Prior Election Returning Voters: Mathematical proof that fraud cost Obama and Kerry over 6 million votes




Jan. 29, 2009


Simple mathematics proves that the 2004 and 2008 elections were fraudulent. In both elections, the returning voter mix required for the Final National Exit Poll to match the recorded vote was not just implausible – it was impossible. According to the Final NEP, more former Bush 2000 and 2004 voters returned to vote than were living in 2004 and 2008. The statistical anomaly has no rational explanation other than election fraud. The fact that it occurred twice is not coincidental.


Based on the recorded 2000 vote, Bush voter turnout in 2004 was an impossible 110.4%; Gore voter turnout was a plausible 94%. Based on the recorded 2004 vote, Bush voter turnout in 2008 was an impossible 102%; Kerry voter turnout was an implausibly low 87%.  Coincidentally, based on the 2004 unadjusted exit poll, Bush voter turnout in 2008 was 110.4% - exactly the same as in 2004; Kerry voter turnout was a ridiculously low 80%.


Proving that Obama and Kerry both did much better than the official recorded vote is really a straightforward exercise in logic. The key measure is turnout of prior election voters in the current election. A plausible voter mix is derived by adjusting the 2000, 2004 and 2008 recorded votes for a 1.2% annual mortality rate and assuming a 95% turnout of prior election voters still living. When reasonable, plausible estimates are made for returning (and new) voters, the resulting Obama and Kerry shares are 4% (and more than 6 million votes) higher than the official shares.


Note that there is no possible rebuttal of the recorded vote and mortality rates. The only unknown is the percent turnout of prior election voters (still living) who returned to vote. But unlike the implied NEP turnout, they must surely be less than 100%.  The equal 95% turnout assumption is based on historical turnout rates. Since prior election voter turnout is a critical assumption that determines the number of new voters, a sensitivity analysis is required to analyze other Gore/Bush and Kerry/Bush returning voter scenarios. The sensitivity tables display the Obama and Kerry vote shares for each combination. This should satisfy those who question base case voter turnout assumption. At a glance they can view the effects of deviations from the base case.


In 2008, Obama won the recorded vote by 9.5 million (69.5-59.9m). The analysis indicates that he must have won by at least 16m votes (73-57m). And that is conservative since it assumes the 2004 62-59m recorded vote (zero fraud).  Obama won by 22 million (76-54m) assuming the more-likely fraud scenario: Kerry won by the unadjusted aggregate exit poll 52-47% margin.


Since the US 2008 Vote Census is not yet available, uncounted votes are not included in the analysis. In every election, 70-80% of uncounted votes are Democratic. The analysis indicates that Kerry won by 52.5-46.1% (64-56m) - not including 3.45 million uncounted votes. The calculated Obama and Kerry True Vote shares are therefore both conservative.


The Obama, McCain, Bush and Kerry shares of returning voters are based on the National Exit Poll. The preliminary NEP is the best source, if it is available as it was in 2004.  The Preliminary 2008 NEP is not available, so the Final published shares were used. The 2004 Final NEP increased the Bush shares of returning and new voters over the Preliminary 12:22am NEP and changed the Bush/Gore returning voter mix from 41/39% to 43/37%. These changes were necessary in order to match the recorded count. 


To match the 2008 recorded vote:

Assuming the 2004 recorded vote and 100% prior voter turnout,

86.5% of Kerry and 102.3% of Bush voters had to turn out in 2008.


Assuming the 2004 unadjusted exit poll and 95% prior voter turnout,

84.5% of Kerry and 116.4% of Bush voters had to turn out in 2008.


To match the 2004 recorded vote:

Assuming the 2000 recorded vote and 100% prior voter turnout,

94.0% of Gore and 110.4% of Bush voters had to turn out in 2004.


Assuming the 2000 unadjusted exit poll and 95% prior voter turnout,

96.9% of Gore and 118.6% of Bush voters had to turn out in 2004.



