.77%    7.08%


PROBABILITY of 3.54% discrepancy between True Vote and recorded vote:

         1 in 3.5 trillion                                                    



Response 53.32%                                                               



Kerry    44.86%                                                               

Bush     55.14%                                                               


                                            CALCULATED TRUE VOTE       Deviation from Recorded  

State   Votes    Weight   RESP.    Kerry    Pct      Bush     Pct      Votes    Pct    WPE

Total 121,056   100%      53.32%   63,314   52.30%   57,741   47.70%   4287    6.77%   7.08%


HIGH BUSH                                                                                  

UT       905      0.75%      59.6%    270      29.9%    635      70.1%    29      10.7%   6.4%

WY       238      0.20%      66.0%    76       31.8%    163      68.2%    5       6.8%    4.3%

ID       590      0.49%      63.2%    184      31.2%    406      68.8%    3       1.6%    1.0%

NE       767      0.63%      66.5%    285      37.2%    482      62.8%    31      10.9%   8.1%

OK       1,464    1.21%      53.2%    490      33.5%    974      66.5%    14      2.8%    1.9%



ND       308      0.25%      63.0%    103      33.5%    205      66.5%    8       7.8%    5.2%

AK       302      0.25%      53.2%    126      41.6%    176      58.4%    14      11.5%   9.6%

AL       1,870    1.55%      58.3%    800      42.8%    1,071    57.2%    106     13.2%   11.3%

KS       1,171    0.97%      64.5%    445      38.0%    726      62.0%    10      2.2%    1.7%

TX       7,360    6.08%      58.3%    3,009    40.9%    4,350    59.1%    177     5.9%    4.8%


SD       382      0.32%      42.7%    141      37.0%    241      63.0%    8       5.7%    4.2%

MT       440      0.36%      63.0%    170      38.6%    270      61.4%    4       2.3%    1.8%

IN       2,448    2.02%      38.6%    987      40.3%    1,461    59.7%    18      1.9%    1.5%

KY       1,782    1.47%      52.6%    712      39.9%    1,070    60.1%    1       0.1%    0.1%

MS       1,130    0.93%      49.6%    522      46.1%    609      53.9%    64      12.2%   11.3%


SC       1,600    1.32%      59.4%    742      46.4%    858      53.6%    80      10.8%   10.0%

GA       3,280    2.71%      63.9%    1,402    42.7%    1,878    57.3%    36      2.6%    2.2%

LA       1,922    1.59%      47.8%    857      44.6%    1,066    55.4%    37      4.3%    3.8%

TN       2,421    2.00%      66.7%    1,043    43.1%    1,378    56.9%    6       0.6%    0.5%

WV       750      0.62%      48.7%    305      40.6%    446      59.4%    22      7.1%    5.8%


NC       3,487    2.88%      52.6%    1,723    49.4%    1,764    50.6%    197     11.4%   11.3%

AZ       1,998    1.65%      57.3%    939      47.0%    1,058    53.0%    46      4.9%    4.6%

AR       1,043    0.86%      60.2%    473      45.3%    571      54.7%    3       0.6%    0.5%

VA       3,172    2.62%      56.4%    1,580    49.8%    1,592    50.2%    125     7.9%    7.9%

MO       2,715    2.24%      47.0%    1,338    49.3%    1,377    50.7%    79      5.9%    5.8%



FL       7,548    6.24%      49.0%    3,870    51.3%    3,678    48.7%    287     7.4%    7.6%

CO       2,103    1.74%      55.5%    1,066    50.7%    1,037    49.3%    64      6.0%    6.1%

NV       816      0.67%      49.1%    438      53.7%    377      46.3%    41      9.4%    10.1%

OH       5,599    4.62%      45.0%    3,045    54.4%    2,554    45.6%    305     10.0%   10.9%

NM       748      0.62%      56.9%    400      53.5%    348      46.5%    29      7.3%    7.8%


IA       1,494    1.23%      52.6%    764      51.2%    730      48.8%    22      2.9%    3.0%

WI       2,968    2.45%      55.3%    1,559    52.5%    1,408    47.5%    70      4.5%    4.7%

NH       672      0.55%      44.0%    386      57.5%    286      42.5%    46      11.8%   13.6%

PA       5,732    4.73%      46.8%    3,190    55.7%    2,542    44.3%    252     7.9%    8.8%

MI       4,793    3.96%      50.2%    2,630    54.9%    2,163    45.1%    151     5.7%    6.3%


MN       2,792    2.31%      45.3%    1,575    56.4%    1,217    43.6%    130     8.2%    9.3%

OR       1,810    1.50%      53.0%    943      52.1%    867      47.9%    0       0.0%    0.0%



NJ       3,581    2.96%      59.7%    2,085    58.2%    1,496    41.8%    174     8.3%    9.7%

WA       2,815    2.33%      53.8%    1,628    57.8%    1,187    42.2%    118     7.3%    8.4%

DE       372      0.31%      57.5%    230      61.8%    142      38.2%    30      12.9%   15.9%

HI       426      0.35%      53.4%    242      56.8%    184      43.2%    10      4.1%    4.7%

ME       727      0.60%      61.3%    411      56.5%    316      43.5%    14      3.4%    3.8%


CA       12,255   10.12%     50.5%    7,413    60.5%    4,842    39.5%    668     9.0%    10.9%

IL       5,239    4.33%      51.9%    3,007    57.4%    2,231    42.6%    115     3.8%    4.4%

CT       1,551    1.28%      51.0%    979      63.1%    572      36.9%    122     12.4%   15.7%

MD       2,359    1.95%      59.4%    1,430    60.6%    929      39.4%    96      6.7%    8.1%


HIGH KERRY                                                                                 

NY       7,277    6.01%      57.9%    4,729    65.0%    2,548    35.0%    415     8.8%    11.4%

VT       305      0.25%      53.1%    207      67.8%    98       32.2%    23      11.1%   15.0%

RI       429      0.35%      44.2%    270      62.9%    159      37.1%    10      3.7%    4.7%

MA       2,875    2.37%      56.5%    1,887    65.6%    988      34.4%    83      4.4%    5.8%

DC       224      0.19%      53.5%    207      92.2%    17       7.8%     4       1.8%    3.4%




                                    CALCULATED TRUE VOTE              Deviation from Recorded    

State    Votes    Weight   RESP.    Kerry    Pct      Bush     Pct      Votes   Pct     WPE

Total    121,056   100%    53.32%   63,314   52.30%   57,741   47.70%   4287    6.77%   7.08%


HBUSH    3,965    3.3%     61.7%    1,306    32.7%    2,659    67.3%    54      5.4%    3.58%

BUSH     39,582   32.7%    55.2%    17,415   42.8%    22,167   57.2%    955     3.6%    3.49%

EVEN     37,073   30.6%    50.2%    19,868   53.7%    17,205   46.3%    1,397   6.8%    7.35%

KERRY    29,326   24.2%    55.4%    17,426   59.2%    11,900   40.8%    1,346   7.5%    9.07%

HKERRY   11,110   9.2%     53.0%    7,300    70.7%    3,810    29.3%    535     6.0%    8.06%



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