Implausible Gore voter defection: Further Confirmation of a Kerry Landslide



This analysis shows that for Bush to obtain his 3 million "mandate", he needed 21% of former Gore voters. According to the Final NEP (which was forced to match the recorded vote), he had 10%.


These are the facts:

There were 105.42m recorded votes in 2000.

Gore won by 51.00-50.46m or 48.4-47.9% (3.95m for Nader/other).


There were 122.3m recorded votes in 2004.

Bush won by 62.04-59.03m or 50.7-48.3% (1.22m for Nader/other).


These are the assumptions:

Of the 105.4m who voted in 2000, approximately

1) 5.3m died (1.25% annual voter mortality)

2) 5.0m did not return to vote in 2004 (95% turnout)

There were approximately 95.1m returning 2000 voters in 2004.


Assuming an equal 95% turnout of 2000 voters in 2004, 46.0m were former Gore, 45.5m Bush and 3.6m Nader/other voters. According to the Census Bureau, 125.7m votes were cast in 2004 (3.4m were uncounted).

There were approximately 30.6 million new voters in 2004!


According to the 12:22am National Exit Poll:

1) Kerry won 57% (17.4m) of new voters;
Bush won 41% (12.5m)

2) Kerry won 64% (2.3m) of returning Nader/others;
Bush won 17% (0.6m)

3) Kerry won 10% (4.6m) of returning Bush voters;
Bush won 90% (41.0m) of returning Bush voters.

4) Kerry won 91% (41.9m) of returning Gore voters;
Bush won 8% (3.7m) of returning Gore voters


If you believe that the vote shares for 1,2,3 above are accurate, and that Bush did in fact win by 3 million votes, then you must also believe that Bush won 9.7m of 46.0m ( 21%) Gore voters.

Approximately 3200 of 13047 respondents were asked how they voted in 2000. The exit poll vote discrepancy was 13% (21-8%). Assuming a 30% "cluster effect", the margin of error is 2.3%. The probability of a 13% vote discrepancy is ZERO.

So why would you believe that 21% of Gore voters defected to Bush while only 10% of Bush voters defected to Kerry?

On the other hand, if you believe that the vote shares in 4) are also accurate and that Bush won just 8% of returning Gore voters, then you must believe that Kerry won the True Vote by over 8 million.

The True Vote is calculated as:
Kerry = 91% of Gore + 10% of Bush +57% of New +64% of Other (Nader et al)
Bush  = 90% of Bush +   8% of Gore +41% of New +17% of Other 
Kerry =  66.2m  (52.6%) = 41.9 + 4.6 + 17.4 +2.3 
Bush  =  57.8m  (46.0%) = 41.0 + 3.7 + 12.5 +0.6 
Bush required 21% of Gore voters in order to match his 2004 vote share
12:22am NEP with adjusted Gore vote shares  
Feasible weights based on 1.25% annual voter mortality and 95% turnout of 2000 voters in 2004.       
Census total votes cast: 125.7m
                                   Vote share                Votes (mil)               
     Turnout     Voted    Mix      Kerry    Bush     Other    Kerry    Bush     Other
DNV      na       30.6     24.3%    57%      41%      2%        17.4    12.5      0.6 
Gore     95%      46.0     36.6%    78%      21%      1%        35.9     9.7      0.5 
Bush     95%      45.5     36.2%    10%      90%      0%        4.6     41.0      0.0   
Other    95%      3.6      2.8%     64%      17%      19%       2.3      0.6      0.7 
Total    100.1    125.7    100%     47.9%    50.7%    1.4%      60.2     63.8     1.8 
Calculation of the True Vote
Same as above but use actual 12:22am NEP vote shares
Kerry wins by 8.4m votes
                                   Vote share                Votes (mil)               
       Turnout   Voted    Mix      Kerry    Bush     Other    Kerry    Bush     Other
DNV      na       30.6     24.3%    57%      41%      2%        17.4    12.5     0.6 
Gore     95%      46.0     36.6%    91%      8%       1%        41.9     3.7     0.5 
Bush     95%      45.5     36.2%    10%      90%      0%        4.6      41.0    0.0   
Other    95%      3.6      2.8%     64%      17%      19%       2.3      0.6     0.7 
Total    100.15  125.7    100%     52.6%    46.0%    1.4%      66.2     57.8    1.8 
Sensitivity Analysis 
Calculate Kerry's vote share over a range of new and returning Gore vote shares.
The True Vote scenario is the most-likely base case.
Kerry    Kerry Share of New voters (DNV in 2000)                      
%Gore    53.0%    55.0%    57.0%    59.0%    61.0%
         Kerry Vote share
95%      53.1%    53.6%    54.1%    54.6%    55.1%
93%      52.4%    52.9%    53.4%    53.8%    54.3%
91%      51.7%    52.1%    52.6%    53.1%    53.6%
89%      50.9%    51.4%    51.9%    52.4%    52.9%
87%      50.2%    50.7%    51.2%    51.6%    52.1%
         Kerry Margin (millions)                     
95%      9.6      10.8     12.1     13.3     14.5 
93%      7.8      9.0      10.2     11.4     12.7 
91%      5.9      7.1      8.4      9.6      10.8 
89%      4.1      5.3      6.5      7.7      9.0 
87%      2.2      3.5      4.7      5.9      7.1 
2004 National Exit Poll (12:22am Composite)
(13047 respondents) 
122.3m recorded votes
Kerry wins by 4.5m votes
                          Vote share                Votes (mil)               
         Voted    Mix      Kerry    Bush     Other    Kerry    Bush     Other
DNV      20.8     17%      57%      41%      2%        11.9    8.5       0.4 
Gore     47.7     39%      91%      8%       1%        43.4    3.8       0.5 
Bush     50.1     41%      10%      90%      0%        5.0     45.1      0.0   
Other    3.7      3%       64%      17%      19%       2.3      0.6      0.7 
Total    122.3    100%     51.2%    47.5%    1.3%      62.6    58.1      1.6 
2004 Final Exit Poll (forced to match the recorded vote)
(13660 respondents) 
Bush wins by 2.8m votes
                          Vote share                Votes (mil)               
         Voted    Mix      Kerry    Bush     Other    Kerry    Bush     Other
DNV      20.8     17%      54%      45%      1%        11.2     9.4      0.2 
Gore     45.3     37%      90%      9%       1%        40.7     4.1      0.5 
Bush     52.6     43%      9%       91%      0%        4.7     47.9      0.0   
Other    3.7      3%       71%      21%      8%        2.6      0.8      0.3 
Total    122.3    100%     48.5%    50.7%    0.8%      59.3     62.1     1.0 
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