Final National Exit Poll


Prior Election Voter Turnout Required to Match the Recorded Vote


2008 Voter Turnout

Kerry  Actual ExitP  Actual ExitP

Share  48.27% 52.0%  48.27% 52.0%

Turnout 100%  100%   95%    95%


2008 NEP

Kerry  86.5% 80.3% 91.0% 84.5% implausible

Bush   102.3% 110.4% 107.7% 116.2% impossible

Other  451.3% 451.3% 475.1% 475.1% impossible


2004 Voter Turnout

Gore   Actual ExitP  Actual ExitP

Share  48.38% 49.4%  48.38% 49.4%

Turnout 100%  100%   95%    95%


2004 NEP

Gore   94.0% 92.0% 98.9% 96.9% plausible

Bush   110.4% 112.6% 116.2% 118.6% impossible

Other  98.1%  98.1%  103.3% 104.9% plausible/impossible



2008 National Exit Poll                                                                                                                


                   2004     Mix      Voted     Obama       McCain   Other    Obama     McCain   Other

            New     13%      17.08     71%         27%      2%       12.13     4.61     0.34

         Kerry    37%      48.61     89%         9%       2%       43.26     4.37     0.97

         Bush     46%      60.43     17%         82%      1%       10.27     49.55    0.60

         Other    4%       5.25      66%         24%      10%      3.47      1.26     0.53


         Total    100%     131.37    52.62%      45.52%   1.86%    69.13     59.80    2.44

                                                    Margin   9.33             


Bush and Other voter turnout is impossible.


Calculate a plausible returning voter mix assuming 4.8% mortality and 95% turnout.


1. Returning voters based on 2004 recorded vote


2004       Actual   UnadjEP   Voted     Died        Alive    Turnout  Voted 08  NEP/Voted NEP/Alive

Kerry      48.27%   52.0%     59.03     2.83        56.20    95%      53.39     91.0%    86.5%

Bush       50.73%   47.0      62.04     2.98        59.06    95%      56.11     107.7%   102.3%

Other      1.00%    1.00%     1.22      0.06        1.16     95%      1.11      475.1%   451.3%


Total      100.0%   100.0%    122.30    5.87        116.43   95%      110.61    118.8%   112.8%



Turnout    2004     Mix      Voted     Obama       McCain   Other    Obama     McCain   Other

           New      15.8%    20.76     71%         27%      2%       14.74     5.61     0.42

95%        Kerry    40.6%    53.39     89%         9%       2%       47.52     4.81     1.07

95%        Bush     42.7%    56.11     17%         82%      1%       9.54      46.01    0.56

95%        Other    0.8%     1.11      66%         24%      10%      0.73      0.27     0.11


         Total    100.0%   131.37    55.21%      43.15%   1.64%    72.53     56.69    2.15

                                                    Margin   15.84                           


2. Returning voters based on 2004 unadjusted exit poll


2004       Actual   UnadjEP   Voted     Died        Alive    Turnout  Voted 08  NEP/Voted NEP/Alive

Kerry      48.27%   52.00%    63.60     3.05        60.54    95%      57.52     84.5%    80.3%

Bush       50.73%   47.00%    57.48     2.76        54.72    95%      51.99     116.2%   110.4%

Other      1.00%    1.00%     1.22      0.06        1.16     95%      1.11      475.1%   451.3%


Total      100.0%   100.0%    122.30    5.87        116.43   95%      110.61    118.8%   112.8%



Turnout    2004     Mix        Voted   Obama    McCain   Other     Obama      McCain   Other

           New      15.8%      20.76   71%      27%      2%        14.74      5.61     0.42

95%        Kerry    43.8%      57.52   89%      9%       2%        51.19      5.18     1.15

95%        Bush     39.6%      51.99   17%      82%      1%        8.84       42.63    0.52

95%        Other    0.8%       1.11    66%      24%      10%       0.73       0.27     0.11


         Total    100.0%     131.37  57.47%   40.86%   1.67%     75.50      53.68    2.20

                                                  Margin    21.82                              



Sensitivity of Obama share to Kerry 2004 vote share and Bush voter turnout in 2008                                                          


                         Obama Vote Share                                   

95% Kerry Voter Turnout                                        


Bush voter Kerry                    Kerry       Kerry    Kerry                    

Turnout    Recorded                 NEP         UnadjEP  True Vote                 

           48.27%   49.0%    50.0%     51.0%       52.0%    53.1%   


85%        57.6%    58.0%    58.6%     59.2%       59.7%    60.4%   

90%        56.4%    56.8%    57.4%     58.0%       58.6%    59.3%                      


95%        55.21%   55.7%    56.3%     56.9%       57.47%   58.2%                      


100%       54.0%    54.5%    55.1%     55.7%       56.3%    57.1%                      

105%       52.78%   53.3%    53.9%     54.6%       55.22%   56.0%                      

110%       51.6%    52.1%    52.7%     53.4%       54.1%    54.9%                      

115%       50.4%    50.9%    51.6%     52.3%       53.0%    53.8%                      


                          Obama Margin                                                  


85%        22.3     23.4     24.8      26.3        27.8     29.5                       

90%        19.1     20.2     21.7      23.3        24.8     26.6                       


95%        15.8     17.0     18.6      20.2        21.8     23.7                       


100%       12.6     13.8     15.5      17.2        18.8     20.7                       

105%       9.4      10.7     12.4      14.1        15.9     17.8                       

110%       6.2      7.5      9.3       11.1        12.9     14.9                       

115%       3.0      4.3      6.2       8.0         9.9      12.0                                                   



Sensitivity of Obama share to Kerry and Bush voter turnout in 2008


1. Returning voters based on recorded 2004 vote  


Even with 85% Kerry and 95% Bush voter turnout, Obama has 54.4%.



                                    Obama Vote Share                                                                                                                            

Bush voter                                                                                                                 

Turnout                                Kerry Voter Turnout                                                                                                               

           85%      90%      95%       100%                                             


85%        56.9%    57.3%    57.6%     58.0%                                           

90%        55.7%    56.0%    56.4%     56.8%                                           


95%        54.4%    54.8%    55.21%    55.6%                                           


100%       53.2%    53.6%    54.0%     54.4%                                           

105%       52.0%    52.4%    52.8%     53.2%                                           

110%       50.8%    51.2%    51.6%     52.0%                                           

115%       49.6%    50.0%    50.4%     50.7%                                           


                  Obama Margin                                                        


85%        20.25    21.27    22.28     23.29                                          

90%        17.04    18.05    19.06     20.07                                          


95%        13.82    14.83    15.84     16.85                                          


100%       10.60    11.61    12.62     13.63                                          

105%       7.38     8.39     9.40      10.41                                          

110%       4.16     5.17     6.18      7.19                                          

115%       0.94     1.95     2.96      3.98



2. Returning voters based on 2004 unadjusted exit poll  


Even with 85% Kerry and 95% Bush voter turnout, Obama had 56.6%.


Bush voter    

Turnout                                Kerry Voter Turnout           

                         85%      90%       95%        100%


85%        58.9%    59.3%     59.7%      60.1%

90%        57.8%    58.2%     58.6%      59.0%


95%        56.6%    57.1%     57.47%     57.9%


100%       55.5%    55.9%     56.3%      56.8%

105%       54.4%    54.8%     55.2%      55.6%

110%       53.3%    53.7%     54.1%      54.5%

115%       52.1%    52.6%     53.0%      53.4%


                    Obama Margin        


85%        25.61    26.70     27.79      28.88

90%        22.62    23.71     24.80      25.89


95%        19.64    20.73     21.82      22.91


100%       16.66    17.75     18.84      19.93

105%       13.68    14.77     15.86      16.95

110%       10.70    11.79     12.87      13.96

115%       7.71     8.80      9.89       10.98




2004 National Exit Poll                                                     


Bush 2000 voter turnout in 2004 is impossible.

Calculate a returning 2000 voter mix assuming 4.8% mortality and 95% turnout of 2000 voters.


Scenario 1: Returning voters based on 2000 Recorded Vote


1. Final 2004 National Exit Poll Vote Shares                                                   


2000        Recorded  UnadjEP   Vote   Died       Alive     Turnout  Voted 04          

Gore        48.38%    49.40%    51.00  2.45       48.56     95%      46.13             

Bush        47.86%    46.90%    50.46  2.42       48.03     95%      45.63             

Other       3.76%     3.70%     3.96   0.22       3.74      95%      3.56             


Total       100.0%    100.0%    105.42 5.06       100.33    95%      95.32            



Turnout     2004      Mix       Votes  Kerry      Bush      Other    Kerry     Bush     Other

            New       22.1%     26.98  54%        45%       1%       14.57     12.14    0.27

95%         Gore      37.7%     46.13  90%        10%       0%       41.52     4.61     0.00

95%         Bush      37.3%     45.63  9%         91%       0%       4.11      41.53    0.00

95%         Other     2.9%      3.56   71%        21%       8%       2.52      0.75     0.28


          Total     100.0%    122.30 51.28%     48.26%    0.45%    62.72     59.03    0.55

                                                    Margin   3.69                             


2. 12:22am National Exit Poll Vote Shares                                                      


Turnout     2004      Mix       Votes  Kerry      Bush      Other    Kerry     Bush     Other

            New       22.1%     26.98  57%        41%       2%       15.38     11.06    0.54

95%         Gore      37.7%     46.13  91%        8%        1%       41.98     3.69     0.46

95%         Bush      37.3%     45.63  10%        90%       0%       4.56      41.07    0.00

95%         Other     2.9%      3.56   64%        17%       19%      2.28      0.60     0.68


          Total     100.0%    122.30 52.49%     46.14%    1.37%    64.20     56.43    1.68

                                                    Margin   7.77                             


Sensitivity of Kerry Vote Share to Gore and Bush voter turnout in 2004                                                                       


Even if 100% of Bush 2000 voters turned out and only 85% of Gore voters, Kerry had 50.2%


Bush Voter                        Kerry Vote Share                                                                                         

Turnout                                    Gore Voter Turnout                                                                                                           

            85%       90%       95%    100%                                            


85%         53.0%     53.7%     54.3%  55.0%                                           

90%         52.1%     52.7%     53.4%  54.1%                                           

95%         51.1%     51.8%     52.49% 53.2%                                           


100%        50.2%     50.9%     51.6%  52.2%                                           


105%        49.3%     50.0%     50.6%  51.3%                                           

110%        48.4%     49.0%     49.7%  50.4%                                           

115%        47.4%     48.1%     48.8%  49.5%                                           


                    Kerry Margin                                                 


85%         9.13      10.75     12.38  14.01                                         

90%         6.82      8.45      10.07  11.70                                         


95%         4.52      6.14      7.77   9.40                                          


100%        2.21      3.84      5.46   7.09                                          

105%        -0.10     1.53      3.16   4.78                                          

110%        -2.40     -0.77     0.85   2.48                                          

115%        -4.71     -3.08     -1.45  0.17                                        



Scenario 2: Returning 2000 voters based on 2000 Unadjusted Exit Poll


2000        Recorded  UnadjEP   Vote   Died       Alive     Turnout  Voted 04          

Gore        48.38%    49.40%    52.08  2.50       49.58     95%      47.10             

Bush        47.86%    46.90%    49.44  2.37       47.07     95%      44.72             

Other       3.76%     3.70%     3.90   0.22       3.68      95%      3.50             


Total       100.0%    100.0%    105.42 5.06       100.33    95%      95.31            



1. Final National Exit Poll Vote Shares                                                           


Turnout     2004      Mix       Votes  Kerry      Bush      Other    Kerry     Bush     Other

            New       22.1%     26.99  54%        45%       1%       14.57     12.14    0.27

95%         Gore      38.5%     47.10  90%        10%       0%       42.39     4.71     0.00

95%         Bush      36.6%     44.72  9%         91%       0%       4.02      40.69    0.00

95%         Other     2.9%      3.50   71%        21%       8%       2.48      0.73     0.28


          Total     100.0%    122.30 51.90%     47.65%    0.45%    63.47     58.28    0.55

                                                    Margin   5.19             


2. 12:22am National Exit Poll Vote Shares


Turnout     2004      Mix       Votes  Kerry      Bush      Other    Kerry     Bush     Other

            New       22.1%     26.99  57%        41%       2%       15.38     11.06    0.54

95%         Gore      38.5%     47.10  91%        8%        1%       42.86     3.77     0.47

95%         Bush      36.6%     44.72  10%        90%       0%       4.47      40.24    0.00

95%         Other     2.9%      3.50   64%        17%       19%      2.24      0.59     0.66


          Total     100.0%    122.30 53.11%     45.52%    1.37%    64.95     55.67    1.68

                                                    Margin   9.28             



Sensitivity of Kerry Vote Share to Gore and Bush voter turnout in 2004


Even if 100% of Bush 2000 voters turned out and only 85% of Gore voters, Kerry had 50.8%


Bush Voter                             Kerry Vote Share                                                                                                                          

Turnout                                    Gore Voter Turnout                                                                                                                      


            85%       90%       95%    100%                                            


85%         53.5%     54.2%     54.9%  55.6%                                           

90%         52.6%     53.3%     54.0%  54.7%                                           


95%         51.7%     52.4%     53.11% 53.8%                                           


100%        50.8%     51.5%     52.2%  52.9%                                           

105%        49.9%     50.6%     51.3%  52.0%                                           

110%        49.0%     49.7%     50.4%  51.1%                                           

115%        48.1%     48.8%     49.5%  50.2%                                           


                    Kerry Margin                                                     


85%         10.48     12.14     13.80  15.46                                         

90%         8.22      9.88      11.54  13.20                                         


95%         5.96      7.62      9.28   10.94                                         


100%        3.70      5.36      7.02   8.68                                          

105%        1.44      3.10      4.76   6.42                                          

110%        -0.82     0.84      2.50   4.17                                          

115%        -3.08     -1.42     0.25   1.91                                        


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